OMNI's Art Thread


My avatar speaks for itself.
I have a favor to ask. :) Could you do an anaglyph for me? Take your Atlantis rendering, and then take a screenshot. Then, rotate 15% and take another screenshot. Those two photos can be turned into a 3d red/cyan anaglyph and I can see the city in 3D. I got these cool red/blue 3D glasses from Amaxon and I have been taking 3D photos and checking out the anaglyph videos on YouTube. Lots of fun! I would love to see Atlantis in 3D. :)
sometime maybe...

Hmm, fair enough.
I just figured "concept art" may have been "better protected" (?) than something any old mook could screen cap and "blow up" somewhere.

its not.


My avatar speaks for itself.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
lightwave site now public.. my renders of the corridor is featured in the Stasys article in the news section..

fucking awesome to have one images on the software developers site as an advert on what the software can do.. milestone in my book and something i never expected..

Oh, yeah! Big milestone, brother!


Very nice rendering. I like the minor details on the ship like the surface scars. Gives it a real aged, beat up look.


My avatar speaks for itself.
Oh, yeah! Big milestone, brother!

Very nice rendering. I like the minor details on the ship like the surface scars. Gives it a real aged, beat up look.
Thaks bro!

dude everytime you say "brother" i hear the hulk.. ie hulk hogan since you hang out in florida too its like.. WTF!! :P

and yes came out kinda neat.. 1min 20sec/frame avrage rendertime compared to old system where it wpould have been 1h 43min/frame

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Thaks bro!

dude everytime you say "brother" i hear the hulk.. ie hulk hogan since you hang out in florida too its like.. WTF!! :P

and yes came out kinda neat.. 1min 20sec/frame avrage rendertime compared to old system where it wpould have been 1h 43min/frame

Oh, man! That brings me back to the 80s!:laughing:

You know, I picked up the habit of calling friends bro or brother after I started bodybuilding. It's part of the whole bodybuilding subculture, which has to do with fellow bodybuilders helping each other because we're all brothers in a sense. :D


My avatar speaks for itself.
Oh, man! That brings me:D back to the 80s!:laughing:

You know, I picked up the habit of calling friends bro or brother after I started bodybuilding. It's part of the whole bodybuilding subculture, which has to do with fellow bodybuilders helping each other because we're all brothers in a sense. :D


Well Known GateFan
Omni, do you have a model of either the Defiant from DS9 or an X wing?

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Nice work! Looks like a character from some upcoming kick-ass video game you're not telling us about.


My avatar speaks for itself.
Nice work! Looks like a character from some upcoming kick-ass video game you're not telling us about.
its actually a mod of an existing game.. and its already out and quite well known... i posted a vid on it in the games section i think.. check it out "DayZ"

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
its actually a mod of an existing game.. and its already out and quite well known... i posted a vid on it in the games section i think.. check it out "DayZ"

:D Ok, just noticed. I should have paid attention to the t-shirt where it says "DAYZ". :D