OMNI's Art Thread


Well Known GateFan
I love the escapism these types of scapes inspire. I could look at space scapes like these for hours.

I was having serious Robotech Flashbacks, I was Seriously expecting the ship to turn into a 'bot at some point.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

Dude, your renderings look BETTER than the original. Seriously. The detail, the colors and the angles you choose look exciting even as stills. It still makes me laugh that the moronic children who dissed you when they were wanting to do something SGU has anything to say! Even this new Distant Hope thing could benefit from your work.


Well Known GateFan
Destiny was a very pretty ship, at least, from the outside.


My avatar speaks for itself.
Dude, your renderings look BETTER than the original. Seriously. The detail, the colors and the angles you choose look exciting even as stills. It still makes me laugh that the moronic children who dissed you when they were wanting to do something SGU has anything to say! Even this new Distant Hope thing could benefit from your work.
naw the texturing and composition work done for the show has a much cooler and relistic look (sometimes) there are some clips used in the show that dont hold up to well tho.

as for me on distant hope? HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELL NO... tho maybe if they pulled me full rates for the work... (2k/week) :D


Objects may be closer than they appear
naw the texturing and composition work done for the show has a much cooler and relistic look (sometimes) there are some clips used in the show that dont hold up to well tho.

as for me on distant hope? HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELL NO... tho maybe if they pulled me full rates for the work... (2k/week) :D

From what I've seen, I don't know if they are spending 2K per movie. :D

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
naw i dont agree. the early Concepts Perez had going were much cooler sleaker and "ancienty" before the studio input muddeled up the design.

Can you render one based on that design?


Well Known GateFan
I think as they are conceptual work OMNI would get in trouble.


Well Known GateFan
All I know is this thread is sorely lacking in digitally rendered nudes. There, I've said my piece. :sour:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Thanks bro!

for some reason the first pic has gotten 1200 or so views in 24h... weird..

I have a favor to ask. :) Could you do an anaglyph for me? Take your Atlantis rendering, and then take a screenshot. Then, rotate 15% and take another screenshot. Those two photos can be turned into a 3d red/cyan anaglyph and I can see the city in 3D. I got these cool red/blue 3D glasses from Amaxon and I have been taking 3D photos and checking out the anaglyph videos on YouTube. Lots of fun! I would love to see Atlantis in 3D. :)


Well Known GateFan
If he were to get in trouble I imagine reproducing anything copyrighted would be sufficient.

Hmm, fair enough.
I just figured "concept art" may have been "better protected" (?) than something any old mook could screen cap and "blow up" somewhere.