How will SGU end?


GateFans Member
What fucking show have you been watching? I have seen every episode so far and they only use the gate a handfull of times. They should have called in com stone universe as they use those much more often.'re right.....I guess every time they've gone to a planet from the ship that big, shimmering wall of water they walk through must be completely unrelated to the Stargate.


GateFans Noob
If SGU is meant to be more realistic then they failed. Anyone remember the episode from SG-1 when they were testing/training the new recruits? They were put through some harsh tests to even make it on a team.

Now look at the military on-board's not realistic at all. SGA had military and scientists etc yet they worked (even before they made contact with earth...even though they never knew they would ever see home again).

These people on Destiny have neither the skills nor the mental state to be allowed to be on a off world base...let alone a damn ancient ship!.

Scott (if he makes it home) would be up for court marshal for not only not following orders but also for leaving his post, having sex with fellow military personal etc and the list goes on. That also goes for Young too!

Nothing of this show really cries out any realistic notion of what would happen if it were real.

and SGA may have not been fighting the big bad glowing bad asses but it was not only set on the Wraith. They did alot of exploring, there was drama within the ranks and the mystery was captivating. SGU does not even mount to one of these qualities.

I agree that it is not our place to say what direction SG should go in but as a SG fan i can clearly see they stopped being Stargate the moment they decided with this direction. Not to mention how many of us fans brought the DVDs under the promise we would see new SG films but that was just a promise to keep us all happy for the ratings.

SGU is not a scifi show at heart where as, SG1 and SGA were. The original Stargate film was set in the scifi genre. I mean after all it was a scifi film and it did well if memory serves me correctly.

With the success of SG1 and SGA and the original film i find it hard to understand why they would want or need to change the genre and feel.

They have forgotten what has made SG great and what attracted the following that it did.


GateFans Member
OK list every episode where they actually walk through the gate.

Off the top of my head:

Air parts 1 and 3, Water, Lost, Subversion, Incursion parts 1 and 2, Faith

And they don't have to use the gate every episode. They certainly didn't use the gate in every episode of SG1.

Besides, the original point was:

well moron for it to be STARGATE it has to use the freaking STARGATE!!!

Which, of course, they do.


GateFans Member
If SGU is meant to be more realistic then they failed. Anyone remember the episode from SG-1 when they were testing/training the new recruits? They were put through some harsh tests to even make it on a team.

Now look at the military on-board's not realistic at all. SGA had military and scientists etc yet they worked (even before they made contact with earth...even though they never knew they would ever see home again).

These people on Destiny have neither the skills nor the mental state to be allowed to be on a off world base...let alone a damn ancient ship!.

That's sort of the point of the show though....they're the WRONG people in the WRONG place. They're not supposed to be there. Young isn't supposed to be in command, Telford is.

That group wasn't meant to be on Destiny, they're there because they evacuated Icarus base and wound up on the ship.

Scott (if he makes it home) would be up for court marshal for not only not following orders but also for leaving his post, having sex with fellow military personal etc and the list goes on. That also goes for Young too!

When Jack, Carter, Teal'c and Daniel went through the Stargate to foil the attack on earth at the end of season one were they 1) following orders or 2) disobeying orders?

That's sort of a staple of the SG franchise, from time to time our heroes buck the 'system' as it were.

Nothing of this show really cries out any realistic notion of what would happen if it were real.

Neither did SGA or SG1.

and SGA may have not been fighting the big bad glowing bad asses but it was not only set on the Wraith. They did alot of exploring, there was drama within the ranks and the mystery was captivating. SGU does not even mount to one of these qualities.

It's not like SGA or SG1 at all, but that doesn't mean it's not captivating. While it lacks a lot of the action/adventure we've grown accustomed to it instead is more character focused.

It's not bad, just different.

I agree that it is not our place to say what direction SG should go in but as a SG fan i can clearly see they stopped being Stargate the moment they decided with this direction. Not to mention how many of us fans brought the DVDs under the promise we would see new SG films but that was just a promise to keep us all happy for the ratings.

It sucks but we have to be patient. We don't know what the future holds, we may have to wait awhile but that doesn't mean that the movies aren't going to be made.

SGU is not a scifi show at heart where as, SG1 and SGA were. The original Stargate film was set in the scifi genre. I mean after all it was a scifi film and it did well if memory serves me correctly.

Well, they were Military Sci-Fi shows. It's not 'sci-fi' the same way Next Gen or DS9 was or something like 2001 or something.

And it's a show about a group of airmen/marines and scientists stuck aboard an alien vessel millions of light years from home as they tumble through the void going from planet to planet exploring them, getting supplies all the while fending off attacks from various alien groups.

Sounds a bit sci-fi to me.....

With the success of SG1 and SGA and the original film i find it hard to understand why they would want or need to change the genre and feel.

I imagine that there were Trek fans who asked the same questions when DS9 debuted in the 90's.

That turned out pretty well though iirc lol.

They have forgotten what has made SG great and what attracted the following that it did.

They haven't forgotten it, they're just doing something completely different.

Good, bad,indifferent,it's just a different kind of show.


GateFans Member
Only 40% of the time which is piss poor aint it?

What percentage would you be more comfortable with?

What we should do is take that number, jot it down on a bright green post-it-note, affix it to the side of a carrier pigeon, dial up the gate to TPTB and let them know that, hey, SERIOUS BUSINESS.....for Season Two they MUST make use of the Stargate X amount of times.



Are you sure that they used it in faith? Wasn't that when they used the rust bucket shuttles?

They might have, like I said it's off the top of my head but does it matter?

You already have a fixed number in your head that you've determined is the IDEAL NUMBER OF TIMES THEY MUST USE THE STARGATE and, no matter what, the first season of SGU didn't deliver that to you.

Keep in mind too that in the actual MOVIE they only used it TWICE. Once to go through to get there and once to return, and even then you never actually see them return to Earth.

Yet I'd be willing to bet that no one here would bitch-n-moan about that.


GateFans Member
Why oh why would the wrong people even be on a top secret base like Icarus in the first place? Ah, I remember, it's because this show is realistic :laughing:

Hmmm....I see.

You want a realistic show that centers around an alien device that can instantly transport human beings throughout the cosmos.

It reminds me of the Simpsons:

Okay, how many of the kids would like Itchy & Scratchy to deal with real life problems like the ones you face every day?


And who would like to see them do just the opposite, getting into far-out situations involving robots and magic powers?


So you want a realistic down-to-earth show that's completely off the wall and swarming with magic robots?


Besides, they're on Icarus because they're still researching the 9 chevron address, they're completely unprepared for actually dialing it and going through the gate.

If you'd actually seen it you would have realized that the L.A. attack prompted their evacuation to Destiny.


GateFans Noob
I'm sorry but comparing DS9 to TNG in the same vein as the popular comparison of SGU and SG1, is I'm afraid, illogical and invalid.

DS9 although a lot more character oriented and with less action than TNG , still had most of the Star Trek elements. It's what I call the "Roddenberry Equation" . Sure the show wasn't for everyone, fine, but the characters were as geeky as before.

The adventures tended to conclude by the end of the episode.
The stories and characters made heavy use of the Lore, and technology employed in TNG.
It still had "Away missions" , new aliens, space battles, holo decks....

It was a slower paced show, but it was definitely Star Trek. No doubt about it.

You see, DS9 wasn't moving away from what we knew and loved about Star Trek, it tried to elaborate on it.

SGU on the other hand, is admitedly, (if you have read interviews, rants and articles by Mallozi and Wright), moving away from the Stargate as we knew it.

To put it in the most direct way I can think of:

DS9 = Embrace the geeks, and who cares about the rest.
SGU = Try to get everyone to love it, screw the geeks (true stargate fans).

I don't know how many times it needs to be said man, but:

SGU isn't fucking STARGATE.

It's totally different. It's designed that way. It's just a stupid attempt at a money grab.
TBTP don't five a fuck about the real stargate fans. You know, the smart people, not the reality tv watching morons.



GateFans Member
So you love the show so much that you can't even remember which episodes they actually use the gate in. Says a lot about how captivating the show is. You must be a mind reader to know what I am thinking so you should have the answer to how many times the gate should be used in a series. It would be dangerous to send a pigeon as Eli might eat it.
Going to watch two eps of SG! now while I have my tea but will be back later to bitch slap you around a bit more later.


Now that the douche has been dismissed I'll check out some SGU on Hulu, the last five are up and there's a ton of interviews/specials to check out.


Moderator & Mckay Super Fan
I went with 3 seasons. My reason being I think cost will out way ratings etc.

Sga was cancelled in its fifth season, one of the many and varied reasons given was the cost as it increases each year. SGPOO has started out twice as expensive in its first year compared to sga's first year therfore it is going to hit the profit/loss margin quicker. If, and I mean its a big if the ratings suddenly go stellar I.E pulling in 2mill plus per ep live then yes maybe 5 seasons, but i cant see it happening.


GateFans Noob
DS9 was a series with competent, honest and nice characters, who were doing their best to protect the Federation and Bajor and overall innocent people from harm. The characters had different backgrounds and looks. There were aliens and humans with different ethnicities who work well together. There were a clear camaraderie and friendship between the characters. They trusted each other and risks their lives for each other. So all in all the "soul" of Star Trek wasn't changed with DS9. The important things of Star Trek remained the same. DS9 wasn't a "radical shift" from prior Star Trek series.

SGU on the other hand, is really a "radical shift" from the older Stargate series, although I would say that calling it a "radical shift" is an understatement. The characters in SGU are completely incompetent and should have never been accepted into a top secret program like the Stargate program. The commanding officers (Young) is practically a murderer (he thought Rush would die). There is a huge mistrust between the characters. They are more fighting each other, than outside enemies. All in all the characters have nothing in common with the characters in SG1 and SGA. SGU characters aren't nice, honest people, fighting to protect innocent people and earth. They are only concerned with themselves and power struggles between them. They are also more concerned with their private lives (all kind of lovers on earth and on the Destiny), than with getting along with each other and improving the situation for all on the Destiny. All in all SGU has abandoned the important parts of Stargate completely. SGU puts Stargate's "soul" into a trash can.

Here here. It looks like we composed our DS9 vs TNG posts at the same time (see above).

You make great points here as well.


Moderator & Mckay Super Fan
DS9 was a series with competent, honest and nice characters, who were doing their best to protect the Federation and Bajor and overall innocent people from harm. The characters had different backgrounds and looks. There were aliens and humans with different ethnicities who work well together. There were a clear camaraderie and friendship between the characters. They trusted each other and risks their lives for each other. So all in all the "soul" of Star Trek wasn't changed with DS9. The important things of Star Trek remained the same. DS9 wasn't a "radical shift" from prior Star Trek series.

SGU on the other hand, is really a "radical shift" from the older Stargate series, although I would say that calling it a "radical shift" is an understatement. The characters in SGU are completely incompetent and should have never been accepted into a top secret program like the Stargate program. The commanding officers (Young) is practically a murderer (he thought Rush would die). There is a huge mistrust between the characters. They are more fighting each other, than outside enemies. All in all the characters have nothing in common with the characters in SG1 and SGA. SGU characters aren't nice, honest people, fighting to protect innocent people and earth. They are only concerned with themselves and power struggles between them. They are also more concerned with their private lives (all kind of lovers on earth and on the Destiny), than with getting along with each other and improving the situation for all on the Destiny. All in all SGU has abandoned the important parts of Stargate completely. SGU puts Stargate's "soul" into a trash can.

yep who do we route for? ive said it before but if i dont connect with the characters im not going to watch the programme. I need something to care and route for not spend my time concocting was for them to die.

If you like it bully for you, enjoy it. I just dont.


GateFans Member
I'm sorry but comparing DS9 to TNG in the same vein as the popular comparison of SGU and SG1, is I'm afraid, illogical and invalid.

DS9 although a lot more character oriented and with less action than TNG , still had most of the Star Trek elements. It's what I call the "Roddenberry Equation" . Sure the show wasn't for everyone, fine, but the characters where as geeky as before.

So the Star Trek elements of exploration and traveling into the unknown were retained HOW on a space station, lol?

The adventures tended to conclude by the end of the episode.
The stories and characters made heavy use of the Lore, and technology employed in TNG.
It still had "Away missions" , new aliens, space battles, holo decks....

SGU: Stories and characters make heavy use of the 'Lore' and technology employed in SG1 and SGA.

It has gate travel, new aliens, space battles, etc.

It was a slower paced show, but it was definitely Star Trek. No doubt about it.

SGU: Slower paced show but definitely Stargate, no doubt about it.

You see, DS9 wasn't moving away from what we knew and loved about Star Trek, it tried to elaborate on it.

Yet there were a handful of babies that bitched and moaned about it when it debuted saying ''s not the REAL Star's so DIFFERENT....'

Like we see now with folks hating on SGU.

SGU on the other hand, is admitedly, (if you have read interviews, rants and articles by Mallozi and Wright), moving away from the Stargate as we knew it.

Telling different stories isn't 'moving away from Stargate as we know it'.

You don't really think that, should the SGA movie become green lit, that it's going to be done similarly to SGU do you?

Of course not. It's going to be a natural extension of SGA just like the SG1 movies were natural extensions of that show.

This is but one part of the larger SG tapestry.

To put it in the most direct way I can think of:

DS9 = Embrace the geeks, and who cares about the rest.
SGU = Try to get everyone to love it, screw the geeks (true stargate fans).

A better, more accurate way to put it would be:

DS9/SGU = People bitch and moan about it when it debuts.

I don't know how many times it needs to be said man, but:

SGU isn't fucking STARGATE.


Apparently MGM disagrees with you:


Sorry, I think they have a better handle of what SG actually is.


GateFans Noob
That's sort of the point of the show though....they're the WRONG people in the WRONG place. They're not supposed to be there. Young isn't supposed to be in command, Telford is.

That group wasn't meant to be on Destiny, they're there because they evacuated Icarus base and wound up on the ship.

When Jack, Carter, Teal'c and Daniel went through the Stargate to foil the attack on earth at the end of season one were they 1) following orders or 2) disobeying orders?

That's sort of a staple of the SG franchise, from time to time our heroes buck the 'system' as it were.

Neither did SGA or SG1.

It's not like SGA or SG1 at all, but that doesn't mean it's not captivating. While it lacks a lot of the action/adventure we've grown accustomed to it instead is more character focused.

It's not bad, just different.

It sucks but we have to be patient. We don't know what the future holds, we may have to wait awhile but that doesn't mean that the movies aren't going to be made.

Well, they were Military Sci-Fi shows. It's not 'sci-fi' the same way Next Gen or DS9 was or something like 2001 or something.

And it's a show about a group of airmen/marines and scientists stuck aboard an alien vessel millions of light years from home as they tumble through the void going from planet to planet exploring them, getting supplies all the while fending off attacks from various alien groups.

Sounds a bit sci-fi to me.....

I imagine that there were Trek fans who asked the same questions when DS9 debuted in the 90's.

That turned out pretty well though iirc lol.

They haven't forgotten it, they're just doing something completely different.

Good, bad,indifferent,it's just a different kind of show.

That's sort of the point of the show though....they're the WRONG people in the WRONG place. They're not supposed to be there. Young isn't supposed to be in command, Telford is.

My point is they made it on the off world base which would mean they would have faced some sort of training/assessment before being allowed to step foot on a top secret base (on earth) then to go off world i am sure only those who showed the qualities to merit such travel would have been assigned.

Why would SG command send un-qualified non military personal off world at the chance the base could be attacked?.

When Jack, Carter, Teal'c and Daniel went through the Stargate to foil the attack on earth at the end of season one were they 1) following orders or 2) disobeying orders?

How many times they break the rules to go have sex? How many times did Jack break the chain of command to have relations with Sam? (other then the funny time loop episode)

Their actions were most likely deemed justified to breach such orders. In the case of Scott and young how could they possibly justify having sex with military personal below them? How could Scott justify not following Youngs orders when he and the "others" wanted to stay on the planet? Young had to BRIBE scott to get back on the ship..that's not a military command!.

It's not like SGA or SG1 at all, but that doesn't mean it's not captivating. While it lacks a lot of the action/adventure we've grown accustomed to it instead is more character focused.

It's not bad, just different.

SGU is nothing like SG1 or SGA that is very true. If it were then so many people would not have such a problem with it. People liked the Stargate format we just wanted it to follow it on from there and build upon it and go further. It's solely focused on the charters not on the aspect of the Scifi Stargate franchise that it descended from.

They haven't forgotten it, they're just doing something completely different.

Good, bad,indifferent,it's just a different kind of show

Really? Humour, Action, Scifi, far they only got small amount of action. Mixed with how many aliens? Humour on SGU is about as dry as the sands on that planet from season 1!.

It's a whole new genre of show and they are trying to have their cake and eat it. They want to be under the banner of "stargate" while trying to be a over the top drama based show. It don't work and the ratings are reflecting that.

Chalk and cheese do not mix like SGU and the Stargate franchise. No matter how you spin the minor qualities of this sad show the high quality story lines and ratings of previous Stargate shows will out way any argument.

Stargate the movie = Done very well at box office (i am not clear the amount)
SG1 = Very good ratings
SGA = Very good ratings
SGU = Poor ratings

Do the maths SG1 and SGA had the right amount of ingredients to attract the viewers. SGU ignored this and tried their own style and the ratings reflect the results.

Ratings + reviews clearly show people liked the old style format of Stargate and want it back!

do the maths 2 shows


Moderator & Mckay Super Fan
So the Star Trek elements of exploration and traveling into the unknown were retained HOW on a space station, lol?

SGU: Stories and characters make heavy use of the 'Lore' and technology employed in SG1 and SGA.

It has gate travel, new aliens, space battles, etc.

SGU: Slower paced show but definitely Stargate, no doubt about it.

Yet there were a handful of babies that bitched and moaned about it when it debuted saying ''s not the REAL Star's so DIFFERENT....'

Like we see now with folks hating on SGU.

Telling different stories isn't 'moving away from Stargate as we know it'.

You don't really think that, should the SGA movie become green lit, that it's going to be done similarly to SGU do you?

Of course not. It's going to be a natural extension of SGA just like the SG1 movies were natural extensions of that show.

This is but one part of the larger SG tapestry.

A better, more accurate way to put it would be:

DS9/SGU = People bitch and moan about it when it debuts.


Apparently MGM disagrees with you:


Sorry, I think they have a better handle of what SG actually is.

Realy im not sure what the big deal is, who cares if some dont think its stargate? its not going to effect your enjoyment of the show is it.

And look not to be pushy or anything but Raco is my personal arch nemesis, she normaly is hating on me so, no stealing there buddy :argue:


GateFans Member
An intelligent, thought provoking response that raises some interesting points?

Kick ass.

DS9 was a series with competent, honest and nice characters, who were doing their best to protect the Federation and Bajor and overall innocent people from harm. The characters had different backgrounds and looks. There were aliens and humans with different ethnicities who work well together. There were a clear camaraderie and friendship between the characters. They trusted each other and risks their lives for each other. So all in all the "soul" of Star Trek wasn't changed with DS9. The important things of Star Trek remained the same. DS9 wasn't a "radical shift" from prior Star Trek series.

SGU on the other hand, is really a "radical shift" from the older Stargate series, although I would say that calling it a "radical shift" is an understatement. The characters in SGU are completely incompetent and should have never been accepted into a top secret program like the Stargate program. The commanding officers (Young) is practically a murderer (he thought Rush would die). There is a huge mistrust between the characters. They are more fighting each other, than outside enemies. All in all the characters have nothing in common with the characters in SG1 and SGA. SGU characters aren't nice, honest people, fighting to protect innocent people and earth. They are only concerned with themselves and power struggles between them. They are also more concerned with their private lives (all kind of lovers on earth and on the Destiny), than with getting along with each other and improving the situation for all on the Destiny. All in all SGU has abandoned the important parts of Stargate completely. SGU puts Stargate's "soul" into a trash can.

Lets imagine if they had gone a different route with SGU.

Instead of an early evacuation, let's imagine what would have happened if things had gone according to plan and Telford was in fact in charge of the Destiny expedition. Telford then leads a team of competent, seasoned military members, researchers and scientists through the gate to the Destiny where they then spend X amount of seasons trying to steer the thing back to Earth and having all sorts of adventures along the way.

Telford, a much more no-nonsense sort of by the books commader (who, for the sake of argument, is free from the L.A.'s influence) who has a much tighter rein over his second in command, Lt. Scott.

Chloe isn't there, in fact, most of the ones that we see week to week aren't there. Wray certainly isn't. Rush is gone, maybe replaced by Eli. Ron wouldn't be coming with, that's for sure.

So it's a standard Military Sci-Fi show. Tons of action/adventure on the other side of the Universe and THIS show's Big Bad is, oh, I don't know, the Blueberry Aliens I guess.

Since EVERY show has to have a Big Bad. TNG: Borg. DS9: Cardassians. SG1: Gou'ald SGA: Wraith.

So Alternate Universe SGU? Blueberry Aliens I guess, since we're not going to go off script.

The SGU season one box set has a nice shot of Lou Diamond Phillips in a cool, heroic pose and he becomes the Jack/Shepherd lead hero for SGU and it's just SG V3 for blah blah blah blah....

Would that be a better show? Maybe, maybe not. It could have been interesting, I guess, but that's not the way they decided to go.

Franchises change sometimes, sometimes radically. With Star Trek there was a radical change from TOS to TNG. We saw similar shows with the debuts of DS9, Voyager and Enterprise and then 'wham', the movie comes out and radically changes everything again.

Whether we like it, hate it, indifferent, it is what it is. Star Trek is now the 'rebooted' version we'll see in theaters, SG is now the version we see on SyFy.

Both are radically different from what we're used to, and that's not always a bad thing.


GateFans Member
My point is they made it on the off world base which would mean they would have faced some sort of training/assessment before being allowed to step foot on a top secret base (on earth) then to go off world i am sure only those who showed the qualities to merit such travel would have been assigned.

Why would SG command send un-qualified non military personal off world at the chance the base could be attacked?.


It was an emergency.

Besides, who do you think cleans bathrooms/floors/prepares food in mess halls/menial labor in govt. facilities and bases?

Civilians do it. Civilians with security clearances.

How many times they break the rules to go have sex? How many times did Jack break the chain of command to have relations with Sam? (other then the funny time loop episode)

Their actions were most likely deemed justified to breach such orders. In the case of Scott and young how could they possibly justify having sex with military personal below them? How could Scott justify not following Youngs orders when he and the "others" wanted to stay on the planet? Young had to BRIBE scott to get back on the ship..that's not a military command!.

SGU is nothing like SG1 or SGA that is very true. If it were then so many people would not have such a problem with it. People liked the Stargate format we just wanted it to follow it on from there and build upon it and go further. It's solely focused on the charters not on the aspect of the Scifi Stargate franchise that it descended from.

It's the direction that the creators of SG1 have deemed is the right one for the franchise to go.

Really? Humour, Action, Scifi, far they only got small amount of action. Mixed with how many aliens? Humour on SGU is about as dry as the sands on that planet from season 1!.
Different situations. They're stuck on the other side of the Universe and, in their minds, they're more than likely going to die a horrific death.

Not a lot of chances for humor when you're s.o.l. like that.

It's a whole new genre of show and they are trying to have their cake and eat it. They want to be under the banner of "stargate" while trying to be a over the top drama based show. It don't work and the ratings are reflecting that.

It's their banner, they can drape it over any show they wish to.

If they call it SG it is, without a shadow of a doubt, actually SG.

Chalk and cheese do not mix like SGU and the Stargate franchise. No matter how you spin the minor qualities of this sad show the high quality story lines and ratings of previous Stargate shows will out way any argument.

Stargate the movie = Done very well at box office (i am not clear the amount)
SG1 = Very good ratings
SGA = Very good ratings
SGU = Poor ratings

Do the maths SG1 and SGA had the right amount of ingredients to attract the viewers. SGU ignored this and tried their own style and the ratings reflect the results.

Ratings + reviews clearly show people liked the old style format of Stargate and want it back!

do the maths 2 shows

'Lower ratings' do NOT = 'Poor ratings'.

It could have done better, sure, but it didn't do terribly.


GateFans Noob

It was an emergency.

Besides, who do you think cleans bathrooms/floors/prepares food in mess halls/menial labor in govt. facilities and bases?

Civilians do it. Civilians with security clearances.

It's the direction that the creators of SG1 have deemed is the right one for the franchise to go.

Different situations. They're stuck on the other side of the Universe and, in their minds, they're more than likely going to die a horrific death.

Not a lot of chances for humor when you're s.o.l. like that.

It's their banner, they can drape it over any show they wish to.

If they call it SG it is, without a shadow of a doubt, actually SG.

'Lower ratings' do NOT = 'Poor ratings'.

It could have done better, sure, but it didn't do terribly.

It was an emergency.

Besides, who do you think cleans bathrooms/floors/prepares food in mess halls/menial labor in govt. facilities and bases?

Civilians do it. Civilians with security clearances.

Civilians in Gov offices is not quite the same nor is the responsibility that comes with such clearance. Personal in military bases (even cleaners as such) would still be vetted. These civilians were sent off world, they were brought in on the top secret programme called the Stargate. That in mind, one would assume, they would be of some quality or show such quality to merit their addition to the base personnel.

'Lower ratings' do NOT = 'Poor ratings'.

It could have done better, sure, but it didn't do terribly.

Compared to previous shows of the real Stargate name, SGU had poor ratings. SGA vs SGU ratings = SGA far better. Same with SG1.

When SGU faces real competition i feel your be eating words when you mention the world "terribly"

Different situations. They're stuck on the other side of the Universe and, in their minds, they're more than likely going to die a horrific death.

Not a lot of chances for humor when you're s.o.l. like that.

The military and civilians on Atlantis could say the same thing. Without a Zero point module they faced not getting home, yet they all worked together to reach their goals and there was lots of humour on Atlantis.

What about Atlantis when they faced the wraith, the replicators, the geni etc there was still humour there. Same with Stargate SG1 - faced with death Jack, Sam, Teal'c and Daniel still had humour. Ba'al too!

It's not the situation that has made this show humourless, it's the writers idea of humour for this show. Stargate (like i said) without humour robs it of the qualities that i liked and i am sure others do. You can be realistic and have humour.


GateFans Member
Civilians in Gov offices is not quite the same nor is the responsibility that comes with such clearance. Personal in military bases (even cleaners as such) would still be vetted. These civilians were sent off world, they were brought in on the top secret programme called the Stargate. That in mind, one would assume, they would be of some quality or show such quality to merit their addition to the base personnel.

Like with Captain Hanson from The First Commandment?

Or Maybourne?

Or Samuels?

Not everyone who's brought into the program is what we would consider exemplary individuals.....

Compared to previous shows of the real Stargate name, SGU had poor ratings. SGA vs SGU ratings = SGA far better. Same with SG1.

Again, SGU is the 'real' SG name.

And again, SG1/SGA having better ratings has no bearing on SGU's ratings while, not ideal, aren't terrible.

It's the first season. Name one show that didn't stumble a bit right out of the gate.

When SGU faces real competition i feel your be eating words when you mention the world "terribly"

Sure. We'll check back after season 2....then 3...then 4......

The military and civilians on Atlantis could say the same thing. With a Zero point module they faced not getting home, yet they all worked together to reach their goals and there was lots of humour on Atlantis.

Yep. SGC didn't have any ships that could traverse the distance from Earth to the Pegasus galaxy in a matter of weeks, ships that could easily transport any and all of them right back to Earth where...

Oh crap, they DID have ships like that.

What about Atlantis when they faced the wraith, the replicators, the geni etc there was still humour there. Same with Stargate SG1 - faced with death Jack, Sam, Teal'c and Daniel still had humour. Ba'al too!

Situations that are completely different from being stuck in a ship on the other side of the Universe with little to no hope of rescue or ever returning home.

It's not the situation that has made this show humourless, it's the writers idea of humour for this show. Stargate (like i said) without humour robs it of the qualities that i liked and i am sure others do. You can be realistic and have humour.

There is humor, there's just not as much as one would find in SG1 or SGA.

Let's put it another way, how much funnier would SGU have to be for you to be satisfied?


K'inich Yax K'uk'Mo'

Welcome to the forum. It’s nice to have a little infusion of opposing viewpoint every now and then.

I’m not going to rehash the discussion that you’ve already had thus far but I do want to clarify a few things.
• The reason that so many of us speak about the lack of realism with SGU is because Malozzi, Wright, Cooper, many posters at Gateworld and many posters at Syfy have told us, time and time again, how realistic SGU is. Thus, this has become a very large point of contention with many of us. If, being someone that likes SGU, you are able to see (and admit) that it is not realistic then you’ve earned some points in my book.
• When many people state that SGU is not Stargate they are speaking much more on a philosophical/emotional level than they are on a strictly material one (although for many the material aspects come into play as well). Too often any discussion on this topic immediately goes to the material and everything becomes about the use of the stargate, about technologies, etc while the philosophical is completely left on the roadside. Personally, I don’t care if something retains the fundamental ‘feel’ of its predecessor shows, I only care that it is well done. This is why I don’t like SGU, because it is very poorly crafted, especially the writing.
• While being radically different from its predecessors isn’t necessarily a bad thing it is also not necessarily a good thing either. Perhaps I’m misinterpreting your meaning, but the number of times you’ve touched upon this it seems like you’re saying that because these other shows were different from their source material and were good then so is SGU?

The first two items may aid you in better understanding where a lot of us are coming from on those issues. The third item is just to keep things in balanced perspective.

Again, welcome to the forum. I hope that you find some satisfying discussion/debate.



GateFans Member
Realy im not sure what the big deal is, who cares if some dont think its stargate? its not going to effect your enjoyment of the show is it.

It's not a big deal, it's just funny to see folks jump to say 'well, SGU isn't REALLY SG....' when, in all actuality, it IS a part of the larger SG tapestry.

If they don't like it? Tough.

I'm not a huge fan of the most recent Star Trek film and the new direction they've decided to take things but, yep, it's still Star Trek.

I didn't like the prequels, Episodes I, II and III from SW but, yep, it's still Star Wars.

And look not to be pushy or anything but Raco is my personal arch nemesis, she normaly is hating on me so, no stealing there buddy :argue:

Lol, no worries, your rivalry is safe. I'm not quite sure how to interact with her anyway, is she typing out responses or are her grandkids doing it for her?

I mean, it's cool that SGUS has older folks participating but, as we all know, sometimes it's difficult to discern what they're trying to say.