Happy Holidays to All of You from GateFans!

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Wishing all of you a very happy holiday season, whatever that might be for you and your families and significant others (pets too!). If you observe this season, may it be a pleasant one!


Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Merry Christmas to all!

I'll be working, but still.


The Belle of the Ball
Merry Christmas everyone. I hope all are safe & happy. Someone asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I told them - I have a great family, good friends, fulfilling work, a wonderful church and community, a roof over my head, plenty in the pantry and a car that runs! I AM BLESSED!!! All I want is for there to be peace on earth.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
still saving up for that Maserati? :biggrin:

Nah, I don't want one anymore. :) But most of my family is gone, and it is a bit easier for me to deal with the holiday gloomies when I am busy at work. Plus I have my co-worker who is in the same boat and we make the best of it.


Well Known GateFan
Nah, I don't want one anymore. :) But most of my family is gone, and it is a bit easier for me to deal with the holiday gloomies when I am busy at work. Plus I have my co-worker who is in the same boat and we make the best of it.

yeah, after 50 some yrs of the same thing it has now become just a 'thing' for us to do with our grand daughter

I think this yr it has hit even harder then before just how monetized the 'holiday' has become over the yrs. I wish--though I dont partake in the religious activities-that corporations would just leave people's sacred traditions alone.

Yeah, I don't hold them sacred, but I do believe it is out right disrespectful to hijack these things for profit

anyhow... mini rant complete :) Happy new year!

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Merry Christmas everyone. I hope all are safe & happy. Someone asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I told them - I have a great family, good friends, fulfilling work, a wonderful church and community, a roof over my head, plenty in the pantry and a car that runs! I AM BLESSED!!! All I want is for there to be peace on earth.
Hello miss universe.


Well Known GateFan
Happy Holidays to Everyone!
Hubby made our Christmas for the kid EXTRA special! She said it was best ever!

Santa was very complex this year! He mis labeled several presents and put multiple recipient's gifts inside several boxes as well. Tricky Santa, Indeed!

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Happy Holidays to Everyone!
Hubby made our Christmas for the kid EXTRA special! She said it was best ever!

Santa was very complex this year! He mis labeled several presents and put multiple recipient's gifts inside several boxes as well. Tricky Santa, Indeed!

Bad Santa! With a heart of gold. :P
