Well Known GateFan
Right off the bat....you cant use some packaged program that writes code for you to create unique programs. You need to study HTML5 and you better be using Git to do it. Dreamweaver is still an excellent coding app.But coding is quite lucrative
You can make a ton of cash doing it.
In the video, they show very young kids writing code. Here is my tech naivete again; where is that code "going" for lack of my ability to use the right term? Another words, when she or anyone writes code and they are not making something, does it "go" anyplace or just hang out in the vast emptiness of the interwebs?

What does writing code actually do? Now I remember way back in HS-1982 I think, we had a dinky computer class, of course, it was all green screen dos. Our teacher had us make simple games or something using "if thens" and other commands with a bunch of 1's and 0's-was that anything like writing code?