The one time they made dinner at home for me and some friends it was obvious that they don't use their kitchen much. They treated it like it was a room they didn't know they had. They did admit to eating out "a lot" which I took to mean every night of the week. Personally I don't understand such a dining regimen of relying on others for daily sustenance, but if it works for them then fine. At least that way they can have their neurotic needs met.
I agree with you on the bottled water chick. That's just crazy behavior on her part.
The point of telling you about my bottled water friend is that I took a stance of "my place, my rules" instead of bending to her (IMO unreasonable) demands. Tap water is probably perfectly okay to drink, but even I will filter it in my Brita pitchers before drinking it, just to add a layer of purity. But that is not good enough for her? What exactly does she think she is getting in her bottled water? FILTERED TAP. Its freakin water, okay? Remember, I am a man who has learned how to evaporate urine to purify it for drinking! Im not going to cowtow to some demand for bottled water.
The couple and the unused kitchen...dead giveaway for eat-outers. Just LOL! My kitchen is clean, but one look at my pans and utensils tells you I use them all a LOT. My spices are all opened and in various levels of empty. That is the other clue...unopened spices and packages of old pasta which were never opened.

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