B5 reminded me of Dune. I'm not sure why. I must say that the guy who played G'Kar was excellent how he could "emote" so well through all that makeup! Londo was fun too.
Dune is a classic, but it reminded me more of Lord of the Rings, or perhaps Star Wars in premise. It was very medieval to me, only in space. Queens, emperors, priesthoods, guilds, Fremen...all very druid-like and medieval. I sorta thought B5 was really unique in every respect. Its one of my favorite TV series, and it had a very smooth and complete arc which was conceived from the very beginning unlike the "grow as you go" strategy of Suckgate Unicrap.
G'Kar was awesome, and I loved De'lynn's character too. The Vorlons were awesome!
As someone who seems to know a lot about B5 you wouldnt happen to know which episode has sheridan/bab 5 under fire not expecting help and De'lynn comes to the rescue in her ship do you? its been mentioned to me but they have no idea what ep, what series etc and ive just watched a load of vids on youtube but cant find a clip like this.
That was the "Severed Dreams" episode, season 3 episode 10 (omg, how do I know that?). That was an AWESOME episode! It would have been an awesome cliffhanger, but was in the mid season. Sheridan almost lost B5 and then Delenn came to the rescue with her Minbari ships. Great episode! I dont know if its on Hulu or not.
B5 reminded me of Dune. I'm not sure why. I must say that the guy who played G'Kar was excellent how he could "emote" so well through all that makeup! Londo was fun too.
B5 is a major inspiration for me. The way the plot driven arcs were seamlessly put together and even what seems like a filler episode like Babylon Squared suddenly becomes epically important later on... It's marvelous!
Isn't the spelling Delenn though?
And Marcus. OMG. MARCUS. I wubs him so much.
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Thankyou so much, im going to search for it now!