Defiance Ratings and Predictions Thread (Awards Given)

When will Defiance be cancelled by Syfy?

  • Midway into the second season, with the remaining episodes airing after cancellation.

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • At the end of the second season after all episodes have aired.

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • Defiance will get a season 3, but will be canceled before season 4.

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Defiance will not get canceled.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Why c'aint this beotch just stay dead? :(



Well Known GateFan


Well Known GateFan
What story?

Remember a major problem so far has been them not explaining the world or the backgrounds of the characters in any meaningful way. IIRC it made the motivations of the characters very hard to understand.

Remember-we have to print out the defiance wiki and refer to it while watching an ep. :icon_lol:


Well Known GateFan
Happy New Year Guys :) :) :)

Lovin all the comment's . You guys slay me .
Tried to get my daughter an intern job there . A good friend neighbour of mine knows the producer . All I know is that he is from Vancouver but the shut down before she could get in the door :(
Fricken cold here . -30 with the windchill . That's celsius kids .
The ice storm destroyed my neighbourhood . Had no power for 48 hrs . We did fine . I have a gas fireplace in the basement and lot's of candles upstairs . We used the barbie to heat water it's NG also . Getting a gas stove for the kitchen in the spring and a gennie that runs on NG also . I think we are all in for ratty weather from now on so best be prepared :) :) :)


Well Known GateFan
Happy New Year Guys :) :) :)

Lovin all the comment's . You guys slay me .
Tried to get my daughter an intern job there . A good friend neighbour of mine knows the producer . All I know is that he is from Vancouver but the shut down before she could get in the door :(
Fricken cold here . -30 with the windchill . That's celsius kids .
The ice storm destroyed my neighbourhood . Had no power for 48 hrs . We did fine . I have a gas fireplace in the basement and lot's of candles upstairs . We used the barbie to heat water it's NG also . Getting a gas stove for the kitchen in the spring and a gennie that runs on NG also . I think we are all in for ratty weather from now on so best be prepared :) :) :)

Where are you at? Ontario or BC?

It got down to -8 (straight temp) F this morning. That is even unusual for PA.

We have wood stoves, so power be damned! (at least not for too long :D)


Well Known GateFan
I live in Toronto and I was supposed to be in FLorida this week but our flight got canceled on the Wednesday . It was well below minus 40 earlier this week . Set off my asthma , then a migraine so I was glad our flight did get canceled .


Well Known GateFan
I live in Toronto and I was supposed to be in FLorida this week but our flight got canceled on the Wednesday . It was well below minus 40 earlier this week . Set off my asthma , then a migraine so I was glad our flight did get canceled .

Sorry to hear that. I find magnesium really helps with my migraines.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I live in Toronto and I was supposed to be in FLorida this week but our flight got canceled on the Wednesday . It was well below minus 40 earlier this week . Set off my asthma , then a migraine so I was glad our flight did get canceled .

Canada has medical marijuana. It has cured my migraine problem.


Earl Grey
I live in Toronto and I was supposed to be in FLorida this week but our flight got canceled on the Wednesday . It was well below minus 40 earlier this week . Set off my asthma , then a migraine so I was glad our flight did get canceled .
It's been -50C before back in 1998 ;). I remember, I was there :D.Nevertheless, takecare.

While you guys enjoy the cold, it's the direct opposite here in the land down under(Australia).Some states have reached 48C and Victoria, isn't that far off either.44 come this tuesday.


It's been -50C before back in 1998 ;). I remember, I was there :D.Nevertheless, takecare.

While you guys enjoy the cold, it's the direct opposite here in the land down under(Australia).Some states have reached 48C and Victoria, isn't that far off either.44 come this tuesday.

You guys are doing some crotch pot cooking down there, while a witches tit was warmer up here for a couple days.


Earl Grey
2.01 million people actually watched the season premier? It amazes me that people have the balls to support such a garbage channel after what they have done to the best tv shows.
My predictions episode 2

Heinsenberg:1.6m Die already!


Well Known GateFan
Predictions episode 2

Heinsenberg:1.6m Die already!
ShavedApe: 1.87

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
2.01 million people actually watched the season premier? It amazes me that people have the balls to support such a garbage channel after what they have done to the best tv shows.
My predictions episode 2

Heinsenberg:1.6m Die already!

Did anyone predict for Episode 1 of season 2?

Defiance Season 2 Episode 2
Heinsenberg: 1.6m
ShavedApe: 1.87m
Jim of WVa: 2.0m
Overmind One: 1.5m


What ship is this?
Staff member
Defiance Season 2 Episode 2
Heinsenberg: 1.6m
ShavedApe: 1.87m
Jim of WVa: 2.0m
Overmind One: 1.5m
Joelist: 1.7m

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I made a prediction of 2 million for the first episode, but it was in the other thread.

Oh? Okay, is you would kindly post the link here, I will gladly award the Ball. :) Also, can you please select five random numbers from 1 to 75, then one number from 1 to 15 for a total of 5 numbers plus one extra number? Much appreciated...and very serious!

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
Oh? Okay, is you would kindly post the link here, I will gladly award the Ball. :) Also, can you please select five random numbers from 1 to 75, then one number from 1 to 15 for a total of 5 numbers plus one extra number? Much appreciated...and very serious!

CORRECTION: My prediction was of the Dominion ratings.

23, 12, 16, 5, 73


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
CORRECTION: My prediction was of the Dominion ratings.

23, 12, 16, 5, 73


THANK YOU! Now, I have to craft a special 4-ball award just for you (in advance :)). I have to say, I am really sorta amazed at your prediction talents. Much more than left to chance. I think we do need a Ball for Dominion. I think a red ball? We have used green, gold and gray. :)