Cat Lovers Thread

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Ever wonder if big cats like catnip? Watch this :):

I have started growing catnip for my little lions too. They say that about 30% of cats dont respond to catnip. All three of mine do...lucky me. :anim_59: :cat:


Well Known GateFan
Anyone remember this? I heard it back then on NPR and last night my wife was watching a story on it on Korean tv that reminded me. Seems that the Doc researching this has made his final hypothesis that it is the "death chemicals" the body produces that flip Oscar's switch


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Anyone remember this? I heard it back then on NPR and last night my wife was watching a story on it on Korean tv that reminded me. Seems that the Doc researching this has made his final hypothesis that it is the "death chemicals" the body produces that flip Oscar's switch

They can do this. Illiterati's service dog can smell when she is going to have a migraine. I am lucky, because my migraine aura gives me about 20 minutes to take action, but her dog tells her in advance. :) I love animals...they all have their unique gifts. :).

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Ripped off their asses. LOL

Little felines act exactly the same on that stuff. :) Im trying to grow some from seed. Here is my progress so far:

2014-03-03 23.06.22.jpg

These are from seeds. It has taken a month to grow this catnip, and it is very finicky. The little pot on the right actually has tiny sprouts now, and I seeded it a month ago. :facepalm:. It would have been easier to just buy a baby plant. :) But I am finding that it is fun to grow plants. I have happy houseplants, cat grass to grow for my cats and my "other" plants of course.


Well Known GateFan
Little felines act exactly the same on that stuff. :) Im trying to grow some from seed. Here is my progress so far:

View attachment 29513

These are from seeds. It has taken a month to grow this catnip, and it is very finicky. The little pot on the right actually has tiny sprouts now, and I seeded it a month ago. :facepalm:. It would have been easier to just buy a baby plant. :) But I am finding that it is fun to grow plants. I have happy houseplants, cat grass to grow for my cats and my "other" plants of course.

Yup catnip is a Emo kind of plant...but like its cousins mint and lavender-once it gets going it can be hard to stop

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
"Magellan the cat" Cool how it found its way-must be by scent

I wish the cats that have been dumped on and near my property would do the same

Awwww! And yeah, cats DO bond closely with their owners. I mentioned earlier how my big cat Siete keeps trying to open the door and get out. He has done that a few times already, and he has ended up meowing in front of my door to get back in. Neighbors say that he just flopped down on my welcome mat and waited until I opened the door (I was home each time). :)

You dont like cats? Do they dig up your plants and such?


Well Known GateFan
Awwww! And yeah, cats DO bond closely with their owners. I mentioned earlier how my big cat Siete keeps trying to open the door and get out. He has done that a few times already, and he has ended up meowing in front of my door to get back in. Neighbors say that he just flopped down on my welcome mat and waited until I opened the door (I was home each time). :)

You dont like cats? Do they dig up your plants and such?

No-cats are cool, Like them a lot.

Problem is:

We have a few cats-a pair of sisters and one other, the daughter of one of our older now dead, cats. They are working cats, that is, we feed them in the morning, then their job is to 'patrol' the yard and rid it of rabbits, moles, mice and chipmunks. Particularly around the chickens; you should have free roaming cats if you have chickens-to get rodents in the chicken coop can be disastrous (it was one of the main contributors to the Hillman egg salmonella issue a few yrs back- rodent salmonella 'crossed' with chicken salmonella = sick eggs).

In the last few yrs, ppl from wherever, have begun to dump cats and some dogs out here in our area. They know that us and our neighbors are most likely going to take care of these animals because we are rural and out of the borough.

Most of these dumped cats have gone half feral, and come around at night hoping to find left over cat food and for our females when in heat.

The other night I woke up around 3 am and went out on the deck-I saw at least 7 cats that I did not recognize.

Last time I saw a car dumping cats up the road, it had a NY plate (NY state is about an hour north)-called it in but never heard anything.

No, the cats don't seem to dig up anything, The 'wild' ones tend to stay in the wooded areas during the day under big rocks in mini caves, ours stay near the house.

So, that is why I say I wish that these dumped cats would find their way home.


Well Known GateFan
Here's an article that I thought was kind of cool even though I'm a dog person. (Check out the cat's different colored eyes. :encouragement: )

This Japanese Woman Took in a Stray Cat, and They Have Been Inseparable Ever Since

This is seriously the most precious, adorable story you will see all day. Misao lives a rural life outside the city in Japan. One day, she found a stray cat, took her in, and named him Fukumaru. They have been inseparable ever since, and the photos are beyond heart-warming.




*Lots more pics at the link. Cool photos taken by her grand daughter.


Council Member & Author
I loved this story when I read it awhile, ago, Ape. It's really very sweet. You can see how much they enjoy being together. :)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Here's an article that I thought was kind of cool even though I'm a dog person. (Check out the cat's different colored eyes. :encouragement: )

This Japanese Woman Took in a Stray Cat, and They Have Been Inseparable Ever Since

This is seriously the most precious, adorable story you will see all day. Misao lives a rural life outside the city in Japan. One day, she found a stray cat, took her in, and named him Fukumaru. They have been inseparable ever since, and the photos are beyond heart-warming.




*Lots more pics at the link. Cool photos taken by her grand daughter.

Awww....:) Im pretty sure the "stray" cat is the one who took in this Japanese woman. That is how it goes down. :anim_59:
This is adorable. Love the blue eye and the yellow eye!


Well Known GateFan
I loved this story when I read it awhile, ago, Ape. It's really very sweet. You can see how much they enjoy being together. :)

I thought the photos were really well done. I know a lot of it was staged but they get props for getting a cat to go along with it.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
BWAHAHAHAHA! I had to take video of my crazy cat Fisher wasted on the catnip I am growing in my window. You guys have seen it...


Well, I trimmed off a branch to dry so I could use it in the cat's toys, and evidently that released oil within the plant and this is what happened:

He is totally wasted! Crazy ass cat :)


Well Known GateFan
Cat saves kid from dog


though i wonder what would have happened if a person had been watching the kid rather than a camera?



Well Known GateFan
Wow! That's freaky! :icon_e_surprised: