Random Banter

Shadow Mann

Well-Known Member
Staff member
yeah, but Musk has lost his way.. he is too easily distracted (due to his personality type I KNOW he likes to pursue the rabbit down into that rabbit hole (i have the same MBTI type)) and has gotten into things not his specialty

to respect our rules here I won't mention all of that- I wish he would leave it all and focus on what he is good at; being the idea man behind his science/tech projects

his current distractions have the high probability of damaging his reputation and his businesses and thus, mankind's efforts in space
this can be seen in micro now starting with all the push back against tesla vehicles and tesla charging stations- several of them being burned already
Perhaps distractions and tangents are part of his process for creativity? The man is a machine on many levels. How has he lost his way? His way is unique. He does things differently than they have been done before, and then improves the process. His reputation is less important to him than his creativity and efficiency, which makes him the perfect guy for the task which he has been hired to do for the WH. You say for him to stick to what he's good at? That's just about everything he does. The pushback on Tesla is 100% political and not based in any over-arching issue with Tesla vehicles. The burning of stations is activism, not a failure of tech. It's absurdly destructive. If we contrast Elon with Jeff Bezos, we see two completely different sort of multi-billionaires.

BTW, the rules are okay with politics, as long as you start a separate thread. You already know that there will be "heated discussion", so pick your fights wisely! I have refrained from politics here because I appear to be the only conservative in the bunch (could be wrong). It gets too nasty IMO.

Shadow Mann

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Fuck you Google - they are deliberately making it easier for malware and scammer to be easily be downloaded on your computer by forcing people to view ads which has no relations with content that the user is watching. They've blocked Adblocker and Adblocker plus and with ublock origin unless if you get the link from github or have one downloaded they deliberately disable it from your chrome browser without the user's consent. They've made ublock origin unavailable from chrome store or not compatible anymore. Surely this is a breach of privacy laws?

EDIT: I have complaint about it to the privacy commission here in Australia. No doubt they will take google's side.
It's easy enough to switch browsers and not have to deal with any of that. I strongly suggest LibreWolf. It's a Mozilla fork, but not Firefox. You can install all the Firefox extensions. Using uBlock Origin, I have not seen an ad on YouTube in years.Also, you can install Channel Blocker to eliminate all the dumb channels they push with the algorithm. Turn off web history and just use your subscriber link. Many ways around Google!

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Perhaps distractions and tangents are part of his process for creativity? The man is a machine on many levels. How has he lost his way? His way is unique. He does things differently than they have been done before, and then improves the process. His reputation is less important to him than his creativity and efficiency, which makes him the perfect guy for the task which he has been hired to do for the WH. You say for him to stick to what he's good at? That's just about everything he does. The pushback on Tesla is 100% political and not based in any over-arching issue with Tesla vehicles. The burning of stations is activism, not a failure of tech. It's absurdly destructive. If we contrast Elon with Jeff Bezos, we see two completely different sort of multi-billionaires.

BTW, the rules are okay with politics, as long as you start a separate thread. You already know that there will be "heated discussion", so pick your fights wisely! I have refrained from politics here because I appear to be the only conservative in the bunch (could be wrong). It gets too nasty IMO.
Elon is doing great things, as usual. Democrats don't like it. Tough! Burning car charging stations, shows you what kind of people are against Elon. And they're only against Elon because he is aligned with Trump. If it had been Kamala who was elected, and Elon was doing the exact same thing he is doing now on her behalf, then they would be singing praises.

As for politics, I have been following the circus since about half a year before the elections, I think. Many times there were things I had thought to post about, but refrained because I thought it wasn't allowed or there would be no interest. In any case, I am so far loving pretty much everything Trump has been doing, although the recent argument with the Ukrainian president seemed a bit cringe, but perhaps it was appropriate. I only saw the shorter clip, not the whole session.

I guess this makes me conservative as well, although of course, I am not an American, nor do I live there.


Well Known GateFan
It's easy enough to switch browsers and not have to deal with any of that. I strongly suggest LibreWolf. It's a Mozilla fork, but not Firefox. You can install all the Firefox extensions. Using uBlock Origin, I have not seen an ad on YouTube in years.Also, you can install Channel Blocker to eliminate all the dumb channels they push with the algorithm. Turn off web history and just use your subscriber link. Many ways around Google!
I'll have to look into Libre Wolf is just that current workplace only accepts Chrome and Edge and Safari as browsers and Firefox as well. For some reason Just a plain fact I am doing a cybersecurity course and for some reason Firefox seems to be most common browser we use to hack computers and servers overseas.


Well Known GateFan
Perhaps distractions and tangents are part of his process for creativity? The man is a machine on many levels. How has he lost his way? His way is unique. He does things differently than they have been done before, and then improves the process. His reputation is less important to him than his creativity and efficiency, which makes him the perfect guy for the task which he has been hired to do for the WH. You say for him to stick to what he's good at? That's just about everything he does. The pushback on Tesla is 100% political and not based in any over-arching issue with Tesla vehicles. The burning of stations is activism, not a failure of tech. It's absurdly destructive. If we contrast Elon with Jeff Bezos, we see two completely different sort of multi-billionaires.

BTW, the rules are okay with politics, as long as you start a separate thread. You already know that there will be "heated discussion", so pick your fights wisely! I have refrained from politics here because I appear to be the only conservative in the bunch (could be wrong). It gets too nasty IMO.
He is attacking veterans, like myself, firing critical workers at an already overworked VA to include those who answer the phones at the veterans suicide hotline

simply put, his being on the spectrum makes him less able to be empathetic to others or to understand the human connections and needs as to why certain programs exist as they do

also the fact that most fedgov employees being fired are veterans hired under veteran's preference. if people need to be cut, cut the non veterans. esp since the cuts are being made blind without regard to performance reports /merit

hiring veterans exists for a reason- it saves the fedgov money. retirees like myself ALREADY have health insurance for ourselves and family, so not needed... we usually leave the military with an active security clearance or are readily able to have one restored.. we are nearly illegal drug free.. we are used to working in a regimented way- coming to work on time, completing tasks on time, loyalty to the team and the job. you don't get that from some total civilian GEN Z worker

also, since i posted the above, trump has slowly been doing what he always does when he feels the need to gently 'villainize' someone. First he was saying things like "don't know how thats happening Elon is supposed to be coming to me first" to the other day stating that all firings will now go through Cabinet Secretary's and that Musk will no longer be able to fire anyone

Musk has the same MBTI personality type that I do; with that type, when in charge if we can't be totally in charge, we tend to drift off and away- lose interest. I suspect that Musk having both this personality type and being on the Spectrum, will soon grow bored of the politics

we need, as a species, to get to Mars. we need to begin mining asteroids. we need to get back to the moon and begin mining it. we need near earth orbital platforms to process the minerals mined on the moon and asteroids- -Musk is the man for THAT.

Shadow Mann

Well-Known Member
Staff member
He is attacking veterans, like myself, firing critical workers at an already overworked VA to include those who answer the phones at the veterans suicide hotline

simply put, his being on the spectrum makes him less able to be empathetic to others or to understand the human connections and needs as to why certain programs exist as they do

also the fact that most fedgov employees being fired are veterans hired under veteran's preference. if people need to be cut, cut the non veterans. esp since the cuts are being made blind without regard to performance reports /merit

hiring veterans exists for a reason- it saves the fedgov money. retirees like myself ALREADY have health insurance for ourselves and family, so not needed... we usually leave the military with an active security clearance or are readily able to have one restored.. we are nearly illegal drug free.. we are used to working in a regimented way- coming to work on time, completing tasks on time, loyalty to the team and the job. you don't get that from some total civilian GEN Z worker

also, since i posted the above, trump has slowly been doing what he always does when he feels the need to gently 'villainize' someone. First he was saying things like "don't know how thats happening Elon is supposed to be coming to me first" to the other day stating that all firings will now go through Cabinet Secretary's and that Musk will no longer be able to fire anyone

Musk has the same MBTI personality type that I do; with that type, when in charge if we can't be totally in charge, we tend to drift off and away- lose interest. I suspect that Musk having both this personality type and being on the Spectrum, will soon grow bored of the politics

we need, as a species, to get to Mars. we need to begin mining asteroids. we need to get back to the moon and begin mining it. we need near earth orbital platforms to process the minerals mined on the moon and asteroids- -Musk is the man for THAT.
Well, I am also a veteran, and I am also retired, and I have seen people a my local VMC who evidently do nothing but sit at a table with pamphlets. That should be a volunteer position, not a paid one with benefits. Same with the door greeters. The suicide hotline is fully manned on both the state and federal levels from what I can see, so they are there for those who need them. YES, hire veterans. Preferably in jobs which would be enhanced by their already existing training from the military. I would LOVE to get one of those remote IT jobs that civilians are currently filling in IT at the VA. Bottom line is that I agree that veterans are amongst the cost-cutting of staff, but I would not characterize any of it as an "attack". They are downsizing the government. In order to do that, cuts have to be made. Jobs have to be eliminated. It's a serious, and necessary task.

Empathy is one thing, and efficiency and financial sustainability are different things altogether. It's why you do not give your money away to homeless people, and then borrow more to give away. At some point, you reach a hard stop.