Star Trek: The Next Generation


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I disagree. Look at the Gowron of TNG not the Gowron that DS9 created.

TNG Gowron was a pragmatist with a strong sense of honor. His big thing was being sure those he trusted were truly Klingon. Remember how he pretended to attempt to bribe K'helyr? And then was happy when she refused and challenged him? He found out what he was seeking - was she truly a Klingon or had she softened too much in human service? Answer: truly Klingon. Then in Redemption he did the same thing to Worf - called him out on saying he was Klingon while not acting the part. He reminded Worf about the cry of the warrior and Worf responded. Once he was sure Worf and Kurn were in their hearts Klingon he embraced them. Granted he was hoping Worf could get Federation help but he restored Worf's honor without any such guarantee and the way he did effectively called the entire High Council liars.

DS9 was what messed up his character. Before DS9 he was a pragmatist but still at heart a real Klingon.