Your Favourite Episode of Doctor who?


Earl Grey
I am just at the start of season 5 of doctor who, but recently, just finihsed watching season 1-4.Bloody hell, this is a great series, there are so many good episodes. Perhaps, my personal favourite would be,

1. Blink
2.End of Time(Part 1&2)
3. The masters episodes.

Throughly enjoying doctor who...


I am just at the start of season 5 of doctor who, but recently, just finihsed watching season 1-4.Bloody hell, this is a great series, there are so many good episodes. Perhaps, my personal favourite would be,

1. Blink
2.End of Time(Part 1&2)
3. The masters episodes.

Throughly enjoying doctor who...

Mine is The David Tennant episode Journey's End (part of a 3 parter which involved the Earth getting stolen by the Daleks).


Sinister Swede
Well I've always been quite fond of the Curse of Fatal Death. :P

Okay, seriously.

Classic 'Who:
I'm not that big of a fan of old 'Who so I haven't seen much of it, however my two favorites are probably Genesis of the Daleks and City of Death, both 4th Doctor serials.

New 'Who:
Now it gets much harder. I think I have to go with a season by season basis.

Season 1: Dalek, The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
Season 2: The Girl in the Fireplace, The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit
Season 3: Human Nature/The Family of Blood, Blink
Season 4: Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, Midnight
Season 5: The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone, Vincent and the Doctor


Well Known GateFan
Fav Dr Who

That is a real difficult choice to make as I have enjoyed the series since day 1 . My favorite Dr would be Tom Baker and my fav episode would be when all five doctors meet . Can't remember which episode that is but it's the first one that comes to mind .


GateFans Noob
My favorite Doctor Who story was Tom Baker's Pyramids of Mars, which involved an alien taken for an Egyptian God (whose eyes glowed when he was angry), and alien pyramids. Sorta rings a bell, there...

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