Would you do this if you were a teacher?


Earl Grey
Okay, some schools have policies against bringing personal electronic devices to school, which is okay but I still think computers are one of the greatest tools for learning.

Hearing some idiot go on and on can be boring. Learning through games and interaction has been proven to be a good way of learning. I only wish I had the opportunity to learn that way when I was growing up.

Anyway, I am sort of okay with the ipad getting confiscated(well not really, it's like a laptop really), but changing the password? What kind of a moronic teacher does this bitchy move? It's not only unethical but this teacher should be fired for doing it. It's totally wrong.

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Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Okay, some schools have policies against bringing personal electronic devices to school, which is okay but I still think computers are one of the greatest tools for learning.

Hearing some idiot go on and on can be boring. Learning through games and interaction has been proven to be a good way of learning. I only wish I had the opportunity to learn that way when I was growing up.

Anyway, I am sort of okay with the ipad getting confiscated(well not really, it's like a laptop really), but changing the password? What kind of a moronic teacher does this bitchy move? It's not only unethical but this teacher should be fired for doing it. It's totally wrong.


What she did was totally wrong. I think she thought she was being clever, but she crossed a line with it. She should have simply confiscated the iPad until after class and then given it back. Or had it confiscated for the whole day at the admin office and picked up at the end of the day. If I were the parents, I would make her change it back to the way it was.


Earl Grey
What she did was totally wrong. I think she thought she was being clever, but she crossed a line with it. She should have simply confiscated the iPad until after class and then given it back. Or had it confiscated for the whole day at the admin office and picked up at the end of the day. If I were the parents, I would make her change it back to the way it was.
What made you think it was a she? :P. I had the same sort of impression. The handwriting to me gave it away. Most guys have terrible hand writing(me including lol)..


Council Member & Author
I have been informed that what she did was illegal:

"Unauthorized access to a computer system."

The ball in now in the student's court. I hope he runs with it.


Well Known GateFan
I'm with the teacher on this one. That kind of math doesn't require technology aided assistance. Fucker should've just paid attention instead of growing up to learn math in a technology aided fashion. And I'm willing to bet that the student wasn't even using the iPad for math learning anyways. Probably ffin browsing facebook or some crap.


Well Known GateFan
I'm with the teacher on this one. That kind of math doesn't require technology aided assistance. Fucker should've just paid attention instead of growing up to learn math in a technology aided fashion. And I'm willing to bet that the student wasn't even using the iPad for math learning anyways. Probably ffin browsing facebook or some crap.

I would not take that bet, it's a sure loss.

As to the question, illit is right, it is illegal to do it, the teacher should have confiscated it till the end of the school day. Will there be any legal action against the teacher, doubtful..

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I'm with the teacher on this one. That kind of math doesn't require technology aided assistance. Fucker should've just paid attention instead of growing up to learn math in a technology aided fashion. And I'm willing to bet that the student wasn't even using the iPad for math learning anyways. Probably ffin browsing facebook or some crap.

I understand the sentiment of the teacher, but like many of us who would love to take some stranger's unruly child over our knee and give him or her a whack or two, we just entertain the thought and do not act on it. What if the naturalist mother decides she does not approve of their child's teacher driving a vehicle which consumes fossil fuels? Shouldn't she also be allowed to put a lock on the gas filler door of the car to prevent further consumption? It is a matter of legal protocol, and in this case perhaps even a trespass on civil rights.


Well Known GateFan
I actually think it's kind of clever to give the kid an equation in order to figure out the password. It seems fairly harmless and will teach the kid a lesson in respecting the classroom process. Sure school sucks (especially math, ugh!) but that's just how it is. Kids need to learn how to deal with being reprimanded when they deserve it.

My mom and dad would have just rolled their eyes at me and sided with the teacher if I had come home whining that my teacher took my iPad/smart phone/"distraction" away from me in in class. Hell, they barely batted an eye when one of the Hitlerian nuns would clip one of us for being out of line. (The reason I'm such a fine, polite, conscientious person with nary an unkind word to utter can be attributed to many a Catholic grade school beating by the faculty ;) ).

At any rate, I'm sure little Johnny will survive this horrific assault upon his civil liberties -- after much court mandated counseling no doubt.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I actually think it's kind of clever to give the kid an equation in order to figure out the password. It seems fairly harmless and will teach the kid a lesson in respecting the classroom process. Sure school sucks (especially math, ugh!) but that's just how it is. Kids need to learn how to deal with being reprimanded when they deserve it.

My mom and dad would have just rolled their eyes at me and sided with the teacher if I had come home whining that my teacher took my iPad/smart phone/"distraction" away from me in in class. Hell, they barely batted an eye when one of the Hitlerian nuns would clip one of us for being out of line. (The reason I'm such a fine, polite, conscientious person with nary an unkind word to utter can be attributed to many a Catholic grade school beating by the faculty ;) ).

At any rate, I'm sure little Johnny will survive this horrific assault upon his civil liberties -- after much court mandated counseling no doubt.



Well Known GateFan
I understand the sentiment of the teacher, but like many of us who would love to take some stranger's unruly child over our knee and give him or her a whack or two, we just entertain the thought and do not act on it. What if the naturalist mother decides she does not approve of their child's teacher driving a vehicle which consumes fossil fuels? Shouldn't she also be allowed to put a lock on the gas filler door of the car to prevent further consumption? It is a matter of legal protocol, and in this case perhaps even a trespass on civil rights.

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Well Known GateFan
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