Will dumb audiences kill genuine science fiction broadcasting for good?

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
Yes, but we are advanced geeks. We are less than 10% of the viewing market.

I am no one's idea of an advanced geek, yet I can get pirate copies of movies fairly easily. Still most people are willing to pay when it is less of a bother to pay a reasonable fee than it is to pirate.


The Belle of the Ball
I personally don't pirate since I consider it "theft"...what anyone else decides to do is there business. :P

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I am no one's idea of an advanced geek, yet I can get pirate copies of movies fairly easily. Still most people are willing to pay when it is less of a bother to pay a reasonable fee than it is to pirate.

I agree with this. I have paid Amazon for movies I would not want to have in my collection. I have rented movies I would not bother to download as well. Plus, I pay Netflix and Amazon Prime, so they are getting money from me. I think the key here is "reasonable fee". I have a real problem with going to a theater where they are going to charge me $6.00 to park my car, then $15.00 for a ticket (after waiting in a ticket line and a movie line), and gouge me with a smallish tub of popcorn for $6.00 and $4.00 more for a soda which if purchased elsewhere would cost me less than $1.00 for the two of them together, and candy priced at 4 times the normal price. And there is the chance that the entire movie will be disrupted by children and farting, coughing, smelly people. For me, downloading the occasional movie is a necessary evil.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Eureka is over, so someone should have it
.................... Or you could buy the DVD's................

:lol: :lol:

No need to buy or "get". The entire series is available on the free version of Hulu. That's "free" with a capital "F". No $8 subscription or any other fee. :D


--- merged: Mar 4, 2013 at 8:08 AM ---
I am pretty sure i saw all the seasons on amazon prime-besides,discs take up too much space and without them, there are no physical reminders of regret :rolleye0014:

Hulu. Free. Legal. No pay. All seasons.


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I thought this was pertinent (and funny)

Moviegoer Files Class Action Lawsuit Over High Cost Of Food and Drinks At Theaters


The plaintiff is a 20-something security technician in Livonia, Michigan, who according to the Detroit Free Press, was tired of movie theaters taking advantage of him. So he's suing.
Both AMC and the the National Association of Theatre Owners declined the paper's request for comment.

Although Thompson's lawsuit is winning sympathy from like-minded theatergoers who are being asked in a recession to pay big markups on wholesale prices, some legal experts doubt the plaintiffs stand much chance of buttering up a judge.
"It's a loser," said Gary Victor, an Eastern Michigan University business law professor, citing Supreme Court precedent that has given businesses an out from consumer protection liability in well-regulated industries.

(Here's the decision that observers believe gutted Michigan's consumer protection law.)
If the plaintiffs manage to get around this, they'll force AMC to face a law that prohibits"charging the consumer a price that is grossly in excess of the price at which similar property or services are sold."

Exactly how much do movie theaters make on concessions? According to one Morningstar equity analyst, of every dollar spent on candy and soda in movie theaters, 85% is pure profit. Another review of the business of selling popcorn reveals that $30 worth of raw popcorn is worth as much as $3,000 to movie theaters.
THAT is what is making people download illegally. I remember posting a review here for Prometheus and I actually took a picture of the snacks I bought and also the prices. If the theaters are going to rip me off like that, I am going to download and save the money. If it were water being sold by the theaters during a disaster, they would be in violation of Federal laws for charging grossly in excess of the prices which are similarly sold elsewhere.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I thought this was pertinent (and funny)

Moviegoer Files Class Action Lawsuit Over High Cost Of Food and Drinks At Theaters


THAT is what is making people download illegally. I remember posting a review here for Prometheus and I actually took a picture of the snacks I bought and also the prices. If the theaters are going to rip me off like that, I am going to download and save the money. If it were water being sold by the theaters during a disaster, they would be in violation of Federal laws for charging grossly in excess of the prices which are similarly sold elsewhere.

I wouldn't give a damn about the cost of concession at the theaters if they didn't prohibit me from bringing my own snacks. Given that fact, I see merit in this lawsuit.


Well Known GateFan
I personally don't pirate since I consider it "theft"...what anyone else decides to do is there business. :P

My my, how Libertarian of you. ;)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I wouldn't give a damn about the cost of concession at the theaters if they didn't prohibit me from bringing my own snacks. Given that fact, I see merit in this lawsuit.

GREAT POINT. I didnt get the "fuckit Illdoit" attitude until I was suddenly stopped from bringing in a couple of cookies and a coffee from Starbucks which was directly across the way from the AMC theaters in Rolling Hills. I had always been able to bring them in before. They don't even sell those items so where is the competition? Screw them. They will not force their overpriced garbage down my throat and that now includes the movie tickets and parking fees.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
GREAT POINT. I didnt get the "fuckit Illdoit" attitude until I was suddenly stopped from bringing in a couple of cookies and a coffee from Starbucks which was directly across the way from the AMC theaters in Rolling Hills. I had always been able to bring them in before. They don't even sell those items so where is the competition? Screw them. They will not force their overpriced garbage down my throat and that now includes the movie tickets and parking fees.

Hopefully, after this lawsuit, they won't force their overpriced trash down anyone's throats anymore.


The Belle of the Ball
My my, how Libertarian of you. ;)

sweetie that is the mark of a true conservative- just because I like or don't like something doesn't mean the gov't should get involved...a liberal for example becomes a vegetarian and "no one else should ever eat meat!" :D

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Hopefully, after this lawsuit, they won't force their overpriced trash down anyone's throats anymore.

They will most likely lose...but there is a chance. The impact would be felt across the entire theater outlet and the industry itself. TBH, I do not understand why theaters feel they have to be the center of a mall or why they need 5-15 theaters in the same facility other than to maximize profits. And NO, the asinine 3D thing is not going to bring me in either. I dont need 3D, dont want it and certainly will not pay double price for it. What I see in these theaters is EXCESS. Glitzy displays, large screen TVs displaying ads for the concession stand and gift cards, "convenient" ATM machines which charge a $5.00 transaction fee (yep, they do that too). Its like a thieves operation. And they dont even use real butter on the popcorn? :facepalm:

To me its no mystery as to why there is pirating. They are bringing it on themselves. Any industry which relies on a captive audience they can take advantage of is going to fail in the 21st century. As soon as people realize they are no longer able to CHOOSE what they want, they will and do rebel against the system.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
sweetie that is the mark of a true conservative- just because I like or don't like something doesn't mean the gov't should get involved...a liberal for example becomes a vegetarian and "no one else should ever eat meat!" :D

Unfortunately, the definition of "conservative" is no longer what it once meant. Conservatism in politics does not mean legislating "pro-life" or gay marriage or anything social. It also means respecting the Constitutional separation of church and state. So, in that regard, we NEED government to prevent right wing religious social conservatives from making inroads like the Tea Party did. We need to be vigilant and not allow religion and social moralists to define what "conservative" means.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Unfortunately, the definition of "conservative" is no longer what it once meant. Conservatism in politics does not mean legislating "pro-life" or gay marriage or anything social. It also means respecting the Constitutional separation of church and state. So, in that regard, we NEED government to prevent right wing religious social conservatives from making inroads like the Tea Party did. We need to be vigilant and not allow religion and social moralists to define what "conservative" means.
