what are you listening to right now. [MUSIC]


Well Known GateFan
That's it? I'm a fan of their busty women. Oh, and sushi.

well, there were busty women in the vid's, and since any Japn's music I listen to is while watchinga vid, then I got that covered. As for sushi--not so much


Well Known GateFan
Now this is one of the more interesting, non cliche,music vid's i have seen in awhile

its like a mish mash of video game cut scene, sci-fi, fantasy, rock, electronica and 3 vocalist in three styles



Well Known GateFan
I love the way she sings 'rolling' (listen for it if you listen to it), she's got a very powerful, talented and uh inflecting? voice, I can't explain it. Just conveys emotion into the words she sings very well.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I love the way she sings 'rolling' (listen for it if you listen to it), she's got a very powerful, talented and uh inflecting? voice, I can't explain it. Just conveys emotion into the words she sings very well.

You're either a very cultured, educated man or a dude sitting in his basement putting on lipstick contemplating revenge on all those who wronged him in high school. I chose to believe the former.


Well Known GateFan
You're either a very cultured, educated man or a dude sitting in his basement putting on lipstick contemplating revenge on all those who wronged him in high school. I chose to believe the former.
lol, I liked everyone in my high school. Was gonna be valedictorian but stupid hurricane.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Okay, time for some shock and awwwwww. :confused0006: :P

188-Justin bieber girl.jpg


My avatar speaks for itself.
we at war with the army of haters when we kill em we just smoke em like paper!​


Well Known GateFan
Video interlaced with some home videos cause the pianist lost his brother, was a tribute of sorts.
Feels like a song that would be at the end of an 80's feel good movie.
Man, I loved this movie.