what are you listening to right now. [MUSIC]


My avatar speaks for itself.
i thought we had one of these threads in the past but apearantly not as after some intensive searching i cant find it...

heres what ivee been listening to today.

(friend of mines band) a little rough round the edges and could use a mastering but i like it.


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Im listening to this station Groove Salad streaming on my phone with headphones: http://somafm.com/groovesalad/



My avatar speaks for itself.
cool. not much into electronic or hip hop these days as i once used to be atm im more in rock mode and have been for the bbeter part of 2012 and i dont think its going to change anytime soon!

here is another one!



What ship is this?
Staff member
Been listening to Gordon Lightfoot and John Lee Hooker.


Objects may be closer than they appear


Well Known GateFan


My avatar speaks for itself.
does this mean he somewhere subconsciously considers my voice music? :D

on topic.


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Now, listening to the Well Tempered Clavier by JS Bach (a collection of orchestral and contemporary interpretations). :) Relaxing.


Council Member & Author
Well, not music, but I'm listening to this:
--- merged: Dec 2, 2012 at 5:19 PM ---
We had been watching this one, but it's so truly bad, we turned it off. It's actually worse than "Manos".
