Web Series


Well Known GateFan
I can't tell you anymore than what I tell you here . My daughter is working on a web project with Torri Higginson as the main actor . My daughter says she is super nice and I was hoping to get a glimpse of her this morning when I dropped my daughter off at the filming site but sadly did not ... Perhaps another time ;) ;) ;) . I don't want to look like a rabid fan or embarrass my daughter lol ...
I once saw Torri in a restaurant in Kingston Ontario around 5/6 years ago and she smiled at me because she knew I knew who she was and probably because my jaw was on the ground and I had a smile bigger than my face . What a lovely smile she has omg ...

:) :) :)


Well Known GateFan


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
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