Verizon MiFi 4G tracking?


Well Known GateFan
Been having some computer issues and have ordered some stuff to fix it but while I'm waiting my bro, who is on vacation now, lent me his Verizon 4G MiFi hotspot that he gets from his job. It works okay for my needs and no real complaints so far but I was wondering how much they track in terms of where I go. (No Stoneless, I'm not surfing porn! :evil: [if only I had the time :( ]) I don't want him to get in trouble for me going to a site his company doesn't deem appropriate. All he told me was no video streaming which I assume means no downloading movies and games and stuff like that. But that was pretty much the only restriction.

Now, I normally wouldn't be worried but I've used wifi in places that have filters that don't allow many sites they deem improper such as martial arts pages because they are considered violent, so for all I know his employer might be picky like that, but obviously on mifi they don't have a filter. Plus I'm using my PC and not his company one. Bottom line though I don't want the HR department crawling up his butt on a witchhunt because I went to a gun site or a zombie forum where the language and content is very extreme (yes, there are forums like that, go figure).

So, am I constrained to surfing only Disney sites (and this one of course) just in case they're looking? What say you hive mind?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Been having some computer issues and have ordered some stuff to fix it but while I'm waiting my bro, who is on vacation now, lent me his Verizon 4G MiFi hotspot that he gets from his job. It works okay for my needs and no real complaints so far but I was wondering how much they track in terms of where I go. (No Stoneless, I'm not surfing porn! :evil: [if only I had the time :( ]) I don't want him to get in trouble for me going to a site his company doesn't deem appropriate. All he told me was no video streaming which I assume means no downloading movies and games and stuff like that. But that was pretty much the only restriction.

Now, I normally wouldn't be worried but I've used wifi in places that have filters that don't allow many sites they deem improper such as martial arts pages because they are considered violent, so for all I know his employer might be picky like that, but obviously on mifi they don't have a filter. Plus I'm using my PC and not his company one. Bottom line though I don't want the HR department crawling up his butt on a witchhunt because I went to a gun site or a zombie forum where the language and content is very extreme (yes, there are forums like that, go figure).

So, am I constrained to surfing only Disney sites (and this one of course) just in case they're looking? What say you hive mind?

Yes, there are tools which allow companies to track surfing history, access of secured websites and downloading of files on their company phones. Just sayin. :)


Well Known GateFan
Yes, there are tools which allow companies to track surfing history, access of secured websites and downloading of files on their company phones. Just sayin. :)

So, Dutch donkey porn is a no no? :D

Just to be clear, I'm using my personal PC so they wouldn't have access to that. Obviously the MiFi hotspot is theirs so I assume they have some ability to see where I've been. My bro uses it for work related stuff when he's out in the field but I'm using it for personal stuff which includes making online purchases. I'm assuming the IT department at his job can't see my credit card number when I ordered stuff but I truly have no idea how much info they can see from my surfing.

I've already made several online purchases which contain pretty much all my personal info. I'm not too worried about it getting compromised by someone at his office but you never know these days. Plus I'm a member at some other forums that are pretty rough and tumble and I tend to visit them often. They're definitely not family friendly (no, not porn sites) and some Politically correct nanny state HR person could raise a stink about it if they wanted to. I just don't want my personal info compromised nor do I want my bro to get in trouble for me surfing a vulgar, no-holds barred gun site.

Then of course there's my membership here at GateFans, which will surely see me in jail someday soon, so I guess it's all a moot point. :icon_lol:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
So, Dutch donkey porn is a no no? :D

Just to be clear, I'm using my personal PC so they wouldn't have access to that. Obviously the MiFi hotspot is theirs so I assume they have some ability to see where I've been. My bro uses it for work related stuff when he's out in the field but I'm using it for personal stuff which includes making online purchases. I'm assuming the IT department at his job can't see my credit card number when I ordered stuff but I truly have no idea how much info they can see from my surfing.

I've already made several online purchases which contain pretty much all my personal info. I'm not too worried about it getting compromised by someone at his office but you never know these days. Plus I'm a member at some other forums that are pretty rough and tumble and I tend to visit them often. They're definitely not family friendly (no, not porn sites) and some Politically correct nanny state HR person could raise a stink about it if they wanted to. I just don't want my personal info compromised nor do I want my bro to get in trouble for me surfing a vulgar, no-holds barred gun site.

Then of course there's my membership here at GateFans, which will surely see me in jail someday soon, so I guess it's all a moot point. :icon_lol:

LMAO! Unfortunately, they can still track it. :redface:. As long as you are using the phone as an access point, it will track all incoming and outgoing traffic no matter what devices are being used to access the internet signal. Its like any router, I can track private surfing even from personal phones connected to the company wireless signal. Websense can filter content as well. I think you are okay, because unlike a company wireless network which is easily accessed by the IT manager, a cellphone record needs to be requested from the provider and it is a huge hassle. :)


Well Known GateFan
LMAO! Unfortunately, they can still track it. :redface:. As long as you are using the phone as an access point, it will trask all incoming and outgoing traffic no matter what devices are being used to access the internet signal. Its like any router, I can track private surfing even from personal phones connected to the company wireless signal. Websense can filter content as well. I think you are okay, because unlike a company wireless network which is easily accessed by the IT manager, a cellphone record needs to be requested from the provident and it is a huge hassle. :)

Ah, okay. On the off chance they did get access to the cell tracking records would that just show them the main web destination or would it show them the actual page I typed on? Would they actually be able to see my name and phone number and credit card number, etc. from the order page where I made purchases? Would they be able to see where I logged on other forums and the posts I've made?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Ah, okay. On the off chance they did get access to the cell tracking records would that just show them the main web destination or would it show them the actual page I typed on? Would they actually be able to see my name and phone number and credit card number, etc. from the order page where I made purchases? Would they be able to see where I logged on other forums and the posts I've made?

Typically, records can drill down to every page, and every page element (pictures). They also track linger times (how long you were on a given page).


Well Known GateFan
Typically, records can drill down to every page, and every page element (pictures). They also track linger times (how long you were on a given page).

Not too worried about pictures, just don't want them to be able to see all my personal info in the order form area. I don't think there's much chance of identity theft here but I don't like to take chances if I can avoid it. The person looking at my stuff probably wouldn't be the type to steal it but you never know in this lousy economy.

As for linger times, well, I often have to get up and take care of business but I leave the computer on so I guess that means I linger a lot of places, like here at GateFans. The forum main page is like a homepage in many respects for me so there will be some loooooooonnnngggg linger times on this site. :icon_lol:

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Typically, records can drill down to every page, and every page element (pictures). They also track linger times (how long you were on a given page).

Storing actual content would be immensely cost-ineffective and very resource intensive. That level of tracking, if the ISP has the capability, would usually be under special circumstances, (i.e. law enforcement). In my experience, the type of tracking typically done by ISPs who wish to keep records of your browsing habits are in the form of paths to content (path to every page you visit).

If they were that efficient at storing your browsing history, piracy would be abolished.

Linger time is calculated as the time between having reached the current page and time you clicked on the next page. Because web browsing is stateless, they'd have no way of knowing if you closed your browser and turned your PC off.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Not too worried about pictures, just don't want them to be able to see all my personal info in the order form area. I don't think there's much chance of identity theft here but I don't like to take chances if I can avoid it. The person looking at my stuff probably wouldn't be the type to steal it but you never know in this lousy economy.

As for linger times, well, I often have to get up and take care of business but I leave the computer on so I guess that means I linger a lot of places, like here at GateFans. The forum main page is like a homepage in many respects for me so there will be some loooooooonnnngggg linger times on this site. :icon_lol:

If you were browsing secure sites where you entered banking info, personal info, etc., you have nothing to worry about. When your address bar has the prefix "https://" (note the "s" after "http") it means you have an encrypted end-to-end connection. They'd only know what pages you visited, not what you did there.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
If you were browsing secure sites where you entered banking info, personal info, etc., you have nothing to worry about. When your address bar has the prefix "https://" (note the "s" after "http") it means you have an encrypted end-to-end connection. They'd only know what pages you visited, not what you did there.

From what I understand, law enforcement agencies have to request a trap for accounts they want to monitor. What ISP has the resources to track all their customers? LOL! And yes, the encrypted connections cannot be traced. Proxies cannot be traced either, just the linger time from going to the proxy page and then leaving it. :)

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
From what I understand, law enforcement agencies have to request a trap for accounts they want to monitor. What ISP has the resources to track all their customers? LOL! And yes, the encrypted connections cannot be traced. Proxies cannot be traced either, just the linger time from going to the proxy page and then leaving it. :)

If you're going through an open proxy without SSL, they can capture the destination address in the HTTP headers. For my piece of mind, nothing beats routing your browser via an SSH tunnel through a remote server. :D


Somewhat related.

I just learned that you can trick the websites that you are in the US when you are on vacation. I have a VPN (and own the company) so it is no problem to log into my work computers and stream Netflix, Amazon.....etc. The IP address will come up in the US and so the licensing agreements are not able to block it. You just need hella lot of bandwith to stream through a remote connection.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Somewhat related.

I just learned that you can trick the websites that you are in the US when you are on vacation. I have a VPN (and own the company) so it is no problem to log into my work computers and stream Netflix, Amazon.....etc. The IP address will come up in the US and so the licensing agreements are not able to block it. You just need hella lot of bandwith to stream through a remote connection.

That's what I use when I'm outside the US. Streams everything nicely.


Objects may be closer than they appear
I assume every move I make on the internet is being watched - which is why I go to the xxx store and pay cash for my Dutch donkey porn. :P



That's what I use when I'm outside the US. Streams everything nicely.

What about the Bandwidth problem? Like I said I own the rights to the VPN so I am not breaking any rules, I have a full server on my VPN so no problem with that. If I am understanding this correctly I just have to depend upon the ISP I am getting my feed from?


Okay, first of all, donkey porn is not Dutch, that's German.

Secondly, why are you so worried about this internet thing from your brother while you have your own internet thing you don't need to worry about?


Well Known GateFan
Okay, first of all, donkey porn is not Dutch, that's German.

Secondly, why are you so worried about this internet thing from your brother while you have your own internet thing you don't need to worry about?

My connection is down. Had to order some stuff from Newegg (cheap prices! :) ). Until it arrives my bro lent me his MIFI hotspot so I can connect as he's off of work and doesn't need it right now. (He's deer hunting) It's his company's hotspot though and I didn't want them seeing all my personal info. I've been ordering all sorts of stuff from computer parts to vacuums and will be doing more since it's Thanksgiving time here which is when all the shopping deals are available. I always get a bit worried when doing so much ordering online with my credit card. I try to order from secure sites but wasn't sure how much info the IT people in between could see.

I also don't want them to see my emails which I don't know are encrypted to be honest. Since I'm not a monk I've got plenty of very personal email exchanges going on with certain people that I wish to remain private. The last thing I need is some stranger in an IT department reading my personal correspondence.

Plus like I said earlier I surf forums that some places block due to what they consider violent content and/or vulgar language. Not sure if they have it by you but when you surf wifi in places like Panera bread here they have filters on a bunch of pages you wouldn't think would be bad. Some places even block Facebook and Myspace. My point being, I just didn't want my bro getting hassled because I surfed a site that his company thinks is inappropriate even though you or I would find it benign.

Lastly, I'm sickitated by your accusations against the fine German people. Mein Gott, they don't even have donkeys in Germany. :facepalm:

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
What about the Bandwidth problem? Like I said I own the rights to the VPN so I am not breaking any rules, I have a full server on my VPN so no problem with that. If I am understanding this correctly I just have to depend upon the ISP I am getting my feed from?

You'll have two possible bottlenecks. One is the bandwidth between the VPN and the far end you want to browse (i.e. Hulu) and the other will be between you and the VPN.

GB -----> VPN ----> Hulu

If both you and the VPN have plenty of bandwidth then you're fine.


You'll have two possible bottlenecks. One is the bandwidth between the VPN and the far end you want to browse (i.e. Hulu) and the other will be between you and the VPN.GB -----> VPN ----> HuluIf both you and the VPN have plenty of bandwidth then you're fine.
I know the VPN has great bandwidth. I guess I will be at the mercy of the hotel's bandwidth to see how well it will work.