Tis The Season...


Council Member & Author
Damned crafty people! (again)


Transmural feline
Cool. And looks like it's by a Finn too. Can't make out what it says at the bottom, but "muropaketti" means cereal box.


My avatar speaks for itself.

thats about how far my finish goes besides the curse words... im quite familiar with those having a Mrs of finnish desent..


Well Known GateFan
Now that's some funny stuff! :anim_59::jackanime14:


Well Known GateFan

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Christmas fruit cake is inedible. It's a chewy brick speckled with bits of dried, colored, flavored rubber.


Well Known GateFan
Christmas fruit cake is inedible. It's a chewy brick speckled with bits of dried, colored, flavored rubber.

Apparently there's some kind of "authentic" fruit cake version out there. It's handcrafted by monks (Benedictine I think) and is only available once a year (natch). We used to sell out of it every year at this place I worked. I can't remember much about it other than that it was supposed to have been soaked in booze and the old ladies loved it. It was outrageously priced also.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Apparently there's some kind of "authentic" fruit cake version out there. It's handcrafted by monks (Benedictine I think) and is only available once a year (natch). We used to sell out of it every year at this place I worked. I can't remember much about it other than that it was supposed to have been soaked in booze and the old ladies loved it. It was outrageously priced also.

Old ladies are the only ones who buy Christmas fruit cake. The cakes I've all had the misfortune of trying were always soaked in booze but not enough to take the edge off the disgusting texture and taste. :(