The Walking Drama season 3


Well Known GateFan
Awww man, you need to spoiler that crap, just completely ruined everything! I was really emotionally investe....bwahahhaha, sorry I couldn't continue with a straight face. Seriously, they could kill anyone, I'd feel nothing. Haven't even watched it in a long while, think I could get the gist of it through a few lines anyways.

"More sexual tension between gov and rick."
"Andrea keeps perpetuating the dumb blonde stereotype."


Well Known GateFan
M'kay, this show can't end soon enough. This last episode was so telegraphed that it was boring before it even aired. Every beat of this one was so easy to see coming.

Oh -- and Rick is just so ridiculous that I can barely describe him in this episode. At first he's looking to sell off Michonne, then changes his mind (sort of, but not really) then he gives another little speech which is supposed to make him look like he's such a wonderful hero. I almost puked, really I did. The guy is a sheriff but he doesn't know when someone is BS-ing him? He actually considers giving Michonne to the Governor (or so the heavy handed writing tried to make us think that).

In the end Rick's moral dilemma was no dilemma at all, it was just more bad writing. Such obviously forced writing is boring. I hardly got a laugh out of the character's stupid antics in this one. Yawn.

Oh yeah, next week is the season finale. Surprise surprise, they spent the entire season at the prison. Gosh, I can't wait to see what locale they end up milking next season. Maybe a zoo or a grade school or maybe a ship out in the water cuz there they'll be safe from all the zombies and no stupidity can occur in such a setting??? :stung:

I was kind of ok with merle taking michonne thing, once merle started babbling about his obvious issue with the person he has become, it made sense that merle was telling her; she is seemingly the only person in the group capable of being his confessor.

but they should of ad merle pop the governor and be done with him. merle could have still died of wounds or something but the governor thing was old the 2nd episode he was in.

other then that, all i can say is that last nights ep was a bit more "entertaining" then last weeks-and that is not saying much.

agreed, one can only wonder where they will be next season. how about a dairy barn? now that would be poetic..

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Ok, so Andrea is gone but they left Carl on the show. The kid needs a good parental smack and Rick seems to forget he's the dad, not Carl's peer. I can't stand how the writers have written Carl into a seasoned war vet rather than the 12 year old he is. That character needs to go. I don't care how he goes, whether he falls into a well, or falls off a cliff or simply falls and can't get up. Just go away!

On the upside, we have Token S. Preston Esquire III, replacing his two token predecessors. Maybe they won't limit his role to that of background furniture. Or maybe they will. Every show needs its red shirts. The Walking Dead has decided token black dudes are theirs.

Season 1 rocked. It gave us the apocalyptic feel with some good writing and a balanced mixture of story drama and action with cinematic visuals thanks to Frank Darabont. Season 2 saw the show turn into a ripoff of the Ingalls family from Little House on the Prairie. Season 3 saw the show have an identity crisis, ending the latter half of the season on a low note. There was no payoff. Nothing. Nada.

This show blows.


Well Known GateFan
Ok, so Andrea is gone but they left Carl on the show. The kid needs a good parental smack and Rick seems to forget he's the dad, not Carl's peer. I can't stand how the writers have written Carl into a seasoned war vet rather than the 12 year old he is. That character needs to go. I don't care how he goes, whether he falls into a well, or falls off a cliff or simply falls and can't get up. Just go away!

On the upside, we have Token S. Preston Esquire III, replacing his two token predecessors. Maybe they won't limit his role to that of background furniture. Or maybe they will. Every show needs its red shirts. The Walking Dead has decided token black dudes are theirs.

Season 1 rocked. It gave us the apocalyptic feel with some good writing and a balanced mixture of story drama and action with cinematic visuals thanks to Frank Darabont. Season 2 saw the show turn into a ripoff of the Ingalls family from Little House on the Prairie. Season 3 saw the show have an identity crisis, ending the latter half of the season on a low note. There was no payoff. Nothing. Nada.

This show blows.

I don't like Carl but I do like that someone is finally calling Rick out on being a total moron.

Oh -- and they're still at the prison. :facepalm:

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I don't like Carl but I do like that someone is finally calling Rick out on being a total moron.

Oh -- and they're still at the prison. :facepalm:

I liked that Hershel yelled at Rick to startle the stupid out of him when he wouldn't accept that his kid shot some other kid in cold blood.

The moral of that scene: Never trust a child with a gun. Children are known for doing stupid things now and regretting them a minute later. Thinking ahead isn't a child's forte.


Well Known GateFan
I liked that Hershel yelled at Rick to startle the stupid out of him when he wouldn't accept that his kid shot some other kid in cold blood.

The moral of that scene: Never trust a child with a gun. Children are known for doing stupid things now and regretting them a minute later. Thinking ahead isn't a child's forte.

They're setting up the conflict for next season between father and son. The boy is becoming a man, blah blah blah. It's sure to be riveting. :rolleyes:

But at least they got rid of Andrea, who had become a huge bore.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
They're setting up the conflict for next season between father and son. The boy is becoming a man, blah blah blah. It's sure to be riveting. :rolleyes:

But at least they got rid of Andrea, who had become a huge bore.

The only thing that would be riveting about the father & son conflict would be one of them using an actual rivet gun on the other.



Well Known GateFan
So they 'off' the only character who seemingly took action by design instead of just falling into it (Andrea). Now they are all on an equally stupid par.


Well Known GateFan
So they 'off' the only character who seemingly took action by design instead of just falling into it (Andrea). Now they are all on an equally stupid par.

Yes, but Andrea was also annoying and willfully stupid. After seeing the fish tanks full of zombie heads in the Governor's office she should have packed a bag and split. Then after meeting up with Rick and the others at the prison she should have just stayed with them. After all, she had been with that group first and knew she could trust them. Also, she was with Michonne for like a year and knew she could trust her. The she finds out that Glenn and Maggie were held captive and tortured at Woodbury but ignores that glaring red flag. So what does Andrea do? She chooses to cast her lot with a guy she barely knows simply because she's got the hots for him despite the fact that he's an obvious whack job. :rolleyes:

She wasn't as bad as Lori but she did become pretty lame and tedious this season. Not going to miss her. Kind of hard to feel sympathy for someone when the clock is ticking and instead of trying to get the plyers at her feet she stops to chat with dying Milton. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Well Known GateFan
Ahh so she's dead. That's good...I suppose. I wonder if they realize that most of their moments of 'triumph' tend to be killing off hated main characters.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Ahh so she's dead. That's good...I suppose. I wonder if they realize that most of their moments of 'triumph' tend to be killing off hated main characters.

Except for grandpa and Token I. Token was a necessary character, playing an armchair or an end table or a painting when they needed something in the backdrop. Grandpa was the voice of reason and generally a likable character with his mobile home.

I miss the first season. I'd rather have 6-8 Darabont-caliber episodes per season than 16 shitty filler episodes like they've done since.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Except for grandpa and Token I. Token was a necessary character, playing an armchair or an end table or a painting when they needed something in the backdrop. Grandpa was the voice of reason and generally a likable character with his mobile home.

I miss the first season. I'd rather have 6-8 Darabont-caliber episodes per season than 16 shitty filler episodes like they've done since.


I still cannot bring myself to watch anything past Season 2 for this show. I have downloaded all of Season 3 and have not watched any of it. Looks like that was a good decision. :D


Well Known GateFan

I still cannot bring myself to watch anything past Season 2 for this show. I have downloaded all of Season 3 and have not watched any of it. Looks like that was a good decision. :D

At first glance it appears that Season 3 is better than Season 2 but once you get into it you see that they simply added a little pointless action to cover up the lame story lines and hugely moronic character decisions.

I get that they're trying to write this huge morality play about good and evil, human nature, blah blah blah, but the problem is that they don't do any of the stories justice as they never flesh them out. We get very little of Andrea and Michonne's relationship. We get very little of life inside the walls of Woodbury. We see almost nothing of the citizens of Woodbury. We aren't given any rational reason for Andrea's repeated decision to remain in Woodbury (after having her friend Michonne tell her it wasn't a good place to stay, after finding out that Glenn and Maggie had been imprisoned and tortured there, after witnessing the zombie fights that the people of Woodbury got excited about, after finding out that Daryl was to be killed, after finding out that the Governor was a creep, etc.).

The writers tell us stories, they don't show us stories. And what little they do show usually amounts to Rick being a buffoon who almost gets everyone killed, this after whining and crying and wringing his hands for a week. Now to be fair, there doesn't always have to be non-stop action, rather, the inter-personal stories can be told, but they should be done in a complete way. We should be given realistic details for the characters so we can understand their motivations -- why are they good?, why are they bad?, etc. Also, we should be shown more details about the setting like the sanctuary town for instance; other than seeing an endless stream of people walking aimlessly up and down the sidewalks that is. The show as a whole is lacking in these important details so when conflicts between characters reach a climax there is no empathy from the viewers (at least not this viewer). Case in point, when Andrea buys the farm no one really gave a shit. She was such a cardboard "dumb blonde" at that point that she deserved no sympathy.

So, yeah, the only thing you're missing by not watching this show is some laughs.;)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
At first glance it appears that Season 3 is better than Season 2 but once you get into it you see that they simply added a little pointless action to cover up the lame story lines and hugely moronic character decisions.

I get that they're trying to write this huge morality play about good and evil, human nature, blah blah blah, but the problem is that they don't do any of the stories justice as they never flesh them out. We get very little of Andrea and Michonne's relationship. We get very little of life inside the walls of Woodbury. We see almost nothing of the citizens of Woodbury. We aren't given any rational reason for Andrea's repeated decision to remain in Woodbury (after having her friend Michonne tell her it wasn't a good place to stay, after finding out that Glenn and Maggie had been imprisoned and tortured there, after witnessing the zombie fights that the people of Woodbury got excited about, after finding out that Daryl was to be killed, after finding out that the Governor was a creep, etc.).

The writers tell us stories, they don't show us stories. And what little they do show usually amounts to Rick being a buffoon who almost gets everyone killed, this after whining and crying and wringing his hands for a week. Now to be fair, there doesn't always have to be non-stop action, rather, the inter-personal stories can be told, but they should be done in a complete way. We should be given realistic details for the characters so we can understand their motivations -- why are they good?, why are they bad?, etc. Also, we should be shown more details about the setting like the sanctuary town for instance; other than seeing an endless stream of people walking aimlessly up and down the sidewalks that is. The show as a whole is lacking in these important details so when conflicts between characters reach a climax there is no empathy from the viewers (at least not this viewer). Case in point, when Andrea buys the farm no one really gave a shit. She was such a cardboard "dumb blonde" at that point that she deserved no sympathy.

So, yeah, the only thing you're missing by not watching this show is some laughs.;)

So, they offed Andrea? Did they make her turn into a zed? Im still feeling VERY satisfied with the way they got rid of Lori. I am still savoring the moment. :) I didnt have to see her get eaten...the implications were good enough for me.


Well Known GateFan
Yes, but Andrea was also annoying and willfully stupid. After seeing the fish tanks full of zombie heads in the Governor's office she should have packed a bag and split. Then after meeting up with Rick and the others at the prison she should have just stayed with them. After all, she had been with that group first and knew she could trust them. Also, she was with Michonne for like a year and knew she could trust her. The she finds out that Glenn and Maggie were held captive and tortured at Woodbury but ignores that glaring red flag. So what does Andrea do? She chooses to cast her lot with a guy she barely knows simply because she's got the hots for him despite the fact that he's an obvious whack job. :rolleyes:

She wasn't as bad as Lori but she did become pretty lame and tedious this season. Not going to miss her. Kind of hard to feel sympathy for someone when the clock is ticking and instead of trying to get the plyers at her feet she stops to chat with dying Milton. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

yeah, but to me, her character as a "intentional acting one" was believable and the mistakes she would make seemed forced upon her character by the writers. they made her into an effective survivor then go out of their way to make her dumb.

but now we know where at least part of the next season will take place at. they must have gotten a good deal on a defunct prison that they go blow up and shoot to hell
anyone know how close this is to the comic? what is next in the comic?


Well Known GateFan
Andrea's apparently this awesome sniper in the comics who's banging Rick. They diverged a while back from what I've read online. lol I actually found people's reactions and comments on the show more interesting than the show itself, honestly. Stopped watching some time back.


Well Known GateFan
So, they offed Andrea? Did they make her turn into a zed? Im still feeling VERY satisfied with the way they got rid of Lori. I am still savoring the moment. :) I didnt have to see her get eaten...the implications were good enough for me.

She got bit and was going to turn into one (she was locked in a room) so when Rick and crew found her she said she wanted to suck on the end of a gun herself instead of having someone else do it. So Rick hands her his giant revolver and then leaves the room and you hear a measly pop and that's it. Before she ate it she got to give a nice little speech about how all she wanted was for everyone to get along and be happy and chase rainbow unicorns, blah blah blah. Shit, even in death she was annoying. :rolleyes:

And getting back to Rick's gun, that thing is huge, has to be at least a .44 long barrel. So it was ridiculous that when Andrea popped herself it was just a muffled little fart of a noise. Quite simply a caliber that size would give off a gigantic BOOM! As usual this show got it wrong.

*And if I'm wrong about the gun that Rick gave her then I'll be happy to be corrected, but from what I recall of the scene he hands her his gun, the revolver.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
She got bit and was going to turn into one (she was locked in a room) so when Rick and crew found her she said she wanted to suck on the end of a gun herself instead of having someone else do it. So Rick hands her his giant revolver and then leaves the room and you hear a measly pop and that's it. Before she ate it she got to give a nice little speech about how all she wanted was for everyone to get along and be happy and chase rainbow unicorns, blah blah blah. Shit, even in death she was annoying. :rolleyes:

And getting back to Rick's gun, that thing is huge, has to be at least a .44 long barrel. So it was ridiculous that when Andrea popped herself it was just a muffled little fart of a noise. Quite simply a caliber that size would give off a gigantic BOOM! As usual this show got it wrong.

*And if I'm wrong about the gun that Rick gave her then I'll be happy to be corrected, but from what I recall of the scene he hands her his gun, the revolver.

I got the chance to shoot with a .44 revolver at my friend's range back in my early 20s. We referred to it as Dirty Harry's gun at the time. I totally underestimated the kickback and it knocked me right off my feet and onto my ass. It was also unmistakably loud, as I recall. :icon_lol:


Well Known GateFan
I got the chance to shoot with a .44 revolver at my friend's range back in my early 20s. We referred to it as Dirty Harry's gun at the time. I totally underestimated the kickback and it knocked me right off my feet and onto my ass. It was also unmistakably loud, as I recall. :icon_lol:

A .22 caliber has something closer to a "pop" but going up the scale a 9mm gives off way more of a concussive, loud blast and a .40 caliber is a room-shaking BOOM! But when Andrea shoots herself with Rick's huge revolver we only hear a little "cough" and that's it. :rolleyes:

And don't even get me going on the fake, CGI visuals that fill in for gunshots on that show. It's painfully obvious they're not even using blanks in the guns, they're just dummy props. :rolleyes:


Well Known GateFan
A .22 caliber has something closer to a "pop" but going up the scale a 9mm gives off way more of a concussive, loud blast and a .40 caliber is a room-shaking BOOM! But when Andrea shoots herself with Rick's huge revolver we only hear a little "cough" and that's it. :rolleyes:

And don't even get me going on the fake, CGI visuals that fill in for gunshots on that show. It's painfully obvious they're not even using blanks in the guns, they're just dummy props. :rolleyes:

just another example of hollywood's irresponsible use of firearms..i ve said it before, so many of our shows and movies have ppl swinging the things and pointing them in all directions except in a safe one. This 'depiction' of her blasting her head off is just another way of making them (guns) seem to be something they are not

in part, these displays effect some ppl in the wrong way, creating false expectations of the weapon---i'll leave it at that