The Walking Drama season 3


Well Known GateFan
I don't get it. Why pour so much money per episode into fillers?

You realize you're asking a cynic who hates the show that question, right? :anim_59: As I explained to a friend tonight a lot of people watch TWD because it's so badly written and the characters are so horrible that it's entertaining. One doesn't tune in to see if our intrepid heroes get thru another scrape but rather, one tunes in to see how badly the characters will mess up and make their lives even worse, lol!

It's all in how you look at the show dude. If you go in expecting the show to be bad you won't be disappointed. Trust me on this. ;)
--- merged: Mar 17, 2013 at 9:11 PM ---
Let me just add:


Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
You realize you're asking a cynic who hates the show that question, right? :anim_59: As I explained to a friend tonight a lot of people watch TWD because it's so badly written and the characters are so horrible that it's entertaining. One doesn't tune in to see if our intrepid heroes get thru another scrape but rather, one tunes in to see how badly the characters will mess up and make their lives even worse, lol!

It's all in how you look at the show dude. If you go in expecting the show to be bad you won't be disappointed. Trust me on this. ;)
--- merged: Mar 17, 2013 at 9:11 PM ---
Let me just add:


You're right but I recently rewatched the first season. Frank Darabont did such a fantastic job with it that it left me wanting to see more of that quality in this season, which is one of the reasons I've been hanging on. I really want to like this show because I love the premise but it's infuriating to see how they're pissing away such a promising premise with trash and fillers. Last year, we had melodrama. This year, we have boredom. What's in store for next year? What comes after melodrama and boredom? Stills and flashbacks? Sixty minutes of blank screen? :(


Well Known GateFan
I agree that this season is boring. What makes it worse is that they are trying to make it look like there's a lot of action and movement this season when in reality there isn't. The characters are just spinning their wheels even worse than they did last season. Their motivations are ridiculous and nonsensical. There's absolutely no good reason to hold onto the prison -- all 2 rooms that they use of it that is. But no, we're supposed to empathize with their desire to stay there and hang onto...whatever it is they're hanging onto there in those 2 rooms they're using. :rolleyes:


Well Known GateFan
You're right but I recently rewatched the first season. Frank Darabont did such a fantastic job with it that it left me wanting to see more of that quality in this season, which is one of the reasons I've been hanging on. I really want to like this show because I love the premise but it's infuriating to see how they're pissing away such a promising premise with trash and fillers. Last year, we had melodrama. This year, we have boredom. What's in store for next year? What comes after melodrama and boredom? Stills and flashbacks? Sixty minutes of blank screen? :(


Well Known GateFan
Time killing, filler eps and all that indeed...

why are they so good at having, arguably, one of the most capable characters-Andrea, being motivated and ready to take action. doing things on her own to get away-over nearly an entire episode, just to show her ending up in pathetic defeat? I say, if she can't make it and a guy like Shane is dead, then there is no hope for anyone else.

and just how in the hell did a guy with one eye, in the dark with only a handgun defeat so many zombies without getting bit once? I am not even sure he had a mag fed handgun, thought i saw him earlier with a revolver. How would he of had the time to reload either.

and how does a guy with one eye, driving alone, see Andrea in a field with high grass and down over a rise from as far away as he was in his truck? He is kind of new at the one eye thing so i am sure that he doesn't have his whole perception and sight thing totally worked out yet

but then again as usual, they just keep cranking out crap


Well Known GateFan
Time killing, filler eps and all that indeed...

why are they so good at having, arguably, one of the most capable characters-Andrea, being motivated and ready to take action. doing things on her own to get away-over nearly an entire episode, just to show her ending up in pathetic defeat? I say, if she can't make it and a guy like Shane is dead, then there is no hope for anyone else.

Her "escape" from Woodbury was beyond pathetic. The writers actually expect us to believe that she had no choice but to go over the fence right by the armed guards??? M'kay... Let's see, there's an entire town that is fenced off and yet this chick can't find a single place to sneak out of, she has to do it right in front of a couple of guards who then run and report her??? Damn this show is insulting.

and just how in the hell did a guy with one eye, in the dark with only a handgun defeat so many zombies without getting bit once? I am not even sure he had a mag fed handgun, thought i saw him earlier with a revolver. How would he of had the time to reload either.

Yeah I thought he had a revolver also at one point, but I don't want to go back and rewatch the episode to find out. It would be prudent to carry several weapons in such a scenario. At any rate, it was a terribly lame scene where they tried to make us think that the Governor had died. Anyone with half a brain knew he wasn't killed off. I swear these writers have got to be all of 12 years old from the looks of the nonsense they expect us to swallow.

and how does a guy with one eye, driving alone, see Andrea in a field with high grass and down over a rise from as far away as he was in his truck? He is kind of new at the one eye thing so i am sure that he doesn't have his whole perception and sight thing totally worked out yet

It's the same crap they did with Rick recovering from his wounds in season 1 and going into season 2. When he takes his shirt off he doesn't even have scars from where he was shot originally. Plus all the other shootings and stabbings and what not that's happened to him, all that stuff just magically heals itself overnight. Like Karl's bowel-ectomy for instance when he got shot in season 2. All he needed was to lay in bed a couple days and then he was good as new. TWD is a magical place. :)

but then again as usual, they just keep cranking out crap

Yes, TWD is crap. That's why we like it. ;)


What ship is this?
Staff member
In a sensible plotline Woodbury and the prison would both have ousted their leaders and had Rick and the Governor settle their scores one on one in the arena. That or had him and MIchonne do the same. However, that doesn't leave as much room for contrived drama.

Then again, as we discussed earlier the zombies not having decomposed after two years blows the show in the first place.


Well Known GateFan
In a sensible plotline Woodbury and the prison would both have ousted their leaders and had Rick and the Governor settle their scores one on one in the arena. That or had him and MIchonne do the same. However, that doesn't leave as much room for contrived drama.

Then again, as we discussed earlier the zombies not having decomposed after two years blows the show in the first place.

That's one issue I simply can't overlook. Like in the last episode when Andrea is running around in that abandoned factory and there's a ton of zeds in the stairwell; the first thing I thought was that there simply would be no way that they would be "alive" at that point, let alone mobile. And when they burned the zeds in the pit and later showed them piled-up in a big, burnt, writhing mound -- they were still "alive" and they still had bright, shiny, functioning eyeballs. :rolleyes:


Earl Grey
Kill the governor already. He got boring fast and wasn't even an interesting character to begin with. The writers need to stop beating around the bush!

With 17 episodes in this season,it's obvious that this season is dry and over-stretched. I am getting tired of these fillers.


Well Known GateFan
Kill the governor already. He got boring fast and wasn't even an interesting character to begin with. The writers need to stop beating around the bush!

With 17 episodes in this season,it's obvious that this season is dry and over-stretched. I am getting tired of these fillers.

OMG, I didn't even realize there were that many episodes this season. You're totally right, they're stretching this boring crap out instead of getting on with the story.


Earl Grey
OMG, I didn't even realize there were that many episodes this season. You're totally right, they're stretching this boring crap out instead of getting on with the story.
I was as surprised as you were when I found out about season 3. I first remember hearing that there would only be 14 episodes but then, a couple episodes ago, I heard the 3 more episodes. However, according to wikipedia, there are only 16 episodes for this season but it doesn't get any better there. They've renewed for a 4th season that will also consist of 16 episodes.


Well Known GateFan
That's one issue I simply can't overlook. Like in the last episode when Andrea is running around in that abandoned factory and there's a ton of zeds in the stairwell; the first thing I thought was that there simply would be no way that they would be "alive" at that point, let alone mobile. And when they burned the zeds in the pit and later showed them piled-up in a big, burnt, writhing mound -- they were still "alive" and they still had bright, shiny, functioning eyeballs. :rolleyes:

the zombies in this show are like a "perpetual motion" machine. they need little to no energy input but continue going and going...

i just hope we don't see "smart" zombies kind of like they did in Resident know when one in a pack of thousands gets the look of epiphany on his face? it was long ago when i saw it but i remember i being ridiculous-but i just went along with it.


Well Known GateFan
the zombies in this show are like a "perpetual motion" machine. they need little to no energy input but continue going and going...

i just hope we don't see "smart" zombies kind of like they did in Resident know when one in a pack of thousands gets the look of epiphany on his face? it was long ago when i saw it but i remember i being ridiculous-but i just went along with it.

Eventually they'll have a story line about a "good" zombie I'm sure. :facepalm:

I would say that will be the moment the show jumps the shark but obviously they already have.


Well Known GateFan
Eventually they'll have a story line about a "good" zombie I'm sure. :facepalm:

I would say that will be the moment the show jumps the shark but obviously they already have.

I say they "jump it" big time and get some genre mix going..

Intro some organized vampires who round up the rest of their food supply (humans) put them in safe areas then fuel air bomb and daisy cutter the hell out of the walkers. Hey, it can be the kind of vampires who are in love with each other and fight werewolves..

Then, they can be faced with an alien invasion and the humans and vamps can organize an underground resistance in an old school building....

Just as long as they kill Rick and ensure Lori is dead--


Well Known GateFan
Eventually they'll have a story line about a "good" zombie I'm sure. :facepalm:

I would say that will be the moment the show jumps the shark but obviously they already have.

While I haven't been following TWD since half way through season 2 (got bored), I can say I am waiting for someone to top Day of the Dead's (2008) vegetarian zombie, seriously I will applaud someone for such stupidity.


Well Known GateFan
While I haven't been following TWD since half way through season 2 (got bored), I can say I am waiting for someone to top Day of the Dead's (2008) vegetarian zombie, seriously I will applaud someone for such stupidity.

:icon_lol: I missed that one!


Well Known GateFan
M'kay, this show can't end soon enough. This last episode was so telegraphed that it was boring before it even aired. Every beat of this one was so easy to see coming.

Oh -- and Rick is just so ridiculous that I can barely describe him in this episode. At first he's looking to sell off Michonne, then changes his mind (sort of, but not really) then he gives another little speech which is supposed to make him look like he's such a wonderful hero. I almost puked, really I did. The guy is a sheriff but he doesn't know when someone is BS-ing him? He actually considers giving Michonne to the Governor (or so the heavy handed writing tried to make us think that).

In the end Rick's moral dilemma was no dilemma at all, it was just more bad writing. Such obviously forced writing is boring. I hardly got a laugh out of the character's stupid antics in this one. Yawn.

Oh yeah, next week is the season finale. Surprise surprise, they spent the entire season at the prison. Gosh, I can't wait to see what locale they end up milking next season. Maybe a zoo or a grade school or maybe a ship out in the water cuz there they'll be safe from all the zombies and no stupidity can occur in such a setting??? :stung:


What ship is this?
Staff member
Don't forget they killed off Merle in a totally dumb fashion.