The Walking Drama season 3

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Anyone caught the first episode of season 3 yet? Is it worth watching? I have it sitting on my DVR but I'm hesitant to hit "play".

(Picture courtesy of our very own Illiterati -> )


Well Known GateFan
Not yet. I suspect the first episode of the season will be chock full of zombies though, just to get people's attention, then it will devolve (again) into naval gazing and lots of talk. :grey:


Objects may be closer than they appear
Not yet. I suspect the first episode of the season will be chock full of zombies though, just to get people's attention, then it will devolve (again) into naval gazing and lots of talk. :grey:

Was tonight the first episode of season 3? Not to spoil it, but I saw zombies. ;)


Well Known GateFan
Yeah, it started tonight. You must not have Dish cuz we ain't getting AMC no more -- which doesn't really bother me other than when it comes to my need to have a show to rip to shreds.


Well Known GateFan
Okay, I'm 4 minutes into the Season 3 premiere of TWD and already I'm sick of Lori -- and she hasn't even opened her mouth yet. :McKayrolleyes:

ETA: OMG, this is such a lousy show. I'm actually rooting for the zombies. Don't get me wrong, I hate this show but I love to hate it. Once again my life has found meaning. *wipes away tear*

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
"The Walking Drama"?

Was that intentional, or is your Freudian Slip showing?

The original title of this thread was "Yakety Yak Season 3" but I wasn't sure if the reference would have been lost, so, I changed it.


Council Member & Author
The original title of this thread was "Yakety Yak Season 3" but I wasn't sure if the reference would have been lost, so, I changed it.
I like "The Walking Drama".

I plan to use this title for the show from this point on.

Thank you, dear sir!


Well Known GateFan
My review of the premiere episode for season 3 --

If you are discerning you'll see that they had scads of zombie killing simply to get people talking about how much action there is this season. The amount of zombie killing was laughable that's how over the top they got with it. And as usual they did some really stupid shit that no one would do in that situation. Here are some spoilers that showcase just how stupid this show is:

Supposedly they've been on the run for the entire winter yet they are still in the exact same geographical spot. They tried to explain this by saying they're blocked on all sides on the roads and have been going in circles. Mmm hmm...

Rick and Lori are still having marriage problems but no one cares. Rick is still an insufferable stupid prick and Lori is still a harpy -- a very pregnant harpy. Oh joy!

So, after going in circles around the prison for the entire Winter they finally find it -- and what do they decide to do? They decide to break into the zombie filled prison. This means they have to kill hoards of zombies via hand-to-hand action, but for some reason they couldn't do the same thing and/or drive around the zombies that were supposedly blocking their escape on the surrounding highways all Winter long...

They also claim to be low on ammo but use a shitload of it up just getting into the prison. They explain this away by saying they expect to find a fully stocked armory on the grounds somewhere. M'kay... So, let's piss away all our ammo on the hope that we can find more inside the prison somewhere.

Then there's minor things like how they clear a house of zombies with Carl in the lead as a gun-wielding killing machine (he's growing up fast) and when Carl finds a couple cans of dog food Rick throws them away. It doesn't matter that Carl and everyone else is starving, no no, in a zombie-filled world where one must flee from ransacked house to ransacked house Rick isn't about to let his son lower himself to the point of eating dog food, Heaven forfend! So then they kill an owl and eat that and supposedly it feeds the entire group of 10 people. Safe-to-eat dog food = no but questionable carrion = yes. Again, m'kay...


So, this season is shaping up to be a real turd but I expected nothing less!


Well Known GateFan
lol the walking drama. I haven't watched it yet though.

Oh this season is starting off horribly and promises to be a real toilet-clogger of a season. That said, I thank God every morning I wake up for the overwhelming success of this show because it's so fun to watch all the stupidity play out. The amount of gaffes and mistakes in each segment of the show is truly staggering. It's a cynical nihilist's wet dream!!! May it continue to get record breaking ratings!!!


Well Known GateFan
One of my friend says that there is very little drama in this episode.

The drama is lessened in the Season 3 premiere, yes, but there is still some drama between Rick and Lori. The rest of the show was stuffed full of zombie killing action to the point that it was ridiculous. I know that sounds like a contradiction as the biggest complaint is that the show suffers from a lack of action, but really it's not. The fact is the producers cynically jammed as much mindless action into the episode as possible so that people would talk about how exciting it was. Now that they've spent half the seasons budget on this one episode they can devolve into boring talk talk talk baby mama drama scenes. Mark my words. :dread:

They are now at the prison and from what I understand in the comic book of TWD they spent a ton of time there. Many fans got tired of that story line because so much time was spent there. This does not bode well for this season of the show as it's pretty much a given that they are going to bog down in the prison which also means it will be a vehicle for non-stop drama. From researching spoilers though I did get a hint that there might be some light at the end of the tunnel. I won't say more but suffice to say I'm rather happy at the prospect of what I saw happening eventually -- rather happy. :glee:

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
The drama is lessened in the Season 3 premiere, yes, but there is still some drama between Rick and Lori. The rest of the show was stuffed full of zombie killing action to the point that it was ridiculous. I know that sounds like a contradiction as the biggest complaint is that the show suffers from a lack of action, but really it's not. The fact is the producers cynically jammed as much mindless action into the episode as possible so that people would talk about how exciting it was. Now that they've spent half the seasons budget on this one episode they can devolve into boring talk talk talk baby mama drama scenes. Mark my words. :dread:

They are now at the prison and from what I understand in the comic book of TWD they spent a ton of time there. Many fans got tired of that story line because so much time was spent there. This does not bode well for this season of the show as it's pretty much a given that they are going to bog down in the prison which also means it will be a vehicle for non-stop drama. From researching spoilers though I did get a hint that there might be some light at the end of the tunnel. I won't say more but suffice to say I'm rather happy at the prospect of what I saw happening eventually -- rather happy. :glee:

It felt more like pot shots at a duck shooting gallery than "zombie killing action". They could just as easily have spent the hour running over zombies with a car. I would have loved to see them driving one of those truck-sized lawn mowers through the halls cleaning up the zombie infestation. How's that for efficiency?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Oh dear...Im getting my internet today so I will be catching up on lots of stuff. This is a show I love to hate, like SGU except worse. :) Lori needs to die so bad, OMG. And how will the show be affected when the baby is born? It will be RUINED. They need a "dark moment" to get it off the show. I mean, are they really going to drag the baby around and show diaper changes and cribs and have teary moments with Rick and Lori talking about how they are going to make life great for this child (which really belongs to Shane, who Rick blew away)? :facepalm: I vote for a "dark moment". :shame:


Well Known GateFan
The drama is lessened in the Season 3 premiere, yes, but there is still some drama between Rick and Lori. The rest of the show was stuffed full of zombie killing action to the point that it was ridiculous. I know that sounds like a contradiction as the biggest complaint is that the show suffers from a lack of action, but really it's not. The fact is the producers cynically jammed as much mindless action into the episode as possible so that people would talk about how exciting it was. Now that they've spent half the seasons budget on this one episode they can devolve into boring talk talk talk baby mama drama scenes. Mark my words. :dread:

They are now at the prison and from what I understand in the comic book of TWD they spent a ton of time there. Many fans got tired of that story line because so much time was spent there. This does not bode well for this season of the show as it's pretty much a given that they are going to bog down in the prison which also means it will be a vehicle for non-stop drama. From researching spoilers though I did get a hint that there might be some light at the end of the tunnel. I won't say more but suffice to say I'm rather happy at the prospect of what I saw happening eventually -- rather happy. :glee:

Oh dear...Im getting my internet today so I will be catching up on lots of stuff. This is a show I love to hate, like SGU except worse. :) Lori needs to die so bad, OMG. And how will the show be affected when the baby is born? It will be RUINED. They need a "dark moment" to get it off the show. I mean, are they really going to drag the baby around and show diaper changes and cribs and have teary moments with Rick and Lori talking about how they are going to make life great for this child (which really belongs to Shane, who Rick blew away)? :facepalm: I vote for a "dark moment". :shame:

I do agree with you guys and I think the rick and Lori relationship needs to end. Since this season has over 16 episodes I think you guys maybe right about the going overboard with the melodramatic plots as this season progresses. Oh god I felt quite bored that they spent so much time in the farm maybe they'll have now have 3 seasons in the prison just to milk this brand. Just a question I haven't read this far into the comic but

Does Lori die in the comics


What ship is this?
Staff member
Come on, can't you see it coming? Lori turns into a walker but she is a "friendly" one. Rick and Lori spend the season trying to work out their marital relationship in their new "mixed" marriage (living and undead). And so we get our first genuine Zombie-Human "shipping"...


Well Known GateFan
It felt more like pot shots at a duck shooting gallery than "zombie killing action". They could just as easily have spent the hour running over zombies with a car. I would have loved to see them driving one of those truck-sized lawn mowers through the halls cleaning up the zombie infestation. How's that for efficiency?

lol yea, and remember how they had so much trouble with zombies before? Even just one zombie? Now, they're like power leveled to the point of boring, everyone's an expert marksmen. And sword girl can lop off heads in Japanese samurai movie fashion. Silly. At least, Darryl's still badass.


My avatar speaks for itself.
im staying as far away from this seriously terrible show as i possibly can. i REFUSE to watch even a single episode.


Well Known GateFan
I do agree with you guys and I think the rick and Lori relationship needs to end. Since this season has over 16 episodes I think you guys maybe right about the going overboard with the melodramatic plots as this season progresses. Oh god I felt quite bored that they spent so much time in the farm maybe they'll have now have 3 seasons in the prison just to milk this brand. Just a question I haven't read this far into the comic but

Does Lori die in the comics

16 episodes? Damn, there's gonna be some serious talking going on to fill these episodes. :chargrined:

Do you really want to know what happens to Lori in the comics? I can tell you if you seriously do.