"The Walking Dead" Season 2 premiere breaks records


Objects may be closer than they appear
Sounds like I did not miss anything by ignoring it. :P


Well Known GateFan
Sounds like I did not miss anything by ignoring it. :P

Like every episode of this show you can easily catch up by watching the scenes. Some stuff went down towards the end but nothing so drastic that you couldn't figure it out easily enough.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Okay, just watched the premiere of Season 2.5. Not much to say even spoiler-wise it was that blah. There were some good moments but the problem of the heavy melodrama is still hanging around. I swear everyone on that show is having their period, including the male characters.

On "The Talking Dead" the AMC show that talks about "The Walking Dead" Dave Navarro gave it to one of the producers he was sharing a couch with. Oddly enough Navarro (who normally strikes me as a D-bag) brought up all the complaints that fans have had about the first half of this season. He didn't let up and the producer could only make promises that the show gets better so please keep watching. Sounds familiar. ;)

:mallozzicry: "It gets better! For the season finale, I wrote the mostest biggest-est largest huge-mungous-est HOLY #@$#% moment I have ever written!":bradcry:


At least Im not detecting fan disrespect coming from them...yet. I look back on that whole period with SGU and the behavior of the producers during that time was truly appalling when you look at it. I think it is unprecedented. Paramount never once failed to recognize the value of a strong fan following and have usually bent to fan demands when it came to Trek. Even Amanda Tapping sees that. I am downloading this episode now, and will come back when done. :)


Well Known GateFan
:mallozzicry: "It gets better! For the season finale, I wrote the mostest biggest-est largest huge-mungous-est HOLY #@$#% moment I have ever written!":bradcry:


At least Im not detecting fan disrespect coming from them...yet. I look back on that whole period with SGU and the behavior of the producers during that time was truly appalling when you look at it. I think it is unprecedented. Paramount never once failed to recognize the value of a strong fan following and have usually bent to fan demands when it came to Trek. Even Amanda Tapping sees that. I am downloading this episode now, and will come back when done. :)

To his credit Dave Navarro pointed out to the producer that the reason for his 'anger' was because he was passionate about the show. If he didn't love the concept he wouldn't be a fan and wouldn't care what happened hence his emotional, visceral response to the way they screwed up this season. That made sense to me because it was the same reaction Stargate fans had en masse towards SGU. The "We can do no wrong" attitude of this TWD producer really reminded me of Wright/Mallozzi in many ways.


Well Known GateFan

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

I am so sick of this show. A bunch of melodrama, too much dialogue, and a minimum of walker activity. This was was all about raising suspicions, creating social tension and was a big fat FAIL. But then again, what could I expect when the cliffhanger of the last season was on a farm with walkers in a barn being fed crippled chickens by a couple of religious fanatics? The chemistry between the Asian dude and the farm chick is just...missing. None at all. Its almost like two girlfriends comforting each other. I like both the characters individually, but as an "item"? It just doesn't work. And Laurie and her Zombie Mom morality is over the top. Shane and the blonde chick are interesting characters, and the old man and the young hillbilly dude are also interesting characters. Still, this show is going to be an entree on the plate for the Cancellation Bear if they dont pick up the pace.

This show sooooo reminds me of SGU between Season 1 and Season 1.5, except that SGU was possibly more entertaining than this show. That is really saying something. :icon_e_confused:


Well Known GateFan
To his credit Dave Navarro pointed out to the producer that the reason for his 'anger' was because he was passionate about the show. If he didn't love the concept he wouldn't be a fan and wouldn't care what happened hence his emotional, visceral response to the way they screwed up this season. That made sense to me because it was the same reaction Stargate fans had en masse towards SGU. The "We can do no wrong" attitude of this TWD producer really reminded me of Wright/Mallozzi in many ways.
you know-this attitude of their's and mallozzi,etc is in many ways indicative of a growing attitude--trending badly--among americans as a whole. so many things are involved-everything from "i want it good and i want it now" to "I am in charge (writer/producer), so 'f' off". I think so many americans-to include those who have shown they have some talent to be used to entertain the rest of us-have a serious lack of humility and forget where they have come from.

these guys will continue to do whatever they want--they got paid, they will continue TWD in any way they want and fans be damned:(


Well Known GateFan
I am so sick of this show. A bunch of melodrama, too much dialogue, and a minimum of walker activity. This was was all about raising suspicions, creating social tension and was a big fat FAIL. But then again, what could I expect when the cliffhanger of the last season was on a farm with walkers in a barn being fed crippled chickens by a couple of religious fanatics? The chemistry between the Asian dude and the farm chick is just...missing. None at all. Its almost like two girlfriends comforting each other. I like both the characters individually, but as an "item"? It just doesn't work. And Laurie and her Zombie Mom morality is over the top. Shane and the blonde chick are interesting characters, and the old man and the young hillbilly dude are also interesting characters. Still, this show is going to be an entree on the plate for the Cancellation Bear if they dont pick up the pace.

This show sooooo reminds me of SGU between Season 1 and Season 1.5, except that SGU was possibly more entertaining than this show. That is really saying something. :icon_e_confused:

i think Shane and the blonde are the best characters in the show. they are the ones, imo, that are the most "realistic". that is, if something 'end of the world' type like this were to ever happen, i feel these two show how most survivors would act. they stopped feeling sorry for themselves a while back, the got guns and they dont equivocate or try to justify the use of them. they are a display of Darwinian 'fitness'. :biggrin:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
i think Shane and the blonde are the best characters in the show. they are the ones, imo, that are the most "realistic". that is, if something 'end of the world' type like this were to ever happen, i feel these two show how most survivors would act. they stopped feeling sorry for themselves a while back, the got guns and they dont equivocate or try to justify the use of them. they are a display of Darwinian 'fitness'. :biggrin:

Yeah, I agree. Shane and the blonde chick are the most interesting characters, and they also have chemistry. Chemistry is missing between the main dude and Laurie his wife, its missing between the Asian dude and the farm chick too. I think that the farm chick and the hillbilly dude would have been a better pairing. The show is dragging now. I want them to eat Laurie. She just gets on my nerves big time.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Yeah, I agree. Shane and the blonde chick are the most interesting characters, and they also have chemistry. Chemistry is missing between the main dude and Laurie his wife, its missing between the Asian dude and the farm chick too. I think that the farm chick and the hillbilly dude would have been a better pairing. The show is dragging now. I want them to eat Laurie. She just gets on my nerves big time.

Didn't Shane already "eat Laurie" when she thought her husband was dead?


Well Known GateFan
Yeah, I agree. Shane and the blonde chick are the most interesting characters, and they also have chemistry. Chemistry is missing between the main dude and Laurie his wife, its missing between the Asian dude and the farm chick too. I think that the farm chick and the hillbilly dude would have been a better pairing. The show is dragging now. I want them to eat Laurie. She just gets on my nerves big time.

in addition, the woman who plays the blonde does have previous sci-fi/fantasy acting experience. remember her from the X-FILES? I think that helps alot with her delivery in addition to TPTB making her character more interesting

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
in addition, the woman who plays the blonde does have previous sci-fi/fantasy acting experience. remember her from the X-FILES? I think that helps alot with her delivery in addition to TPTB making her character more interesting

She and the old guy were both in The Mist, which is one of my all-time favorite movies.


Sinister Swede
I just watched the midseason premiere, and how this snooze fest got 8 million viewers watching it is completely beyond me. Season One was a brilliant piece of television, but then it just took that nose dive into mediocrity. What a waste.


My avatar speaks for itself.
I just watched the midseason premiere, and how this snooze fest got 8 million viewers watching it is completely beyond me. Season One was a brilliant piece of television, but then it just took that nose dive into mediocrity. What a waste.
is pretty much my own oppinion but i wouldnt go so far as to call season 1 brilliant televisions as these tendencies we are seeing in s2 were there altho not so over exploited as they seem to be now also season 1 was full of weird B/C type acting and weird cuts etc but i will say for a first season of a seires it wasnt bad but it certainly didnt grab me by the balls and refuse to let me go so i HAD to see the next episode.. over all it was pretty "meh" really.. as for season 2 OMG what an awful POS waste of time TV show as it follows the SGU recipy EXACTLY ie 1 huge epic galaxy/(world) were all kinds of cool happens but lets disregard all that and focus on these shit for brains people that are to dumb to survive locked inside a wallmart for more then a few hours as they would likly have killed eachother in some lovers triangle of who is sleeping with who and who is jealous and betrayed because etc etc SMART eh? JESUSF%&%¤/#("NCHRIST people who watch this and think its good are so far beyond salvation it would grant me great pleasure to end their pityfull lives...

i seriously dont get it.. 8 MILLION viewers? i mean REALLY? if that is true thn the world and peopl in it are a lost cause as they wouldnt know "good" if good bit em on the ass... :facepalm:

/Agro rant /2cents