"The Walking Dead" Season 2 premiere breaks records


My avatar speaks for itself.
"gotten" lame? s2 started out lame so continued drama lameness is to be expected.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
"gotten" lame? s2 started out lame so continued drama lameness is to be expected.

Yeah, you are right. They could have gone with episode after episode of just finding, being chased by, and sometimes being bitten by zombies. Each week, they move to a new location, get new ammo and weapons and food, perhaps meet some new people, and of course, kill zombies in cool ways. THATS ALL. I dont want to hear about soccer mom Laurie and her pregnancy, and I dont care about some dumb little girl who wandered off (now she is a zombie). I really dont care about the relationship issues between Rick and Laurie and I couldnt care less about the family values stuff with their son. Show us how all the dumb people end up dead because they are stupid, and how smart people survive because they are smart. I think that finding a well-organized group with a camp would be a good break from the stupid drama.


What ship is this?
Staff member
yep...kind of reminds me of the criticism BSG got. Ya know i the 3 or 4th season with the "90210 in space" stuff? all the inter-personal and romance drama. Now we got got a "90210 in zombienation" thing going.

in there defense, i suppose it could be said that humans will do what humans do in any situation--but, having been to combat and the long boring waiting leading to it, having sex is one of the last things you think of. you are more concerned with doing everything right so you and your buds can survive. seems to me that their situation on the show is like combat plus.

way outnumbered (will we soon see the "magic ammo/ magic magazine" scenario pop up? i haven't seen them go on any ammo hunts but they blow away ammo like mad--and why don't they pick up some m16's/4' or SAW or machine guns lying around with all the dead military dudes and their abandoned equipment-I digress) never knowing where the next zombie will pop out of. ever notice how they don't call them zombies? you'd think the way zombie shows and movies are all around-remember these survivors are 'us'- then the term would have made it to their vernacular.

any way i'll watch it anyhow-see what shakes down.

i haven't read the comics-I hope we see some other survivor groups engaged in 'zombie free zone' operations and re-establishing order. chaos always brings about some type of order.

oh well, hope it gets better after the 'mid season' break:redface:

Yes, remotely logical people would actually have located the nearest army base (in Georgia that would be Fort Bening). Head there and you get several benefits:

1) It is not really close to cities so fewer Walkers

2) It may still be in operation - safety

3) Even if abandoned, it has lots of weapons, ammunition and much safer transportation than an RV (Fort Bening is one of the bases for Stryker brigades and a Stryker would suit their needs perfectly).

And yes, I know that in the show they supposedly were heading for Bening. Well they seem to have taken a big detour.


My avatar speaks for itself.
Yeah, you are right. They could have gone with episode after episode of just finding, being chased by, and sometimes being bitten by zombies. Each week, they move to a new location, get new ammo and weapons and food, perhaps meet some new people, and of course, kill zombies in cool ways. THATS ALL. I dont want to hear about soccer mom Laurie and her pregnancy, and I dont care about some dumb little girl who wandered off (now she is a zombie). I really dont care about the relationship issues between Rick and Laurie and I couldnt care less about the family values stuff with their son. Show us how all the dumb people end up dead because they are stupid, and how smart people survive because they are smart. I think that finding a well-organized group with a camp would be a good break from the stupid drama.
indeed and show us some god damn ARC ie more on the why how and WTF about the zombie infestation ie COOL sh't that can break up the snorefest moments.
honestly WTH is wrong with entertainment today when good concepts like the walking dead etc catch this danm TWEEN drama relation ship diesease?
dont get me wrong i LOVE me some good drama mixed into my entertainment but is it really to much to ask for a sider order or WOW, COOL and epic with that?

i guess i just like my characters to GROW from the concept/story rather then have my characters GROW the story... Make sence?.. maybe not :facepalm:


Well Known GateFan
Yes, remotely logical people would actually have located the nearest army base (in Georgia that would be Fort Bening). Head there and you get several benefits:

1) It is not really close to cities so fewer Walkers

2) It may still be in operation - safety

3) Even if abandoned, it has lots of weapons, ammunition and much safer transportation than an RV (Fort Bening is one of the bases for Stryker brigades and a Stryker would suit their needs perfectly).

And yes, I know that in the show they supposedly were heading for Bening. Well they seem to have taken a big detour.

actually, they have already passed up some very good transportation-there are Army HMMWV's parked everywhere around Atlanta and in the smaller towns. Hummers are very easy to drive, run on diesel-so you can go further, and you do not need ignition keys for the military versions-they use a 'flip switch' for starting instead. Plus, you put someone up in the turret of a 'turtleshell' hummer on the machine gun-even better. I could understand why they haven't picked up a tank or bradley-they are laying about as well-, and definitely not a helicopter (if someone in the group would have said "i used to be a pilot in 'Nam" or something and they started to fly off, i would have stopped watching).

As a retired soldier, that is one of the things that are my 'nit-picks'. Hollywood either over simplifies the military or over does it (ie-Hummers are too complicated to drive and M16's are too hard to shoot) in their productions. SG1 was probably the best I have seen in the use of military 'stuff'.

As far as Benning- I wouldn't go there in the WD situation. It is directly adjacent to a Big city- Columbus, and is pretty big itself. Additionaly, other than what may be lying around-weapons and ammo are stored separately in different locations. Unless the place was still in 'human hands' I wouldn't make the trip.

Oh well now I am a 'big fish' that has been 'hooked' until the end:redface: I am hoping for some back story on the "why and how" of the disease though.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
indeed and show us some god damn ARC ie more on the why how and WTF about the zombie infestation ie COOL sh't that can break up the snorefest moments.
honestly WTH is wrong with entertainment today when good concepts like the walking dead etc catch this danm TWEEN drama relation ship diesease?
dont get me wrong i LOVE me some good drama mixed into my entertainment but is it really to much to ask for a sider order or WOW, COOL and epic with that?

Ahh, my naive friend. What you fail to realize is that they're saving that for the last 5 minutes of the series finale in (what they hope to get to) season 9.

i guess i just like my characters to GROW from the concept/story rather then have my characters GROW the story... Make sence?.. maybe not :facepalm:

Have you learned nothing from SGU? It's all about drama, drama, DRAMA!

Yes, I will have myself a good crying now. :(


Well Known GateFan
This show is a big, Taco Bell turd.


Well Known GateFan
Okay, one thing that drives me nuts and makes me want to choke the bleep out of Rick is his whining that because his wife is a couple weeks pregnant it will be a "death sentence" if they leave the farm. Yeah, suddenly a woman in the second week of pregnancy becomes a wilting flower who can't walk, can't run, can't drive, can't shoot, etc. She can sure bitch though, can't she. Her and Rick deserve each other. If only someone would hit them both on the head with a large rock the story would be much better.

Think about it, they could go to an adjacent farm and live there. Or they could drive to Fort Benning because if it's operational it would be a far better equipped place for a woman to give birth than in the barn stable of a veterinarian. If Fort Benning is compromised they could search out a different enclave of humans who have medical supplies and a stable, protected community. The statement that they can't move one inch off Hershal's farm because Lori is 2 weeks pregnant is laughable though.

BTW, did anyone else notice that Sophia grew 5 inches in height upon becoming a zombie? Yeah, children and extended filming sequences, how do they work? :roll:


What ship is this?
Staff member
actually, they have already passed up some very good transportation-there are Army HMMWV's parked everywhere around Atlanta and in the smaller towns. Hummers are very easy to drive, run on diesel-so you can go further, and you do not need ignition keys for the military versions-they use a 'flip switch' for starting instead. Plus, you put someone up in the turret of a 'turtleshell' hummer on the machine gun-even better. I could understand why they haven't picked up a tank or bradley-they are laying about as well-, and definitely not a helicopter (if someone in the group would have said "i used to be a pilot in 'Nam" or something and they started to fly off, i would have stopped watching).

As a retired soldier, that is one of the things that are my 'nit-picks'. Hollywood either over simplifies the military or over does it (ie-Hummers are too complicated to drive and M16's are too hard to shoot) in their productions. SG1 was probably the best I have seen in the use of military 'stuff'.

As far as Benning- I wouldn't go there in the WD situation. It is directly adjacent to a Big city- Columbus, and is pretty big itself. Additionaly, other than what may be lying around-weapons and ammo are stored separately in different locations. Unless the place was still in 'human hands' I wouldn't make the trip.

Oh well now I am a 'big fish' that has been 'hooked' until the end:redface: I am hoping for some back story on the "why and how" of the disease though.

Eh. Bening is not THAT close to Columbus. Plus they could just pick another base that is further away from major cities. Fort Bragg for example. But the point that there appear to be military hardware laying all over the place and they don't use it is spot on.


Well Known GateFan
Eh. Bening is not THAT close to Columbus. Plus they could just pick another base that is further away from major cities. Fort Bragg for example. But the point that there appear to be military hardware laying all over the place and they don't use it is spot on.
I agree on the whole "ft benning is salvation" thing. It is like people are to conjur up images of castle walls or wooden stockades at the sound of 'fort'. Chain link fence-yeah-fortress no. Heck there are like 2 state highways and I think I-175? that go straight through post land. As far as its 'closeness'-Well, i was stationed there-on Kelly Hill in the 197th Inf Brigade from 1985-1986. Go out the 'old' front gate (it is either ft benning blvd or sante fe rd-can't remember which both take you to VD Drive though- and 'bam' Columbus. Victory Drive sure, but Columbus none the less. If you have been there for some reason (maybe basic training or visiting someone in BT say) then you would have most likely been on 'sand hill'. it is the basic training, "infantry land" side of post and it is quite a ways from Columbus.

That was 'back in the day' before I was married-me and the guys I worked with would hit "VD Drive" every night-way too much beer-and, in retrospect-too many ugly strippers.:eek:

I would love to see "backstory"-the how and why. See/hear what's up in the rest of the world/U.S. Is it/or was the virus (or whatever) airborne at first? If not then how can anyone say that every part of the country/ world/ remote island is infected/infested? How about the real "Thunder Mountain"/ SGC Command (Cheyenne Mtn)? Does anyone believe that they would let a "walker" in there? Anyhow-I hope, but yet know that I/we will probably be disappointed :icon_e_sad:


Well Known GateFan
Eh. Bening is not THAT close to Columbus. Plus they could just pick another base that is further away from major cities. Fort Bragg for example. But the point that there appear to be military hardware laying all over the place and they don't use it is spot on.

And Bragg is basically "intertwined" with Fayetteville. Just saying (and if you are-don't go by mapquest-they give you a 'center mass' of where the "flagpole/HQ's" is at).:icon_e_smile:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I kinda think that the concept from the 2004 Dawn of the Dead movie would work here. Make a fortress out of a mall or skyscraper, then try to contact other humans who are in similar fortresses, with the top echelon being military on bases which have been fortified. This soccer mom/family/ wandering ragtag group thing is not working for me.


What ship is this?
Staff member
That is typically the whole problem with Zombie apocalype films in general. There is no logical way to explain the military not setting up shop on islands or other such places (prisons, army bases where they can erect barriers) and making fortresses. They would then do exactly like you said and the end result would be the zombie apocalypse would eventually be overcome. World War Z goes something like that.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Okay, one thing that drives me nuts and makes me want to choke the bleep out of Rick is his whining that because his wife is a couple weeks pregnant it will be a "death sentence" if they leave the farm. Yeah, suddenly a woman in the second week of pregnancy becomes a wilting flower who can't walk,

One bite ought to take care of that.

can't run, can't drive, can't shoot, etc. She can sure bitch though, can't she. Her and Rick deserve each other. If only someone would hit them both on the head with a large rock the story would be much better.


Think about it, they could go to an adjacent farm and live there. Or they could drive to Fort Benning because if it's operational it would be a far better equipped place for a woman to give birth than in the barn stable of a veterinarian. If Fort Benning is compromised they could search out a different enclave of humans who have medical supplies and a stable, protected community. The statement that they can't move one inch off Hershal's farm because Lori is 2 weeks pregnant is laughable though.

With the melodramatic turn the show has taken, I'm guessing that's a wink/nudge to the anti-abortion crowd. After all, life begins during foreplay.

BTW, did anyone else notice that Sophia grew 5 inches in height upon becoming a zombie? Yeah, children and extended filming sequences, how do they work? :roll:

They borrowed that idea from the popular daytime soaps. Babies born last year are graduating high school this year after the children are given a 2 month hiatus so its viewers forget. Yet another sign soap-fi is becoming the new standard.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
That is typically the whole problem with Zombie apocalype films in general. There is no logical way to explain the military not setting up shop on islands or other such places (prisons, army bases where they can erect barriers) and making fortresses. They would then do exactly like you said and the end result would be the zombie apocalypse would eventually be overcome. World War Z goes something like that.

Exactly. Zombies are only threatening when they are free to wander and bite things. If a proper barrier is erected, they are harmless and controlled. It makes no sense that this group would not simply entrench and fortify a proper structure like say, a warehouse. The addition of the LAME family values, religion and politics into it is lame and unnecessary. I want the simple pleasures: Zombies chase, zombies die in myriad cool ways which make me cringe and laugh at the same time. :) The entire show can be about that and I will watch it faithfully week after week!


Sinister Swede
God this season has been a massive snooze fest :/ YAWN!

Indeed. It's all AMC's fault because with the budget cuts they made, combined with more episodes, it means that the zombie action had to spread so thin over all the thirteen episodes we're getting. And I also heard a rumor that they might go for even more episodes for next season. :facepalm: If that's true it'll just mean that we'll get five or six episodes of proper zombie stuff while all the rest nothing but a massive soap fest.


Well Known GateFan
Indeed. It's all AMC's fault because with the budget cuts they made, combined with more episodes, it means that the zombie action had to spread so thin over all the thirteen episodes we're getting. And I also heard a rumor that they might go for even more episodes for next season. :facepalm: If that's true it'll just mean that we'll get five or six episodes of proper zombie stuff while all the rest nothing but a massive soap fest.

Bloody hell, Please don't let that be true. I didn't like the season ending premier it was quite tiresome and I don't know why they even thought of stretching the stupid sophia story. I hear they've released a Spoiler for the 2nd half but its only available to US viewers :/


What ship is this?
Staff member
Well, now Overmind has rewatched 28 Days Later and seen how this should have been done - and what makes it worse is Boyle and Garland's budget for that entire movie pays for less than 2 episodes of Walking Dead....I'm sure he can elaborate more but basically seeing how good 28 Days Later is shows how bad Walking Dead is.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Well, now Overmind has rewatched 28 Days Later and seen how this should have been done - and what makes it worse is Boyle and Garland's budget for that entire movie pays for less than 2 episodes of Walking Dead....I'm sure he can elaborate more but basically seeing how good 28 Days Later is shows how bad Walking Dead is.

Wow, what an understatement! 28 Days Later was an AWESOME movie. It had a very similar beginning to The Walking Dead, and it involved worldwide infection, and "zombies" (actually just infected people who became violent), and PLAUSIBILITY. It was pure art in the camera work, the music, the development (and killing off) of characters, it was dark, it was lighthearted, it was just great. :). At more than one point in the movie, you are scared enough to LITERALLY jump (I spilled wine :)). Other times, you laugh, and at the end of it all, you have been thoroughly entertained. a MUST SEE.

Having said that, seeing The Walking Dead seems like an almost "silly" imitation of it. How could they get it wrong? And as Joelist said, if they did that movie with the budget of two Walking Dead episodes, it just seems ridiculous. 28 Days Later did gritty, realistic and mature. TWD seems downright juvenile compared to it.