"The Walking Dead" Season 2 premiere breaks records


My avatar speaks for itself.
see now you are finally coming around to my POV :D

anyway after these comments i wont bother with this ep.


Earl Grey
see now you are finally coming around to my POV :D

anyway after these comments i wont bother with this ep.


Anyway, here is next week's promo

Please cut the relationship crap.


Well Known GateFan
see now you are finally coming around to my POV :D

anyway after these comments i wont bother with this ep.

Totally skip it, it's really bad. I wasn't kidding when I said it could be a comedy as that would be the only excuse they have for making the characters such morons.


Well Known GateFan
And could they be any more obvious about what's really happening on the farm? I won't give any spoilers but it was easy to figure out based on nothing but what they showed.


Last nights episode what garbage! Talk about shades of SGU, even on the AMC chat board a hand full of people were posting "if it's to slow for you change the channel" :facepalm:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Last nights episode what garbage! Talk about shades of SGU, even on the AMC chat board a hand full of people were posting "if it's to slow for you change the channel" :facepalm:

LMAO! Some people never learn :)


Sinister Swede
Well I could go off on a tangent about how boring this episode was, but honestly, I couldn't be bothered. It was just a whole hour of nothingness.


Sinister Swede

"Rick, you're a police officer. I assumed you knew how to use a walkie talkie."

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :laughing: :laughing:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Well I could go off on a tangent about how boring this episode was, but honestly, I couldn't be bothered. It was just a whole hour of nothingness.

I agree. If they think they will play "lottery"ith this show and give us good episodes smattered amongst horrible ones, they just don't have that leeway to work with. I think if they don't step up the pace and keep it interesting, they will get canceled. I am only invested in Rick and Shane and Daryl and Carol. They need to drop the search for the little girl and close the open thread about Darryl's brother with the missing hand. This show is GREAT in the premise. They don't have that big of a task:

  1. Find more people (an organized group).
  2. Talk about the reason for the zombies being there.
  3. Talk about the possible solutions
  4. Show the process.
I do not want to know about babies or fathers or hear about feeling about betrayal or philosophy or religion. This show could ride on zombie kills alone, just for entertainment value. I would like more, but not if it is going to be soapy drama and interpersonal drama. Zombies, and zombie kills. That is all they need in this show and it will be a success!


Earl Grey
This week's episode was an improvement from last time. That twist towards the end. :icon_e_smile:
Next week's promo.


Well Known GateFan
This week's episode was an improvement from last time. That twist towards the end. :icon_e_smile:
Next week's promo.

so do you think with the zomb's in the barn and the dad's affinity with religion that we are going to see dad and his clan (horny daughter included) are on some 'save the zombies through Jesus" kick?

at beginning of the ep- i know it was a flashback- when we see are woeful 'heroes' tied up in traffic and then we see them watching'atlanta' get napalmed, was that supposed to tie to something in the ep itself or are we getting a type of 'two stories/two timelines' at once thing? Yeah it could get really cool if they threw in a twist ala LOST into the mix--Not!!


Well Known GateFan
so do you think with the zomb's in the barn and the dad's affinity with religion that we are going to see dad and his clan (horny daughter included) are on some 'save the zombies through Jesus" kick?

at beginning of the ep- i know it was a flashback- when we see are woeful 'heroes' tied up in traffic and then we see them watching'atlanta' get napalmed, was that supposed to tie to something in the ep itself or are we getting a type of 'two stories/two timelines' at once thing? Yeah it could get really cool if they threw in a twist ala LOST into the mix--Not!!

Yeah, I didn't get the flashback of the Atlanta traffic jam at the beginning either. That scene should have been in the first season as it would have explained things a little better and made more sense. As it is they've put Atlanta behind them and the napalm remembrance wasn't tied into anything in the current episode. Yet another sign that the show is messed up.

Also, no one cares about the little lost girl. Seriously, I don't know a single viewer who gives a crap about this drawn out story line. They should have had it wrapped up in one episode but to take half a season to deal with it is ridiculous.

And Glen, the Asian guy, is beyond ridiculous. Sorry if this sounds sexist but it has to be said: No man acts like he does. What real man would rush up to Lori and start gossiping with her about her pregnancy? It just wouldn't happen. No straight man (and very few gay ones) would get involved in someone else's marriage and very personal issues. Then we have scenes for next week which prove that he's p---- whipped. What an emasculated turd.

I wonder how the ratings are for this how now that the half-season mark is almost here. They got big numbers based on last season but I think they're really screwing the pooch on this one.


Well Known GateFan
Anyone catch last nights episode, November 20th? Can you say lame? My God, the forced melodrama between characters was sickening. Nothing of substance happened and it was a total filler episode. It's gotten insulting the way they have stretched out the nonsense on this show just to fill a season. I wonder how the ratings will be at the midway point. I think many people are getting upset with the poor direction this show has taken but I suspect many haven't given up on it yet so they're still inflating the ratings.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Anyone catch last nights episode, November 20th? Can you say lame? My God, the forced melodrama between characters was sickening. Nothing of substance happened and it was a total filler episode. It's gotten insulting the way they have stretched out the nonsense on this show just to fill a season. I wonder how the ratings will be at the midway point. I think many people are getting upset with the poor direction this show has taken but I suspect many haven't given up on it yet so they're still inflating the ratings.

I can't understand why they would chance screwing up a show with such a great premise and full of potential with fillers and melodrama. If they can't find story for more than 8 eps then they should just stick to 8 eps and leave us wanting more. Inflated ratings due to the "hanging in there" crowd never amounts to anything good except a short paycheck.


Coming in to this season I was a huge fan, now with the slow pace and pure melodrama story line I may not watch when the second half begins in Feb of next year. Reading the comments on AMC's chat page, many others are vowing to do the same. The squeedrones are now really talking down and calling people haters who have any critique other than positive happy smiley face praise for the show.


Earl Grey
Yeah this finding a little girl story and the stupid love triangle(as well the pregnancy) is getting damn annoying.It's a zombie show;show us more zombies! Get that bald headed lady bitten so she turns into a zombie.I am getting quite annoyed with her.Oh by the way,if anyone is interested the rating fell but not by much...

The Walking Dead fell 0.2 with adults 18-49 vs. last week, but still easily led Sunday cable with a 3.2 adults 18-49
rating. The second episode of



Well Known GateFan
Yeah this finding a little girl story and the stupid love triangle(as well the pregnancy) is getting damn annoying.It's a zombie show;show us more zombies! Get that bald headed lady bitten so she turns into a zombie.I am getting quite annoyed with her.Oh by the way,if anyone is interested the rating fell but not by much...


Looks like they're going to milk the initial fan reaction as much as possible at the expense of the fans. :(


Well Known GateFan
yep...kind of reminds me of the criticism BSG got. Ya know i the 3 or 4th season with the "90210 in space" stuff? all the inter-personal and romance drama. Now we got got a "90210 in zombienation" thing going.

in there defense, i suppose it could be said that humans will do what humans do in any situation--but, having been to combat and the long boring waiting leading to it, having sex is one of the last things you think of. you are more concerned with doing everything right so you and your buds can survive. seems to me that their situation on the show is like combat plus.

way outnumbered (will we soon see the "magic ammo/ magic magazine" scenario pop up? i haven't seen them go on any ammo hunts but they blow away ammo like mad--and why don't they pick up some m16's/4' or SAW or machine guns lying around with all the dead military dudes and their abandoned equipment-I digress) never knowing where the next zombie will pop out of. ever notice how they don't call them zombies? you'd think the way zombie shows and movies are all around-remember these survivors are 'us'- then the term would have made it to their vernacular.

any way i'll watch it anyhow-see what shakes down.

i haven't read the comics-I hope we see some other survivor groups engaged in 'zombie free zone' operations and re-establishing order. chaos always brings about some type of order.

oh well, hope it gets better after the 'mid season' break:redface:


Well Known GateFan
yep...kind of reminds me of the criticism BSG got. Ya know i the 3 or 4th season with the "90210 in space" stuff? all the inter-personal and romance drama. Now we got got a "90210 in zombienation" thing going.

in there defense, i suppose it could be said that humans will do what humans do in any situation--but, having been to combat and the long boring waiting leading to it, having sex is one of the last things you think of. you are more concerned with doing everything right so you and your buds can survive. seems to me that their situation on the show is like combat plus.

way outnumbered (will we soon see the "magic ammo/ magic magazine" scenario pop up? i haven't seen them go on any ammo hunts but they blow away ammo like mad--and why don't they pick up some m16's/4' or SAW or machine guns lying around with all the dead military dudes and their abandoned equipment-I digress) never knowing where the next zombie will pop out of. ever notice how they don't call them zombies? you'd think the way zombie shows and movies are all around-remember these survivors are 'us'- then the term would have made it to their vernacular.

any way i'll watch it anyhow-see what shakes down.

i haven't read the comics-I hope we see some other survivor groups engaged in 'zombie free zone' operations and re-establishing order. chaos always brings about some type of order.

oh well, hope it gets better after the 'mid season' break:redface:

The gun/ammo thing is really bugging me lately. The scene with them doing target practice had me shocked because they never explained how much ammo they have and what weapons they have. We've seen a couple hand guns and a rifle but that's it. Call me crazy but I think the #1 priority would be to find weapons and ammo to protect oneself. I mean, there are herds of zeds flash mobbing them all the time so weapons and plenty of ammo would have to be at the top of the list. It's insulting that they ignore important details like this but concentrate on soap opera moments. :facepalm:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
This show has gotten lame. The last episode never mentioned it directly, they only SHOWED the little girl (Sophia) wandering around in the barn as a walker. Her mother and the rest of the people dont know about the walkers in there yet, but Sophia is in there. Here is an article talking about the upcoming Finale episode:


I don't think that Hershel was ever doing a cataloging of the zombies. It was painful for him because his wife and son were also in the barn. It's not like he was actually hanging out in there or paying attention to all the walkers that were in there. He knew they were looking for a girl named Sophia but who knows what zombies were are in there and how often they'd been put in there. Otis was the one who was in charge and corralling them and putting them in there. So for all Hershel knew, Otis had put the Sophia zombie in there months ago.

Sp, bald headed mommy is going to get a shock when she finds out. :roll: