"The Walking Dead" Season 2 premiere breaks records


Well Known GateFan
Indeed, time for something more topical:





My avatar speaks for itself.
so who's seen it then? and was it worth watching?

to me this episode description doesnt sound particularly apealing so need to know if i should waste bandwidth or not...

Save the Last One – The group desperately awaits Shane’s return. Shane finds himself trapped in a school, surrounded by the undead. Daryl and Andrea search for someone in the woods.


Well Known GateFan
so who's seen it then? and was it worth watching?to me this episode description doesnt sound particularly apealing so need to know if i should waste bandwidth or not...
It's probably good enough to watch, and you will be able to understand what's going on fairly well. Some annoying talking but some good action finally. So, yeah, give it a go.


My avatar speaks for itself.
It's probably good enough to watch, and you will be able to understand what's going on fairly well. Some annoying talking but some good action finally. So, yeah, give it a go.

ok thank you! then ill ive it a whirl! :)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
It's probably good enough to watch, and you will be able to understand what's going on fairly well. Some annoying talking but some good action finally. So, yeah, give it a go.

I agree...but there was a lot of philosophical talk that was a bit tedious. At least the dialogue wasn't POINTLESS. :) They actually dealt with some interesting issues like Carl's operation and his needing to live or die in a world full of zombies. But to me the shocker and the meat of this story was "loyalty". Shane...:facepalm:....he is bringing grittiness to this show. All and all, a good episode if a bit slow in parts.


Well Known GateFan
Possible spoiler alert -----

Drove me nuts when they had the scene with the Asian guy and the farm girl where they talked about God and praying. The whole time I'm screaming at the TV for them to jump in the truck and go see if they can help Shane and Otis. I mean, the girl knew where the high school was and they had a truck at their disposal. There was literally no reason for them to sit there doing nothing in that dire situation of needing the medical supplies to help Carl.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Possible spoiler alert -----

Drove me nuts when they had the scene with the Asian guy and the farm girl where they talked about God and praying. The whole time I'm screaming at the TV for them to jump in the truck and go see if they can help Shane and Otis. I mean, the girl knew where the high school was and they had a truck at their disposal. There was literally no reason for them to sit there doing nothing in that dire situation of needing the medical supplies to help Carl.

They are still a wee bit too much into the same old crap they try to introduce into shows like SGU and Falling Skies. They will fail every time if they bring religion or politics into a science fiction/horror show. It just NEVER works. There is nothing in a zombie infested world to use as a "social mirror" for anything we can relate to. To me, anyone still wasting any time on either politics or religion when zombies are running around and people are blowing them away by shooting them in the head just doesnt play well. They need to concentrate on the basic premise which is:

  • Find normal people still alive
  • Keep moving, look for safety in numbers
  • Find more effective weapons
  • Let the audience continue to feel satisfaction when the bad guys get bitten/eaten by zombies
  • Find cool ways to kill the zombies, and show them often
Im not interested in soccer mom Laurie or bitchy Andrea. Shane...well, he is a sneaky one. He is making things gritty and realistic in this show. Keep him. He is the show's "Baltar".


My avatar speaks for itself.
They are still a wee bit too much into the same old crap they try to introduce into shows like SGU and Falling Skies. They will fail every time if they bring religion or politics into a science fiction/horror show. It just NEVER works. There is nothing in a zombie infested world to use as a "social mirror" for anything we can relate to. To me, anyone still wasting any time on either politics or religion when zombies are running around and people are blowing them away by shooting them in the head just doesnt play well. They need to concentrate on the basic premise which is:
  • Find normal people still alive
  • Keep moving, look for safety in numbers
  • Find more effective weapons
  • Let the audience continue to feel satisfaction when the bad guys get bitten/eaten by zombies
  • Find cool ways to kill the zombies, and show them often
Im not interested in soccer mom Laurie or bitchy Andrea. Shane...well, he is a sneaky one. He is making things gritty and realistic in this show. Keep him. He is the show's "Baltar".
above statement pretty much sums up what i think myself but i also feel that the acting doesnt hold up with a fresh bunch of actors expected to perform awesome drama that just never works for me..

and id like to add a point to that little list of yours

Give the more story more about why what and how the zombie thing happened (thats something we only got in the last episode of season 1)
and so far ntohing more has been said about it.. there isnt even speculation going on among the characters..


My avatar speaks for itself.
Damnit APE!!! i saw it and to me there was only 15minutes worth to watch particularly Shane's breakdown in the end... so NOT worth it someone plese tell me when the sory moves ahead some more.


So far this season has been a letdown. Can't see the show through all the soap bubbles :evil: IMO the last 2 eps could have been edited to make 1 good ep.


Well Known GateFan
Damnit APE!!! i saw it and to me there was only 15minutes worth to watch particularly Shane's breakdown in the end... so NOT worth it someone plese tell me when the sory moves ahead some more.

The action was good for the episode the only problem was it was sandwiched between some lame drama. Backstep is right in that these two episodes should have been combined into one good one.

Shane might be "bad" but in many respects he's the man of the group. Rick has turned into something of a...well, I can't use the appropriate word in this forum but suffice to say Rick is rather attenuated as men go. He's supposed to be this paragon of virtue but he just comes across as a sniveling child or lecturing old lady at times.

The drama in this one might have been boring but it was important in spots. The boring scene with Rick and Lori talking about letting Carl live in a world where she fears he will become an animal doing anything to live was a commentary on what she saw in Shane. As drama goes that was important in defining symbolism and all that deep, psychological crap. I didn't necessarily agree with her assessment because to be honest if it wasn't for someone as "bad" as Shane they wouldn't be alive at that point. He protected her and Carl and got them to a safe place and he did that because he was a hard ass, not like Rick who is a limp noodle. In order to live in a zombie-filled world Carl will need to be hard in spots just like Shane. That doesn't mean it's an either/or proposition for the kid as he can also retain a sense of morality and virtue. That's where her argument failed. (Hopefully she will be eaten by a zombie soon because she's really becoming annoying.)

The scene with the farm girl talking to the Asian guy about God was a total waste of celluloid (or pixels if it's filmed digitally). That whole sequence should have been an action scene where they go to find Shane and Otis. Bad writing on this one because it simply doesn't make sense at all for those characters to just sit there doing nothing. The Asian guy is going to get some, yay. :roll:

So, overall I give it a 50 out of 100 in terms of being a worthwhile episode. Definitely worth downloading. Besides, what are you going to waste your bandwith on, Terra Freakin' Nova??? ;)


Earl Grey
This episode kinda was awkward and reminded me of SGU. A bit soapy and what felt like a filler episode. Poorest episode yet IMO.


Well Known GateFan
What a long, slow, constipated turd of an episode this one was. I swear this show should be called "The Talking Dead". And can the characters get stupider? Seriously, it's like a bad slapstick comedy in parts they're so damn dumb. The whole part about dealing with the zed in the well was shockingly stupid. I can't believe someone actually wrote that scene let alone filmed it it was so damn dumb.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Perhaps the show should be redone as a comedy.


Well Known GateFan
Perhaps the show should be redone as a comedy.

They don't have to redo it they just have to go back and add a laugh track.


Earl Grey
What a long, slow, constipated turd of an episode this one was. I swear this show should be called "The Talking Dead". And can the characters get stupider? Seriously, it's like a bad slapstick comedy in parts they're so damn dumb. The whole part about dealing with the zed in the well was shockingly stupid. I can't believe someone actually wrote that scene let alone filmed it it was so damn dumb.
Agreed! I was skipping forward and hoping something would happened but nothing did...and I waited 7 days for this episode

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Agreed! I was skipping forward and hoping something would happened but nothing did...and I waited 7 days for this episode

GROOOOOOANN. I have to watch it for continuity. Oh well, Ill use it to sleep. :)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
The Talking Dead, indeed. This episode was awful.

I hated this episode. Things are getting soapy and there was only the dopey looking zombie in the well. How could they squash SO MUCH dreary soapy drama into a single episode and only show ONE freakin zombie? Cool zombie kill, but that was it? The little girl isnt worth saving if she hasnt yet figured out how to find the highway or use logic to backtrack her steps. She wasn't mentally impaired was she? Why are they drawing that out so long? And Shane, he is still interesting, and the "hillbilly" boy is becoming very interesting as well. He is arguably one of the most complex and best acted characters in this series. Im so done with Soccer mom/Sexpot Laurie, and now this latest "complication"? :facepalm:. Hopefully a zombie will get her before she has to tell her husband and son. Or, she could try to play it off and say it was her husband's child.

Wait...why are we talking about children and who the father is when the show is supposed to be about zombies? They blow up the CDC, but now we get safe farms complete with comfy beds and a non-infested town full of quaint little shops with provisions and even a home pregnancy test? COME ON!