"The Walking Dead" Season 2 premiere breaks records

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
YES YOU aswell if you enjoyed prison break...

as for "the walking dumb" are we even watching the same show? as this thing takes itself WAY TOO SERIOUS and i dont see the "fun" in it at all...

also jump squirm and "gross out"?? really? wow you must have a weak stomache... as it does neither for me..

I have never seen Prison Break. But this Walking Dead thing I am enjoying a whole lot. Scenes like this make me grin from ear to ear:


Where are you gonna get stuff like that? :)


Sinister Swede
Name one good drama show that is this good in the past decade?

The Wire
Boardwalk Empire
Breaking Bad
Mad Men
The Killing
Generation Kill (technically it's a miniseries, but so what?)
And the list goes on....

Also, re: The Walking Dead, personally I enjoy the series. It's not grade A high quality TV (though the Zombie make-up is spectacular), but it's an entertaining way to kill an hour.


Earl Grey
The Wire
Boardwalk Empire
Breaking Bad
Mad Men
The Killing
Generation Kill (technically it's a miniseries, but so what?)
And the list goes on....

Also, re: The Walking Dead, personally I enjoy the series. It's not grade A high quality TV (though the Zombie make-up is spectacular), but it's an entertaining way to kill an hour.

Those never really drew me in to be honest.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
:icon_cry:....To each to his I guess. :icon_e_smile:

In the premiere episode, Dale (the old guy with the RV) and Andrea (the blonde whose sister Amy was bitten and turned into a zombie)...they had the most unexpected dialogue about she wanting to commit suicide and Dale taking her choice away from her. She made a VERY convincing argument, and Dale had a convincingly unexpected response to her words. I thought it was really well acted and well done by those actors. These characters make you feel with them, that is except for the stupid "Parenting in a World of Zombies" theme going on with Rick and his wife and son. Im getting sick of her patronizing ways, and her trying to be a soccer mom in zombieland. I can hear it now.

Carl (the kid): "Mom, Im gonna go out and play"

Mom: "Carl you put on a sweater and make sure you have a loaded clip! Did you wash your hands first?"


Otherwise, I love this show a lot. VERY entertaining.

Im getting sick of this bit of storyline though...




My avatar speaks for itself.
The Wire
Boardwalk Empire
Breaking Bad
Mad Men
The Killing
Generation Kill (technically it's a miniseries, but so what?)
And the list goes on....

Also, re: The Walking Dead, personally I enjoy the series. It's not grade A high quality TV (though the Zombie make-up is spectacular), but it's an entertaining way to kill an hour.
damnit forgot to add the worie in my post.. i was sitting here scratching my head and knew i had forgotten one i really REALLY liked :P

btw you watch breaking bad man? did you see this sesons finale and the 2 episodes leading up to it? WOW those were full of GREAT drama and actor performances!


as for the walking dumb like ive said i enjoy the overall concept and "arc" ie zombies were they came from is there a cure cool crap that happens along the way etc but i DO NOT like the sitting around talking talking talking and drama this drama that for minutes on end were nothing of any real consequence happens besides them annoying the hell out of me and eachother.. i mean come on there is even some of the "who is sleeping with whoo teen drama BS going on" .. :facepalm:


My avatar speaks for itself.
In the premiere episode, Dale (the old guy with the RV) and Andrea (the blonde whose sister Amy was bitten and turned into a zombie)...they had the most unexpected dialogue about she wanting to commit suicide and Dale taking her choice away from her. She made a VERY convincing argument, and Dale had a convincingly unexpected response to her words. I thought it was really well acted and well done by those actors. These characters make you feel with them, that is except for the stupid "Parenting in a World of Zombies" theme going on with Rick and his wife and son. Im getting sick of her patronizing ways, and her trying to be a soccer mom in zombieland. I can hear it now.

Carl (the kid): "Mom, Im gonna go out and play"

Mom: "Carl you put on a sweater and make sure you have a loaded clip! Did you wash your hands first?"


Otherwise, I love this show a lot. VERY entertaining.

Im getting sick of this bit of storyline though...

View attachment 6222

yes neat idea but imo it came off so unbelievably IN YO FACE and overly drawn out basicly the scene was WAY too long so long infact that i just didnt give a damn and i didnt enjoy the actors performances and i actually thought they were terrible...

and yep the zombie soccermom story line is the other major grievance i have and i can honestly say i dont give a F about or find believeable in a post apocalyptic zombie infested world... who would even fricking care if your bitch of a wife slept with another man just bc she asumed you were dead? COME ON its a zombie infested post apocalytic world FFS and if it was me it would be the LAST thing id worry about...


Earl Grey
In the premiere episode, Dale (the old guy with the RV) and Andrea (the blonde whose sister Amy was bitten and turned into a zombie)...they had the most unexpected dialogue about she wanting to commit suicide and Dale taking her choice away from her. She made a VERY convincing argument, and Dale had a convincingly unexpected response to her words. I thought it was really well acted and well done by those actors. These characters make you feel with them, that is except for the stupid "Parenting in a World of Zombies" theme going on with Rick and his wife and son. Im getting sick of her patronizing ways, and her trying to be a soccer mom in zombieland. I can hear it now.

Carl (the kid): "Mom, Im gonna go out and play"

Mom: "Carl you put on a sweater and make sure you have a loaded clip! Did you wash your hands first?"


Otherwise, I love this show a lot. VERY entertaining.

Im getting sick of this bit of storyline though...

View attachment 6222


Next week is good :)

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
The Wire
Boardwalk Empire
Breaking Bad
Mad Men
The Killing
Generation Kill (technically it's a miniseries, but so what?)
And the list goes on....

Also, re: The Walking Dead, personally I enjoy the series. It's not grade A high quality TV (though the Zombie make-up is spectacular), but it's an entertaining way to kill an hour.

I am trying SO HARD to get into Boredom Empire. I've watched every episode and I still find it slow. The part of me that won't let it go is the part that's craving my Sopranos fix. :(


My avatar speaks for itself.
I am trying SO HARD to get into Boredom Empire. I've watched every episode and I still find it slow. The part of me that won't let it go is the part that's craving my Sopranos fix. :(
im getting that sorted wit sons of anarchy these days... sure its dif but similar.. and i also tried boardwalk empire i coulndt get into it even tho i wanted too..


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OHOHOH!! just remembered another good drama show from the last few years THE SHEILD i loved it (cept maybe for the overzealous shaky cam) and cant believe i forgot to mention it.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
OHOHOH!! just remembered another good drama show from the last few years THE SHEILD i loved it (cept maybe for the overzealous shaky cam) and cant believe i forgot to mention it.

I loved that show! However....this is a Walking Dead thread...:rononwhistle: :P.

The Shield was GREAT drama, and the stupid shaky cam ruined a lot of it but then it added tension in several of the episodes which would not have been as cool without the shaky cam. What a great show.


My avatar speaks for itself.
I loved that show! However....this is a Walking Dead thread...:rononwhistle: :P.

The Shield was GREAT drama, and the stupid shaky cam ruined a lot of it but then it added tension in several of the episodes which would not have been as cool without the shaky cam. What a great show.
actually the thread is a news report on the ratings of TWD seoson 2 premiere that has taken on a life of its own with a wide range of topics so i think its ok.. if however it was purly a TWD topic in such a section then id agree with OT :P

and yes it sure was! btw how come you havnt checked out sons of anarchy yet? you know its the same crew who makes it right? ie Kurt Sutter... trust me if you liked the sheild youll like sons.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
actually the thread is a news report on the ratings of TWD seoson 2 premiere that has taken on a life of its own with a wide range of topics so i think its ok.. if however it was purly a TWD topic in such a section then id agree with OT :P

and yes it sure was! btw how come you havnt checked out sons of anarchy yet? you know its the same crew who makes it right? ie Kurt Sutter... trust me if you liked the sheild youll like sons.

One word: motorcycles

I hate motorcycles (ESPECIALLY Harleys), and bikers, especially when there is also leather and boots and tattoos associated with said motorcycles/bikes. Just a personal thing...like Breaking Bad, I dont like the drug thing going on with it. If it was just pot that would be different.


My avatar speaks for itself.
One word: motorcycles

I hate motorcycles (ESPECIALLY Harleys), and bikers, especially when there is also leather and boots and tattoos associated with said motorcycles/bikes. Just a personal thing...like Breaking Bad, I dont like the drug thing going on with it. If it was just pot that would be different.
surpisingly tho for a show about a motorcyckle club show the bikes really dont take the front row seat at all... i had those same fears when i first heard about it and started watching ie "christ MC club, leather, beards and motorcycles" but imo i think it goes way beyond that and in doing so those fears were squashed... and persoanlly i think the main character looks more hiphop then he does "Leather dude" he even has a really turrible "gangsta lean" when i he walks :P

and its a shame you are so morally urked here as you are really missing out on some outstanding entertainment i find that surprising tho seeing as you watched The Sheild which took morality and shoved it where the sun dont shine :P

shame real shame.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
surpisingly tho for a show about a motorcyckle club show the bikes really dont take the front row seat at all... i had those same fears when i first heard about it and started watching ie "christ MC club, leather, beards and motorcycles" but imo i think it goes way beyond that and in doing so those fears were squashed... and persoanlly i think the main character looks more hiphop then he does "Leather dude" he even has a really turrible "gangsta lean" when i he walks :P

and its a shame you are so morally urked here as you are really missing out on some outstanding entertainment i find that surprising tho seeing as you watched The Sheild which took morality and shoved it where the sun dont shine :P

shame real shame.

Its not morality that turned me off of bikes, it's the noise of them, the look of the bikes (why do they like the handlebars that force the rider to hold his arms out high and wide?), the people I see riding them look dirty and dangerous to me. The beards, tats, long hair, leather, and the skanks they have riding with them...not appealing to me at all. :). I also hate ghetto gang movies for the same reason.


My avatar speaks for itself.
Its not morality that turned me off of bikes, it's the noise of them, the look of the bikes (why do they like the handlebars that force the rider to hold his arms out high and wide?), the people I see riding them look dirty and dangerous to me. The beards, tats, long hair, leather, and the skanks they have riding with them...not appealing to me at all. :). I also hate ghetto gang movies for the same reason.
like i said youd be surpried at how small the "bike" part actually is, per the morality issue i was mostly reffering to breaking bad there, imo watching and enjoying such a show does not mean you support what they are doing.

still a shame tho as these shows really give the viewer one hellova ride.

and lol ghetto gang movies aye they can get a bit stupid but i still apreciate them for the entertainent value and that they actually portray REALITY and the world we actually live in.


My avatar speaks for itself.
anyway ill get back to my original statement that i dont think this is a topic for this particular thread.


My avatar speaks for itself.
You are AWESOME on every level. You live in Sweden, for chrissakes! I bet that what you consider a ghetto in Sweden would be considered a luxury area in Southern California. Do you people even have cockroaches there? :) Ill leave the topic alone, but there is just no way to consider anyone with your talent "lower-class". No way to do it.

How about some CGI zombies!

CGI Zombies Coming right up!