"The Walking Dead" Season 2 premiere breaks records

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
As much as I loath SGU I have to concur somewhat. The pace was slow on SGU and some stuff was idiotic but it wasn't as egregiously insulting to my intelligence as TWD has become.

Yeah, I concur. I said it earlier in this thread that I think that SGU was more entertaining than this show is now. I liked all of season 1 except the part when they got to the farm. They stayed too long, and I dont like the character drama and especially hate the attempts at shipping and soap. Really? In a zombie infested world? She is a Zombie Mom. The walkers have all found better things to do evidently, since they dont seem to be drawn to all the warm food whining on that farm. Why does everybody in the show look so "rustic"?


Well Known GateFan
just to be clear..i was not/ am not a big fan of SGU, though I did find the episodes tolerable and some of them interesting (the Novan's etc). And of course, I found myself wanting to watch to see what would happen and how things would end.

I find myself wanting none of that-now, at least-with TWD. If I catch the ep, fine, if not no biggie.

Also, does anyone else find it strange that we don't get any kind of "zombie rule book" here? I mean other than "don't get bit" there seems to be no background lore like we got in other stories like Resident Evil, for example. The walkers just may as well be rabid squirrels frolicking in the forest, they have become, at best, mere nuisance to the melodrama of "he loves me she loves him" kind of stuff. Which would be ok as long as it wasn't the main focus.

And why dont they call them zombies anyhow? I mean they are supposed to be "us." Modern day Americans having been exposed to modern culture and the ubiquitous "zombie flick." So why not use the word?


Well Known GateFan
that was fun to read. and yes i totally agree..in a situation like this who wouldn't want a whole platoon of Shanes on their side?

I love how he points out that two of the main characters, Rick and Lori, are completely useless and boring. The fact that the show would be better off without them says volumes.


Well Known GateFan
last episode clearly show the in-congruent nature of tptb.

like rick transforming from a guy who didn't want to shoot herschel's pet walkers to now wanting to execute the living ....

see what they pull out of their butt next week:icon_e_surprised:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
This show beats SGU in lameness factor.

last episode clearly show the in-congruent nature of tptb.

like rick transforming from a guy who didn't want to shoot herschel's pet walkers to now wanting to execute the living ....

see what they pull out of their butt next week:icon_e_surprised:

This show is even more lame than SGU was for me. The storylines are just...LAME. I am completely nonplussed by the episodes and the original excitement and tension of evading walkers and finding resources and shelter whilst blowing zombies away in cool ways is GONE. No flavor left in this piece of gum at all. Lets stick it under the table and leave.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
This show is even more lame than SGU was for me. The storylines are just...LAME. I am completely nonplussed by the episodes and the original excitement and tension of evading walkers and finding resources and shelter whilst blowing zombies away in cool ways is GONE. No flavor left in this piece of gum at all. Lets stick it under the table and leave.

It's become a total melodrama. You have this big family, pa, ma is dead, the kids, the friends who've moved in all living in a giant house on a farm where they grow their own vegetables and animals ... it's basically "The Waltons" with zombies.

Here's a leaked video of Season 3's new opening theme:


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
It's become a total melodrama. You have this big family, pa, ma is dead, the kids, the friends who've moved in all living in a giant house on a farm where they grow their own vegetables and animals ... it's basically "The Waltons" with zombies.

Here's a leaked video of Season 3's new opening theme:



At least the Waltons was watchable as drama. The characters were endearing. This dreck is bubblegum horror all mangled in with soap opera melodrama and thinly defined "plots". What the hell are they doing with the show? They either need to get new characters or seriously change the dynamic using something new. But The Cancellation Bear will be very hungry soon.


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
yeppers like ive said for MONTHS now TWD SUCKS MONKEY BALLS!

Laurie has to go. Take the kid too, and the weird lady whose daughter was a barn walker. Keep the blonde, Shane, Rick, the old man, and the hillbilly. The black dude needs to be food. Get another cool brotha with balls to replace him. But the show is just stupid. These people are sending scouts out to get pregnancy test kits? Really? Im still not over that.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Laurie has to go. Take the kid too, and the weird lady whose daughter was a barn walker. Keep the blonde, Shane, Rick, the old man, and the hillbilly. The black dude needs to be food. Get another cool brotha with balls to replace him. But the show is just stupid. These people are sending scouts out to get pregnancy test kits? Really? Im still not over that.

What's a melodrama without a good "is it mine or his?" illegitimate baby storyline?


My avatar speaks for itself.
Laurie has to go. Take the kid too, and the weird lady whose daughter was a barn walker. Keep the blonde, Shane, Rick, the old man, and the hillbilly. The black dude needs to be food. Get another cool brotha with balls to replace him. But the show is just stupid. These people are sending scouts out to get pregnancy test kits? Really? Im still not over that.

dude i havne no clue what has happened since S2 ep 2 as i gave up all the way back then as the terribleness scarred me for life that early on ;)

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
dude i havne no clue what has happened since S2 ep 2 as i gave up all the way back then as the terribleness scarred me for life that early on ;)

Watch the Walton's theme clip. It sums up all of TWD S2 so far in a minute.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

I am expecting the "partial zombie" who is a zombie, but is still sentient and can help them understand "zombie think" and escape danger. :roll:. Then, of course we have to have some human / zombie shipping going on. :P


Well Known GateFan
I am expecting the "partial zombie" who is a zombie, but is still sentient and can help them understand "zombie think" and escape danger. :roll:. Then, of course we have to have some human / zombie shipping going on. :P

Don't forget the Emmy winning musical episode they will no doubt do. Everyone will get a number to do including the zombie hoard. It will be romantic and funny and endearing and people will talk about it for months afterwards. :facepalm:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Don't forget the Emmy winning musical episode they will no doubt do. Everyone will get a number to do including the zombie hoard. It will be romantic and funny and endearing and people will talk about it for months afterwards. :facepalm:

O dear. I can imagine the dance step rehearsals with actors in zombie drag, with Paula Abdul consulting :facepalm:. Then of course, the producers talking to TV hosts about the episode and how they thought it would be "a fun thing to do this season".


Well Known GateFan
O dear. I can imagine the dance step rehearsals with actors in zombie drag, with Paula Abdul consulting :facepalm:. Then of course, the producers talking to TV hosts about the episode and how they thought it would be "a fun thing to do this season".

Yeah, and the zombie dance sequence will contain a brief homage to Michael Jackson ala "Thriller". The producers will stroke each other's egos in the interviews they give to "Showbiz Tonight" and shows like that. The chick who plays "Lori" will talk about how nervous she was to sing even though everyone told her she was good but in the end it was just fun for all involved, blah blah fun blah. :puke: