The Super Duper POSITIVE Thread

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Nothing but happy stuff here.


Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
HEY! I saw a movie and GEE I reeeeeally liked it! It was called Star Trek released in 2009. It was cool!

Anyone else see something they like a lot lately?


Objects may be closer than they appear
This thread makes me feel all warm and fuzzy! :star:


Objects may be closer than they appear


Objects may be closer than they appear
OMG, how cute! Im gonna go out and hug something too! I better not hug the neighbor's pit bull, though. :(

Hey, only positive thoughts and soapy bubbles here sir! :onthego:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
OH! OH! I wanna come, too! I just got a bottle of extra soapy bubbles! I can make bubbles big enough to envelope a human being.

Sounds like fun! Maybe one of those bubbles will carry me away to Puff Puff Mountain where the Lollipop Queen lives! All of this laughter and hugging is making me hungry. Lunch time!



Objects may be closer than they appear


Well Known GateFan

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Yes, exactly! Otherwise your post may be edited by a mod.

Thats because we voted against stabbing violators with a sharpened candy cane. :redface-new: But those are bad bad thoughts and they are not allowed. :( Just for that, I am going to hit myself with this.
