The New Year's Resolution Thread for 2012!

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

I thought it might be cool to have a New Year's Resolution thread here for each of us to post (and reflect upon) a list of resolutions we make to ourselves. When I was younger, I would sometimes have unrealistic resolutions, like making a million dollars in a year, or buying that fancy computer (that was obsolete by the time I saved up for it). There have been the stop smoking resolutions (several years on and off), and the easy ones that dont take much effort to honor. Anyway, we all have our resolutions and our needs for them. :)

Here are mine:

  1. Separate business from pleasure. I frequently mix business with pleasure and wind up taken advantage of or being overly generous with discounts.
  2. Schedule exercise like I schedule client visits. Dieting is not enough.
  3. Attempt to quit smoking altogether (again). But this time, allow for the slip, and endeavor to start again. At least I can do days without a smoke and when I skip I am still far below the original rate of smoking. I will be closer to quitting, and if I feel it, then really try and quit.
  4. Never assume that people will be the same in all situations. Tough economic times are bringing out the worst in some, and the best in others.
  5. Track all time spent doing things for others. If I am not getting paid for it, I am a fool (see resolution #1)
  6. Go camping. I have missed 2 years without taking a single camping trip. Part of me needs to connect with nature and the sky (as in no light pollution). MAKE the time.
  7. Follow up on projects which are started, and if they stall then determine the reasons for the stall. Think of the lost time as idling work without getting paid.
  8. Understand how people value things and supply the demand rather than to try and create demand for services which are not requested.
  9. Get on a plane and fly to Germany to visit my brother in 2012. Get over the plane phobia and do it.
  10. Implement GateFans 2.0 and get this site on the map :)
I have a much longer list, and most of this is just personal notes to myself, but it will be fun to revisit this thread later. :)


Wow OM you sure have a lot of resolutions. And very specific ones too.
I only have 1. Which is to get a job. :)

I urge you to really focus on number 9 of your list. ;)


I need to...Learn the new ICD10 coding system....Hit a Lottery....take a vacation when I need one...Play with my dog more.


Well Known GateFan
In 2012 I resolve to...

-- Travel to the Netherlands to testify at the trial for the person who mentally raped me (and others -- it's a class action suit). Then I'll stick around long enough to see that sick sonofabitch fry in the electric chair -- which they're bringing back just for him because he's such an inhuman monster.

-- Visit all the friends that I've been promising to visit in other parts of the country. It's been too long since we've seen each other.

-- Take an origami class.

-- Relocate to the Southwest.

-- *to be continued...

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
In 2012, I resolve to not make any new year's resolutions just as I have always done. Promises I make to myself are kept because I love me and not because the calendar year skips ahead one digit. Discipline is key. :)

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
View attachment 6604

I thought it might be cool to have a New Year's Resolution thread here for each of us to post (and reflect upon) a list of resolutions we make to ourselves. When I was younger, I would sometimes have unrealistic resolutions, like making a million dollars in a year, or buying that fancy computer (that was obsolete by the time I saved up for it). There have been the stop smoking resolutions (several years on and off), and the easy ones that dont take much effort to honor. Anyway, we all have our resolutions and our needs for them. :)

Here are mine:

  1. Separate business from pleasure. I frequently mix business with pleasure and wind up taken advantage of or being overly generous with discounts.
  2. Schedule exercise like I schedule client visits. Dieting is not enough.
  3. Attempt to quit smoking altogether (again). But this time, allow for the slip, and endeavor to start again. At least I can do days without a smoke and when I skip I am still far below the original rate of smoking. I will be closer to quitting, and if I feel it, then really try and quit.
  4. Never assume that people will be the same in all situations. Tough economic times are bringing out the worst in some, and the best in others.
  5. Track all time spent doing things for others. If I am not getting paid for it, I am a fool (see resolution #1)
  6. Go camping. I have missed 2 years without taking a single camping trip. Part of me needs to connect with nature and the sky (as in no light pollution). MAKE the time.
  7. Follow up on projects which are started, and if they stall then determine the reasons for the stall. Think of the lost time as idling work without getting paid.
  8. Understand how people value things and supply the demand rather than to try and create demand for services which are not requested.
  9. Get on a plane and fly to Germany to visit my brother in 2012. Get over the plane phobia and do it.
  10. Implement GateFans 2.0 and get this site on the map :)
I have a much longer list, and most of this is just personal notes to myself, but it will be fun to revisit this thread later. :)

That's a big list, bro. Here are my thoughts on your list:

1. If she's got big boobs, looks great in a mini skirt and has her eye on you, why not?
2. Discipline! Think back to your military training!
3. Quit cold turkey. It's the only way to go. You can't ween yourself off tobacco. All my friends failed doing it gradually but succeeded when abruptly quit.
4. Very true.
5. See #1
6. You really need to stop on occasion and smell the roses.
7. See #2
8. Good! Stay away from the chronic mechanic behavior, the one who hands you an estimate for shit your car doesn't need. Come to think of it, that's exactly what Microsoft does, too. :icon_lol:
9. Go! Go! Go!
10. I got your back.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
In 2012 I resolve to...

-- Travel to the Netherlands to testify at the trial for the person who mentally raped me (and others -- it's a class action suit). Then I'll stick around long enough to see that sick sonofabitch fry in the electric chair -- which they're bringing back just for him because he's such an inhuman monster.

:rotflmao::laughing::lol: Once again, you manage to split my gut with laughter! Poor Stonelss. :icon_lol:

-- Visit all the friends that I've been promising to visit in other parts of the country. It's been too long since we've seen each other.

-- Take an origami class.

-- Relocate to the Southwest.

-- *to be continued...

I hear there are fewer earthquakes South East.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Wow OM you sure have a lot of resolutions. And very specific ones too.
I only have 1. Which is to get a job. :)

I urge you to really focus on number 9 of your list. ;)

But you have a job and it's a good one! You're the forum's Chief Youtube Officer.


Objects may be closer than they appear
I resolve to join a class action lawsuit in 2012.

:P :D


Objects may be closer than they appear
I resolve to compensate Stoneless for youtube videos that are not X-Factor related.... :P :)


Objects may be closer than they appear
That narrows his paycheck to a few pennies.

That's really all I've got to spare. Being a king doesn't pay as much as it used to. :P


Objects may be closer than they appear