The GateFans Show!

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I have been playing around with Xtranormal's State desktop software, and I created this show using the program. Its my first, but there will be more coming. Unlike most software for animation, this one uses a text to speech engine (could be better!) to create the dialogue. You can choose actors, sets, movements, or use your own backgrounds. The segments are limited to about 4 minutes but you can stitch them together.

Aaaaanyway, this is a first shot! Hope you enjoy it. :)



I have been playing around with Xtranormal's State desktop software, and I created this show using the program. Its my first, but there will be more coming. Unlike most software for animation, this one uses a text to speech engine (could be better!) to create the dialogue. You can choose actors, sets, movements, or use your own backgrounds. The segments are limited to about 4 minutes but you can stitch them together.

Aaaaanyway, this is a first shot! Hope you enjoy it. :)


Someone needs to make a new emot :Soap-fi sucks

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I have been playing around with Xtranormal's State desktop software, and I created this show using the program. Its my first, but there will be more coming. Unlike most software for animation, this one uses a text to speech engine (could be better!) to create the dialogue. You can choose actors, sets, movements, or use your own backgrounds. The segments are limited to about 4 minutes but you can stitch them together.

Aaaaanyway, this is a first shot! Hope you enjoy it. :)


Can't wait for it to come back from the commercial break.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Back from commercial break....

Here is the second segment of the show! :icon_lol:


What ship is this?
Staff member
I like it. We may have slightly differing opinions on the role of religion and politics in SciFi (but I think we're mostly in agreement) but the commentary was mostly on target and very funny to boot.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I like it. We may have slightly differing opinions on the role of religion and politics in SciFi (but I think we're mostly in agreement) but the commentary was mostly on target and very funny to boot.

NO! Bad Barney! Very bad Barney!
< smack barney across the nose with rolled newspaper >

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
good im glad, i really like the idea of the "gatefans show" its def a concept worthy to be built upon :)

I am going to use the cool alpha overlays you made for me on the next installment (working on it now). I also want to make some lame commercials to go with it. :) Its no CGI masterpiece, but they can be entertaining enough. I wish the text-to-speech engine was better!


What ship is this?
Staff member
NO! Bad Barney! Very bad Barney!
< smack barney across the nose with rolled newspaper >

Hey, I said SLIGHT difference. I happen to think that political and religious elements can be effectvely used in SciFi if they are woven into the plot and part of the larger story. Dune is an example of doing this - without the political and religious elements the story would lose a lot of its richness and also a main plot mover would be gone. So is the Foundation trilogy - the politics of the Empire is integral to the Seldon Plan.

On the other hand it can definitely be done wrong. This typically occurs when it is tacked on so that the author/producer/actor can make a "statement". We saw this in SGU (the bizarre behavior of O'Neill and the other earth characters) and also Falling Skies - in both cases it actually distracted from the main plot instead of helping drive it.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Hey, I said SLIGHT difference. I happen to think that political and religious elements can be effectvely used in SciFi if they are woven into the plot and part of the larger story. Dune is an example of doing this - without the political and religious elements the story would lose a lot of its richness and also a main plot mover would be gone. So is the Foundation trilogy - the politics of the Empire is integral to the Seldon Plan.

On the other hand it can definitely be done wrong. This typically occurs when it is tacked on so that the author/producer/actor can make a "statement". We saw this in SGU (the bizarre behavior of O'Neill and the other earth characters) and also Falling Skies - in both cases it actually distracted from the main plot instead of helping drive it.

Good examples. I also thought it was used effectively in Babylon 5 and that there wouldn't have been much of a story without those elements. The problem is that its successfully effective use is so rare because good writing takes time and imagination, something lacking in much of today's TV where they churn out episodes for the sake of filling the airwaves for revenues.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
:laughing:Soapgate Unicrap ... Brad Wrong ... LOL!!

This Xtranormal software gives me endless possibilities! I am no CGI guy or an artist, but I can type and move actors around on a set. This one is done with a set of characters in the Xtranormal family, and a TOS bridge that they have. The viewscreen allows embedding of other video. Here is a short segment I made. I added all the TOS sounds and the clips of the ship in space. :) FUN!

I was freewheeling this one, and I was going to go into a story of how the Enterprise is going around eliminating all the soap stuff being taken from planet to planet by a rogue set of writers trying to make everything dramatic. That is an ALIEN concept! But in a very short time I see the need for a script, even if it is loose. :( But the GateFans show is MUCH easier. I will release another one soon. :)

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
This Xtranormal software gives me endless possibilities! I am no CGI guy or an artist, but I can type and move actors around on a set. This one is done with a set of characters in the Xtranormal family, and a TOS bridge that they have. The viewscreen allows embedding of other video. Here is a short segment I made. I added all the TOS sounds and the clips of the ship in space. :) FUN!

I was freewheeling this one, and I was going to go into a story of how the Enterprise is going around eliminating all the soap stuff being taken from planet to planet by a rogue set of writers trying to make everything dramatic. That is an ALIEN concept! But in a very short time I see the need for a script, even if it is loose. :( But the GateFans show is MUCH easier. I will release another one soon. :)

Whoa! That was cool! I actually got into it for a moment as if I was watching a sci-fi spoof.

"... save the zombies, that is ..." :icon_lol:

Dude, you''re onto something. I'm really enjoying these short eps and you have real imagination.