THE EXPANSE --it's premise, plot and socio-political implications


Well Known GateFan
I just did the 30 day trial on Amazon and I cannot find the Expanse anywhere ! wth ? Season 1 and 2 should at least be there right ? Anyway , I cancelled it . I can't even find the show I want to watch. Actually the only show I want to watch . Extremely limited list of shows that I would not even give the time of day to also .

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I just did the 30 day trial on Amazon and I cannot find the Expanse anywhere ! wth ? Season 1 and 2 should at least be there right ? Anyway , I cancelled it . I can't even find the show I want to watch. Actually the only show I want to watch . Extremely limited list of shows that I would not even give the time of day to also .

Both Season 1 and Season 2 are on Prime for free, included with membership:

Also, you must have been searching the wrong place. What you want is Prime Video. Check the selections on your computer if you are using your Roku to search. Prime has more good stuff than Netflix does in my opinion, but to each their own! If you have lots of TV shows you need to see, then Hulu is there. I refuse to pay any service which feeds me commercials.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
I tried to find The Expanse on Amazon Prime UK but it's not there. Should be on USA though, if I understand correctly even season 3.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I tried to find The Expanse on Amazon Prime UK but it's not there. Should be on USA though, if I understand correctly even season 3.

Yes on that, but Season 3 is a pay season even with Prime. Amazon was already able to test the response with The Expanse before taking it over from Syfy, and it turns out that they had bought the streaming rights before Season 1 even aired. So, Amazon's decision to save The Expanse was not exactly spontaneous. :)


What ship is this?
Staff member
I think LB is having trouble finding it on Amazon UK because no doubt the current streaming deal is still in effect, where in the US it is on Amazon and iTunes (but they pay Amazon for it) but outside North America and New Zealand it is on Netflix.

I wonder if this new deal will vest all worldwide streaming rights with Amazon or whether Netflix still gets international?


Well Known GateFan
Both Season 1 and Season 2 are on Prime for free, included with membership:

Also, you must have been searching the wrong place. What you want is Prime Video. Check the selections on your computer if you are using your Roku to search. Prime has more good stuff than Netflix does in my opinion, but to each their own! If you have lots of TV shows you need to see, then Hulu is there. I refuse to pay any service which feeds me commercials.
I think I am in the same boat as Lord Ba'll . Its not showing up in Canada . It would not accept my VPN . But I did not try other servers ...

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I think I am in the same boat as Lord Ba'll . Its not showing up in Canada . It would not accept my VPN . But I did not try other servers ...

I would like to try an experiment. I will contact you in PM shortly.


Well Known GateFan
I just did the 30 day trial on Amazon and I cannot find the Expanse anywhere ! wth ? Season 1 and 2 should at least be there right ? Anyway , I cancelled it . I can't even find the show I want to watch. Actually the only show I want to watch . Extremely limited list of shows that I would not even give the time of day to also .

Everyone remembers Netflix in Canada, but they forget about "CraveTv", our other supplier of average quality TV.

Just as I thought, Space shows The Expanse so it might end up on another CTV site.

2 seasons - 23 shows. That might be your answer right there.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Thankfully, Season 4 was saved because it might just be the most exciting season of the Expanse shown so far. It will be the beginning of Abaddon's Gate and that is a huge moment in The Expanse story. It makes the first three seasons (stories) look like a prequel.


Well Known GateFan
I think they cancelled it because cable is losing people. Everyone is moving towards the internet and streaming and syfy hasn't got anything online. Them cancelling it rather than adapting to newer technology also doesn't send a good message that they care. I am sure they do care but they don't know how to adapt because they think that they are too late or haven't thought of a plan to a changing environment and are trying to keep this dinosaur model alive.
It's hard saying goodbye to anything you love dearly. I still remember when stargate was cancelled and I loved that series to death. I thought it could never end and there could be no wrong stories. It still hurts seeing it cancelled. I got so angry that I wrote a letter to MGM and signed the petition to have SG-1 reinstated. haha

SYFY does have a ROKU app that is free ,with commercials

surely they have other streaming presences as well? APPLE GOOGLE?

Perhaps they should --and other networks that the general public increasingly view as "niche", like sci fi and horror, and real history-- abandon broadcasting 'live' on cable and sat and just go 100% on demand pay for view streaming?

I really do not know what the hold up is; i mean, they get a dedicated, paying viewership and the public finally can get a 'ala carte' entertainment option


Well Known GateFan
Thankfully, Season 4 was saved because it might just be the most exciting season of the Expanse shown so far. It will be the beginning of Abaddon's Gate and that is a huge moment in The Expanse story. It makes the first three seasons (stories) look like a prequel.

so, there will be a S4?

also, this show going down on syfy (As well as some stuff on other networks) is another prime example of how the general public just doesn't "get" anything that requires an active --as in paying attn to the screen-- viewing

they want more and more 'passive', mind numbing shit like so many networks have become

this has happened too many times now, just on syfy. so many shows that were more then just 'stare and drool' type shows (a few of which only 1 or 2 ppl here would agree with me on- like GATEBOARDER, so I wont name the shows) have been axed due to viewer's laziness


Well Known GateFan
Both Season 1 and Season 2 are on Prime for free, included with membership:

Also, you must have been searching the wrong place. What you want is Prime Video. Check the selections on your computer if you are using your Roku to search. Prime has more good stuff than Netflix does in my opinion, but to each their own! If you have lots of TV shows you need to see, then Hulu is there. I refuse to pay any service which feeds me commercials.

amazon is amazon

expanse is there, the new season is pay for view but the 1 and 2 are PRIME

just search it and it should show

perhaps it is blocked in canada as it appears to be i nthe UK?


What ship is this?
Staff member
The bad thing for SyFy is they foolishly had not contracted for any cut of the streaming revenue when they greenlit the show. It has gotten very strong streaming results so SyFy was paying for the show but locked out of the biggest revenue stream. Amazon can see their streaming numbers so jumping in was a no brainer for them.


Well Known GateFan
I think we have LOST Tripler for a week or so if he signed up for 30 days of free viewing on Crave Tv.

This must be the first time in history where the supplier of a product put something over on the buyer. You would of thought that they, SyFy, would be trying to squeeze every penny out of their broadcast rights to the show.

If NetFlix bought the International rights to the show, then it is good on them.


What ship is this?
Staff member
We don't actually know who has what rights except that SyFy originally had the US broadcast rights, Amazon the streaming in NA and NZ and Netflix the other streaming. Now that Amazon is the main contractor of the show from Alcon it will be interesting to see who else does what so to speak.


Well Known GateFan
Everyone remembers Netflix in Canada, but they forget about "CraveTv", our other supplier of average quality TV.

Just as I thought, Space shows The Expanse so it might end up on another CTV site.

2 seasons - 23 shows. That might be your answer right there.
I don't have cable and never will again ...


Well Known GateFan
amazon grabbing this up so quick has got to be record!(?)

not surprising a guy like Bezos took persona attn in this he is probably a fan of the show

the past of THE EXPANSE 'universe' probably (just guessing) involved a person(s) like Bezos who helped get humanity into space suing their wealth and influence (and then govt's came in later to leech I guess further?)


Earl Grey
We don't actually know who has what rights except that SyFy originally had the US broadcast rights, Amazon the streaming in NA and NZ and Netflix the other streaming. Now that Amazon is the main contractor of the show from Alcon it will be interesting to see who else does what so to speak.
I guess one man's computer and internet connection is another man's cable connection.
amazon grabbing this up so quick has got to be record!(?)

not surprising a guy like Bezos took persona attn in this he is probably a fan of the show

the past of THE EXPANSE 'universe' probably (just guessing) involved a person(s) like Bezos who helped get humanity into space suing their wealth and influence (and then govt's came in later to leech I guess further?)
Thankfully, Season 4 was saved because it might just be the most exciting season of the Expanse shown so far. It will be the beginning of Abaddon's Gate and that is a huge moment in The Expanse story. It makes the first three seasons (stories) look like a prequel.
Looks like the expanse has been saved by amazon.


What ship is this?
Staff member
We already noted that upthread. What we are saying is the details of the deal with Amazon have yet to be revealed, and so we do not know how all the streaming is being handled.