THE EXPANSE --it's premise, plot and socio-political implications

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Why good story telling never sells. The expanse cancelled.

Syfy has canceled The Expanse, but its producers want to find it a new home

Why do people think that netflix can save this series? They know their demise is coming once disney launches its own platform so they won't be a in a hurry to greenlit another season of the expanse.

The Expanse is PREMIUM science fiction. Syfy should feel good that they tried to do it, and they pulled it off beautifully. The only way to keep it premium and enjoyable is to continue allowing the authors of the books to have creative control. They will also need to keep up the level of CGI. But MOST of all, they need to stick to the story, and if they give the authors control they can do that.

Netflix cannot afford to produce this show with their model. But Amazon can. :) Honestly, if CBS All Access picked it up 100% as is, I would pay for the service.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan

Fuck you SyFy!!!

The expanse is one of the best scifi shows ever made. This is the last straw.

I have hope that this show will be picked up by another company where management isn't short-sighted and mentally challenged.

Fuck you SyFy! Fuck you in the eye with a sharp pointy stick!


Earl Grey

Fuck you SyFy!!!

The expanse is one of the best scifi shows ever made. This is the last straw.

I have hope that this show will be picked up by another company where management isn't short-sighted and mentally challenged.

Fuck you SyFy! Fuck you in the eye with a sharp pointy stick!
This is life man. It's never fair. If it's not a productive asset, it will get canned. This is with everyone and everything in life including when you work. If you don't produce an outcome the businesss desires you will be fired in which in this case is ratings, and no matter how good it is, it will get pulled from the shelves

The Expanse is PREMIUM science fiction. Syfy should feel good that they tried to do it, and they pulled it off beautifully. The only way to keep it premium and enjoyable is to continue allowing the authors of the books to have creative control. They will also need to keep up the level of CGI. But MOST of all, they need to stick to the story, and if they give the authors control they can do that.

Netflix cannot afford to produce this show with their model. But Amazon can. :) Honestly, if CBS All Access picked it up 100% as is, I would pay for the service.
Netflix can afford it but right they are going on survival mode before the Disney shit disappears.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
They can do all the petition all they want but ultimately they'll need to see why it needed to be cancelled and see if the finances add up.

EXACTLY. And they will NOT be able to pull off a stripped down version of it for Season 4 (if there is one). The story being told in the novels is amazing. Its real science fiction from a modern perspective. Fortunately, the series follows the books almost exactly, so if you want to continue the story, you need to read Caliban's War and the next one Abaddon's Gate. I have not read the Cibola Burn which is the one after Abaddon's Gate, but I will be getting that one soon.

I can't believe Syfy cancelled this, other than it was just too expensive for them to produce given their goal of advertising and subscription profits.


Well Known GateFan
With the shortage of film space in Toronto I believe the rumours that they are striking down the sets in the near future are true.

Obviously "The Expanse" was used as a loss-leader hoping to draw - in viewers to their other shows. As they said in "BSG", history repeats itself over and over again. Is it any wonder that the viewers are still gun - shy after loosing quite-a-few good shows from around 10 years back.

Those poor people at SyFy can't get a break. By the sounds of it the producers of the show were getting the cheese, while SyFy was getting a few pieces of bread from the loaf.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Well this stinks...

We finally get a legit Science Fiction show and SyFy foolishly decides not to stick with it. Watch, the next cancel will be Z Nation leaving them with nothing but garbage.


Earl Grey
EXACTLY. And they will NOT be able to pull off a stripped down version of it for Season 4 (if there is one). The story being told in the novels is amazing. Its real science fiction from a modern perspective. Fortunately, the series follows the books almost exactly, so if you want to continue the story, you need to read Caliban's War and the next one Abaddon's Gate. I have not read the Cibola Burn which is the one after Abaddon's Gate, but I will be getting that one soon.

I can't believe Syfy cancelled this, other than it was just too expensive for them to produce given their goal of advertising and subscription profits.
I think they cancelled it because cable is losing people. Everyone is moving towards the internet and streaming and syfy hasn't got anything online. Them cancelling it rather than adapting to newer technology also doesn't send a good message that they care. I am sure they do care but they don't know how to adapt because they think that they are too late or haven't thought of a plan to a changing environment and are trying to keep this dinosaur model alive.
It's hard saying goodbye to anything you love dearly. I still remember when stargate was cancelled and I loved that series to death. I thought it could never end and there could be no wrong stories. It still hurts seeing it cancelled. I got so angry that I wrote a letter to MGM and signed the petition to have SG-1 reinstated. haha

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan


Well Known GateFan

Fuck you SyFy!!!

The expanse is one of the best scifi shows ever made. This is the last straw.

I have hope that this show will be picked up by another company where management isn't short-sighted and mentally challenged.

Fuck you SyFy! Fuck you in the eye with a sharp pointy stick!
So how do I give you a 100 star winner icons . I have the same sentiment.
Sy fricken fy can die and go to hell over and over again ffs !


What ship is this?
Staff member
Alcon Entertainment is already shopping it to venues like Netflix and Amazon.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Alcon Entertainment is already shopping it to venues like Netflix and Amazon.

I've heard rumors that Netflix didn't show as much interest as was hoped and that perhaps Amazon would be a better fit. Don't matter to me who picks it up. Amazon is putting shit-tons of money in some new shows according to a post by @heisenberg earlier, so I guess they could afford to fund The Expanse so it could be made the way it should be. Fingers crossed here.


What ship is this?
Staff member
That's possible. Netflix got burned badly on Star Trek Discovery so they may be cautious now.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
That's possible. Netflix got burned badly on Star Trek Discovery so they may be cautious now.

Well if they're wise they'll can Discovery and take this up instead. It's a winner.


P.S. @Overmind One, I had to use imgur here because uploading the file didn't work.


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Well Known GateFan
Katie Sackoff has signed-on to a new NetFlix series called "Another Life" which explains why NewtFlix could be slow to look at "The Expanse".


Well Known GateFan
Hey guys ... I hate it when I am right but that blond lady brought into the show killed it . Not her fault . She has bad luck and any show she has been in gets cancelled ... Dammit . I hate it when I am right . And she actually was doing a great job too with her character . Oh I almost forgot . Fuk u sy die !!!


Well Known GateFan
Hoping someone picks it up . Friggin show is beyond awesome . Everytime I watch it seemed to be getting better ...

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Hey guys ... I hate it when I am right but that blond lady brought into the show killed it . Not her fault . She has bad luck and any show she has been in gets cancelled ... Dammit . I hate it when I am right . And she actually was doing a great job too with her character . Oh I almost forgot . Fuk u sy die !!!

She got canceled in V too. :( She was doing a great job (still is). I think The Expanse would stand a better chance of survival at Amazon than Netflix because they can offer it for sale.


Earl Grey
She got canceled in V too. :( She was doing a great job (still is). I think The Expanse would stand a better chance of survival at Amazon than Netflix because they can offer it for sale.
Amazon will pick expensive shows that are really popular.I was hoping that amazon would have picked up Star Trek but alas stupid cbs. Fox even cancelled Brooklyn Nine Nine so the Orville isn't safe either?
