The Boy Wonder to be killed off!


Well Known GateFan
Well would ya look at that. Who knew how rare it was for Batman's sidekick Robin (the Boy Wonder) to be killed off? Certainly not moi, that's for sure (only once in all these years). Hell, I just figured that Robin had been done away with many times over the years only to reincarnate and/or be quickly replaced. God only knows how many times Alfred has had to dig a shallow grave in the back yard of stately Wayne manner to cover up for the actions of a drunken and enraged Bruce Wayne. Truthfully there's only so many times Batman can pin the blame on the Joker when Robin's broken, burned and heavily sodomized body is discovered. Even in the comic book world someone's eventually going to catch on.

Robin the Boy Wonder is reportedly going to be killed in an upcoming issue. Batman’s sidekick will meet his doom, an end long planned by the comic’s writer, respected scribe Grant Morrison, who insists the move is narratively necessary.




Well Known GateFan
Not a lot of people liked Damian Wayne anyways, he's not the original Robin most people know (I think Dick Grayson), he's pretty new.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Well would ya look at that. Who knew how rare it was for Batman's sidekick Robin (the Boy Wonder) to be killed off? Certainly not moi, that's for sure (only once in all these years). Hell, I just figured that Robin had been done away with many times over the years only to reincarnate and/or be quickly replaced. God only knows how many times Alfred has had to dig a shallow grave in the back yard of stately Wayne manner to cover up for the actions of a drunken and enraged Bruce Wayne. Truthfully there's only so many times Batman can pin the blame on the Joker when Robin's broken, burned and heavily sodomized body is discovered. Even in the comic book world someone's eventually going to catch on.


Way before we even reach all that you mentioned above, why is it nobody in Gotham takes issue with the fact Boy Wonder is a 12 year old boy dressed in tights running around at night with a grown man disguised in a bat costume supposedly "solving crimes" and generally being put in harm's way?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Well would ya look at that. Who knew how rare it was for Batman's sidekick Robin (the Boy Wonder) to be killed off? Certainly not moi, that's for sure (only once in all these years). Hell, I just figured that Robin had been done away with many times over the years only to reincarnate and/or be quickly replaced. God only knows how many times Alfred has had to dig a shallow grave in the back yard of stately Wayne manner to cover up for the actions of a drunken and enraged Bruce Wayne. Truthfully there's only so many times Batman can pin the blame on the Joker when Robin's broken, burned and heavily sodomized body is discovered. Even in the comic book world someone's eventually going to catch on.




I dunno, as I got older it seemed really creepy that there was ever a Robin to begin with. At least he could have been closer to Bruce Wayne's age...Dick Grayson (why did they name him Dick?) was a teenager, so they were not trying to appeal to children in the original series. Yet Batgirl got no love!




Well Known GateFan
Way before we even reach all that you mentioned above, why is it nobody in Gotham takes issue with the fact Boy Wonder is a 12 year old boy dressed in tights running around at night with a grown man disguised in a bat costume supposedly "solving crimes" and generally being put in harm's way?
Shhhhhhhhhhhhh, don't question such things, this kinds of things just happen. This is SPA....DC COMIC VERSE.

And if you look back, "Robin" has died before, the most famous or rather infamous one is the Jason Todd one:

Yes, that's Joker bashing his head in and yes that is his mother witnessing the whole thing barely fazed. That was a pretty brutal and kind of tasteless death. Todd's Robin was pretty disliked too so he was killed off. But, if any of you guys watch DC animated movies, I strongly suggest you guys watch Under the Red Hood, I'd consider it to be on par with Mask of the Phantasm. If that doesn't sell the movie, here's a clip of Joker from the movie:


Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member

I dunno, as I got older it seemed really creepy that there was ever a Robin to begin with. At least he could have been closer to Bruce Wayne's age...Dick Grayson (why did they name him Dick?) was a teenager, so they were not trying to appeal to children in the original series. Yet Batgirl got no love!

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He wasn't a teenager. He was 12.

Bruce Wayne was Batman for 2 years before hooking up with 12 year old Dick Grayson.
--- merged: Feb 27, 2013 at 4:27 PM ---
Shhhhhhhhhhhhh, don't question such things, this kinds of things just happen. This is SPA....DC COMIC VERSE.

And if you look back, "Robin" has died before, the most famous or rather infamous one is the Jason Todd one:

Yes, that's Joker bashing his head in and yes that is his mother witnessing the whole thing barely fazed. That was a pretty brutal and kind of tasteless death. Todd's Robin was pretty disliked too so he was killed off. But, if any of you guys watch DC animated movies, I strongly suggest you guys watch Under the Red Hood, I'd consider it to be on par with Mask of the Phantasm. If that doesn't sell the movie, here's a clip of Joker from the movie:

Nobody at DC saw that killing Robin every few years turned it into a cliche? I wonder if Kenny's routine was born from this.



Well Known GateFan
I think Jason Todd was the only Robin that ever really died and this was way back in '83. Now Damian Wayne in 2013. But I guess overall death/resurrection aren't really new concepts in comics/sci-fi/fantasy.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I think Jason Todd was the only Robin that ever really died and this was way back in '83. Now Damian Wayne in 2013. But I guess overall death/resurrection aren't really new concepts in comics/sci-fi/fantasy.

The cliche is the overused shock factor of killing off a regular. It's tired. :(


Well Known GateFan
Yeah, I don't mind it if it's done well, and it's kind of the nature of the respective universe they are part of. When you have men in tights and women in skimpy outfits running around, you kind of have to let go of some things. I agree, shock value of deaths in such universes go down when you are able to have resurrection capabilities in those universes, but I think they (writers and such) also realize this and compensate for it by making up for it in the other story elements/plots.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Yeah, I don't mind it if it's done well, and it's kind of the nature of the respective universe they are part of. When you have men in tights and women in skimpy outfits running around, you kind of have to let go of some things. I agree, shock value of deaths in such universes go down when you are able to have resurrection capabilities in those universes, but I think they (writers and such) also realize this and compensate for it by making up for it in the other story elements/plots.

I get what you're saying but killing off regulars has been done to death in nearly every major comic title out there since the 50s. That's more than half a decade of "OMG is he really dead? Oh nooo!". At some point you need to find a new shock angle.

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Well Known GateFan
Yeah, for sure. They recently killed off Spider-man, and people didn't like that. They kill off some regulars but they're kind of the supporting cast, like on SOA and even Breaking Bad and Walking Dead. There are regulars that are killed off but never really the main characters. I think some people would argue Game of Thrones kills off main characters, but it really doesn't once you get a hang of who the main characters really are, if any. The dude won't kill off the dragon girl and the dwarf guy and the youngest Stark girl (lol you can tell I don't know who the characters are, they're pretty forgettable). You sort of get a sense those are the main characters who the author focuses on and won't really kill off in the near future. There are more shock value things out there besides character death.

Besides, I think both of us have seen enough shock value stuff to have become desensitized. The only time we feel it is when we've gotten really attached to certain characters. Then bam!
Like Gus on Breaking Bad, well that was more of a holy shit death.
I have a strong feeling either Jesse or Walter is going to die when the show comes back.


Well Known GateFan
I'm fascinated by this part of the article because it says so much about society:

It’s worth noting that this isn’t the first time a Robin has been killed: The unpopular Jason Todd died at the Joker’s hands in the late 1980s story “A Death in the Family” after fans voted him off via a 900 number.

I wish they would utilize this function for many fictional characters nowadays. There's no reason not to what with how easy it is to participate via various media. Just think, if people were allowed to vote on characters "Lori" from TWD would have been killed off much sooner than she was.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Yeah, for sure. They recently killed off Spider-man, and people didn't like that. They kill off some regulars but they're kind of the supporting cast, like on SOA and even Breaking Bad and Walking Dead. There are regulars that are killed off but never really the main characters. I think some people would argue Game of Thrones kills off main characters, but it really doesn't once you get a hang of who the main characters really are, if any. The dude won't kill off the dragon girl and the dwarf guy and the youngest Stark girl (lol you can tell I don't know who the characters are, they're pretty forgettable). You sort of get a sense those are the main characters who the author focuses on and won't really kill off in the near future. There are more shock value things out there besides character death.

Besides, I think both of us have seen enough shock value stuff to have become desensitized. The only time we feel it is when we've gotten really attached to certain characters. Then bam!
Like Gus on Breaking Bad, well that was more of a holy shit death.
I have a strong feeling either Jesse or Walter is going to die when the show comes back.

Sure but those are one-off deaths of regulars on TV shows, less cliche, IMO, as they're gone and done with. Comics keep killing off and reviving the same characters over and over again and they've been playing that tune for over 50 years with the same comic book super heroes.