The best movie never made

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I've posted this video before but every time I see it I wish it was a real movie. I'd pay twice the IMAX admission ticket to see this movie.


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I've posted this video before but every time I see it I wish it was a real movie. I'd pay twice the IMAX admission ticket to see this movie.

OMFG! :smiley-laughing024::):icon_rotflmao::crying-028::anim_19::smiley-laughing024::smiley-laughing024::smiley-laughing024::smiley-laughing024::smiley_joy:



Sadly that movie would bomb at the box office today. There is no Emo angst and to have a story and plot line is taboo. The angst crowd screams We don't need no stinking story and plot, just SXF. The SFX is the depth of what they can discuss as they leave the theater to go home, back to playing their video games.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I read this ST novel years ago. It lends itself to the premise of Kirk vs the Federation:

I love the premise of a resurrected Kirk following the Generations *cough* movie. His body was stolen from Veridian III and resurrected by the Romulans, who have formed an alliance of convenience with the Borg in this story. The story has Spock, Admiral McCoy and characters from DS9 as well. It touches on the subject of V'Ger (Voyager 6) and brings to light that it was modified by the Borg.

I'd have paid to see that story brought to the big screen. It seems the best stories are destined to be novels and never make it to the big screen.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I read this ST novel years ago. It lends itself to the premise of Kirk vs the Federation:

I love the premise of a resurrected Kirk following the Generations *cough* movie. His body was stolen from Veridian III and resurrected by the Romulans, who have formed an alliance of convenience with the Borg in this story. The story has Spock, Admiral McCoy and characters from DS9 as well. It touches on the subject of V'Ger (Voyager 6) and brings to light that it was modified by the Borg.

I'd have paid to see that story brought to the big screen. It seems the best stories are destined to be novels and never make it to the big screen.

WOW! What a premise! I love that angle! Makes sense too.