Stargate SG1 - Ark of Truth: It still makes me miss Stargate

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Burns as Goa'uld :encouragement: :tealc_newanime006::daniel_new_anime005:


I always thought SG-1 did a good job of evolving as they went forward. They made alliances and acquired technology. It's normal that after so many years exploring worlds and making alliances that you're going to expect some of that tech to affect humans. If all they did was jump through gates alone for 10 years it would have started becoming a little contrived, unless all they encountered were hostiles being advanced and friendlies being backwards, which would also seem a little contrived.

If only....:( There was a scene in Continuum where a Goa'uld advance recon ship was seen outrunning F-16s over public airspace. THAT was cool. :) The whole Stargate program as a public thing, with cities being bombarded from space...thats a story. :) Forget the uber-secrecy angle inside Cheyenne Mountain, and involve earth in this. Show families on earth affected by the Goa'uld (or snakehead) attacks, show footage of cities being bombed. No need for a complete annihilation...they could draw that out into a series by itself. Make the invaders vulnerable. This is the story missing from Falling Skies (which starts after earth is defeated) and Defiance (where the original earth is no more). Show the NOW earth being attacked, and make it very public. But dont make the aliens able to destroy things using weapons of mass destruction. Have a team whose mission it is to use the Stargate to search for weapons and tech to fight the invaders, but no magical chairs or tadpole missiles, and no spooky ghosts calling themselves Ancients who can make the earth stop turning and such.


Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member

If only....:( There was a scene in Continuum where a Goa'uld advance recon ship was seen outrunning F-16s over public airspace. THAT was cool. :) The whole Stargate program as a public thing, with cities being bombarded from space...thats a story. :) Forget the uber-secrecy angle inside Cheyenne Mountain, and involve earth in this. Show families on earth affected by the Goa'uld (or snakehead) attacks, show footage of cities being bombed. No need for a complete annihilation...they could draw that out into a series by itself. Make the invaders vulnerable. This is the story missing from Falling Skies (which starts after earth is defeated) and Defiance (where the original earth is no more). Show the NOW earth being attacked, and make it very public. But dont make the aliens able to destroy things using weapons of mass destruction. Have a team whose mission it is to use the Stargate to search for weapons and tech to fight the invaders, but no magical chairs or tadpole missiles, and no spooky ghosts calling themselves Ancients who can make the earth stop turning and such.


I'd have liked to explore the "Vegas" alternate universe Stargate series.

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Well Known GateFan
I'd have liked to explore the "Vegas" alternate universe Stargate series.

That was perhaps my favorite episode. I still can't believe they didn't run with that premise. It would have been way better than SGU even if it only did run for a season.


Well Known GateFan
I always felt that the asgard appearance was just some-unneeded-a ttempt at tying in with pop culture (the grays and all).

And why/what was the inspiration for having the Ori-descended from an advanced race with advanced tech, be all Medieval in dress and culture? Why be in leather and armor with swords?

What was the inspiration for that, KRULL? :anim_59:

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I always felt that the asgard appearance was just some-unneeded-a ttempt at tying in with pop culture (the grays and all).

And why/what was the inspiration for having the Ori-descended from an advanced race with advanced tech, be all Medieval in dress and culture? Why be in leather and armor with swords?

What was the inspiration for that, KRULL? :anim_59:

The Ori were a way of prolonging SG-1 since the Goa'uld were done. They didn't seem to give a shit because they had already checked out of both SG series and started work on their masterpiece that destroyed the franchise.

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Well Known GateFan
I always felt that the asgard appearance was just some-unneeded-a ttempt at tying in with pop culture (the grays and all).

And why/what was the inspiration for having the Ori-descended from an advanced race with advanced tech, be all Medieval in dress and culture? Why be in leather and armor with swords?

What was the inspiration for that, KRULL? :anim_59:

Well if you've noticed a theme with the major bad guys (Goa'uld, Wraith and Ori) within Stargate all of them have over powered ships (first two initially) to give a sense of power, yet their ground forces are all ineffective, wielding staff like weapons, no sense of effective personal armor or military tactics that adapt and change to current or next states of warfare. Basically a Dun dun dun, we are go so powerful yet if you meet us we're about as a effective as a chocolate fireguard.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I always felt that the asgard appearance was just some-unneeded-a ttempt at tying in with pop culture (the grays and all).

And why/what was the inspiration for having the Ori-descended from an advanced race with advanced tech, be all Medieval in dress and culture? Why be in leather and armor with swords?

What was the inspiration for that, KRULL? :anim_59:

You nailed it. The Asgard to me were just a cheap trick played on watchers because extraterrestrials were "in" that year. Roswell anyone? :facepalm:. The fact that they were puppets and not CGI made all the difference. And yes about the Ori. They were invented by Brad et al to imitate the Catholic Church and it's monks. Krull could be their inspiration! Who knows...Brad hasn't had an original thought. But he is good at dressing up ideas which are not his own. He had a tendency to overdo it and overstretch the boundaries. Why completely defeat the Goa'uld instead of just driving them away? Why have a weapon that can kill ALL the Ori, when you can make it more plausible to destroy just the bad ones?

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
You nailed it. The Asgard to me were just a cheap trick played on watchers because extraterrestrials were "in" that year. Roswell anyone? :facepalm:. The fact that they were puppets and not CGI made all the difference. And yes about the Ori. They were invented by Brad et al to imitate the Catholic Church and it's monks. Krull could be their inspiration! Who knows...Brad hasn't had an original thought. But he is good at dressing up ideas which are not his own. He had a tendency to overdo it and overstretch the boundaries. Why completely defeat the Goa'uld instead of just driving them away? Why have a weapon that can kill ALL the Ori, when you can make it more plausible to destroy just the bad ones?

But the Ori WERE the bad ones. "Ones" being ascended ancients.

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Earl Grey
I miss stargate as well but I doubt it that the studio would bring out a tv series. Instead, they'll probably try one last stab at a movie which I don't want. One thing is that I am starting to dislike sci-fi flicks because they are becoming terrible at telling stories. I rather have tv shows but then money comes in the way like it does with everything in life. :(.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I miss stargate as well but I doubt it that the studio would bring out a tv series. Instead, they'll probably try one last stab at a movie which I don't want. One thing is that I am starting to dislike sci-fi flicks because they are becoming terrible at telling stories. I rather have tv shows but then money comes in the way like it does with everything in life. :(.

They arent bothering to tell the stories anymore. Just have lots of pretty scenery, some bangin music and pretty people and keep things moving as quickly as possible, lest you are forced to fill the slower parts with *gasp* an actual story. :facepalm: I have heard better storytelling around campfires than I have seen in science fiction the past couple of years. :(

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
But the Ori WERE the bad ones. "Ones" being ascended ancients.

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Okay...but how do you do that with a weapon? Its like saying there could be a weapon devised to only kill Liberals but not Republicans. Arent both the Ori and the Ancients ascended beings? How can they be fundamentally different, and why do they have red flames instead of blue light? I get it that the Ori are the "bad guys" and the Ancients the "good guys", but I dont buy it. It seems silly and contrived to me. I dunno...the original Stargate movie made no such delineations. The snakeheads were bad because they did bad things. Their way of slavery is contrary to freedom, and that is what made them bad. In Star Wars, same thing...the Sith are bad because of the way they do things, not because of who they are as individuals or a "race". The Sith use The Force, they are trained in the arts of battle with light sabres, etc. The difference between them and the Jedi is their belief system and how they apply their skills. Having said that, the Ori and the Ancients seem to be divided more though they are completely different entities. Are they really? Lets dump that whole thing.

I hope that any new Stargate is not in Brad Wright's universe of Stargate, even though I thoroughly enjoyed the 15 years or so we got of his vision (except SGU, which I still cant rewatch without getting bored). I did a flyby of Gateworld, and the vast majority of what they talk about is "bringing back" various Stargate stuff from within Brad Wright's Stargate vision/universe. They talk about finishing SGU, doing more SG-1 movies, SGA stuff...that might be nice, but it probably wouldn't be. :( Perhaps Devlin/Emmerich will give us a new start by doing a new Stargate movie which picks up from the last one? Lets do it this time without SG-1, Atlantis, Goa'uld and ZPMs.


Well Known GateFan
Okay...but how do you do that with a weapon? Its like saying there could be a weapon devised to only kill Liberals but not Republicans.
The weapon killed ascended beings in one galaxy, be they Ori or Ancient, Adria only survived because she was in this galaxy at the time.
Arent both the Ori and the Ancients ascended beings? How can they be fundamentally different, and why do they have red flames instead of blue light? I get it that the Ori are the "bad guys" and the Ancients the "good guys", but I dont buy it. It seems silly and contrived to me.
Moral absolutes are contrived :P
I dunno...the original Stargate movie made no such delineations. The snakeheads were bad because they did bad things. Their way of slavery is contrary to freedom, and that is what made them bad. In Star Wars, same thing...the Sith are bad because of the way they do things, not because of who they are as individuals or a "race".
the Sith *were* a race. :)
The Sith use The Force, they are trained in the arts of battle with light sabres, etc. The difference between them and the Jedi is their belief system and how they apply their skills. Having said that, the Ori and the Ancients seem to be divided more though they are completely different entities. Are they really? Lets dump that whole thing.
what happens to sith and jedi after death IS quite different. Jedi tend to become "one with the force" and can occasionally appear as force ghosts to help people, Sith tend to inhabit sites and can possess people to live on and such.
I hope that any new Stargate is not in Brad Wright's universe of Stargate, even though I thoroughly enjoyed the 15 years or so we got of his vision (except SGU, which I still cant rewatch without getting bored). I did a flyby of Gateworld, and the vast majority of what they talk about is "bringing back" various Stargate stuff from within Brad Wright's Stargate vision/universe. They talk about finishing SGU, doing more SG-1 movies, SGA stuff...that might be nice, but it probably wouldn't be. :(
I like the universe they created, it's not perfect, but it is fun.

Perhaps Devlin/Emmerich will give us a new start by doing a new Stargate movie which picks up from the last one? Lets do it this time without SG-1, Atlantis, Goa'uld and ZPMs.
IIRC, their second movie was going to have little to do with the first except for the stargate.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
The weapon killed ascended beings in one galaxy, be they Ori or Ancient, Adria only survived because she was in this galaxy at the time.

Yes, now I remember...ALL ascended beings. :)

Moral absolutes are contrived :P

Yes, they are. :)

the Sith *were* a race. :)

What are you defining as a "race" then? The Sith could look like any species...just like the Jedi. Darth Maul was not the same species as Darth Caedeus or Darth Vader. How can you call them a "race" any more than the Jedi are "race"? The Orcs are a "race" as opposed to Elves which are a "race". But Jedi and Sith are not races, they are disciplines.

what happens to sith and jedi after death IS quite different. Jedi tend to become "one with the force" and can occasionally appear as force ghosts to help people, Sith tend to inhabit sites and can possess people to live on and such.

Why? Darth Vader was a Sith who changed into a Jedi in like...5 minutes? How do you know Sith cant come back as ghosts too? Why wouldnt they be able to if they use the Force like the Jedi do? Where are you basing your beliefs on in the SW canon?

I like the universe they created, it's not perfect, but it is fun.

Agree! but the original Stargate was fun too...albeit in a more adult way.

IIRC, their second movie was going to have little to do with the first except for the stargate.

True. Because the first movie was finding the Stargate and stopping the military from blowing up Abydos. If it continued with that it would make no sense. The next step is exploring the Stargate itself, unravelibg its operation, traveling to other what SG-1 was doing with it. But we can concentrate on the device and not have a military team traveling through it in secret.


Well Known GateFan
What are you defining as a "race" then? The Sith could look like any species...just like the Jedi. Darth Maul was not the same species as Darth Caedeus or Darth Vader. How can you call them a "race" any more than the Jedi are "race"? The Orcs are a "race" as opposed to Elves which are a "race". But Jedi and Sith are not races, they are disciplines.
LOL, here you go brother:
When the race all but died out, they kept the name to describe their philosophy, much like in star trek you have "humanistic" philosophy. (EG, when Kirk describes Spock as the most "human" soul he has encountered)

Why? Darth Vader was a Sith who changed into a Jedi in like...5 minutes?
Vader Atoned for his evil by killing the emperor and sacrificing himself to do it, he died a Martyr.
How do you know Sith cant come back as ghosts too? Why wouldnt they be able to if they use the Force like the Jedi do? Where are you basing your beliefs on in the SW canon?
Sith can come back as ghosts, but the difference is like the difference between a poltergeist and a apparition, yes?
As to the basis, the TONS of EU canon.

Agree! but the original Stargate was fun too...albeit in a more adult way.
Yes, it was, humor was not the goal of the movie, but it had it (chicken man). RDA made a conscious choice to make his O'neill far more "fun"

True. Because the first movie was finding the Stargate and stopping the military from blowing up Abydos. If it continued with that it would make no sense. The next step is exploring the Stargate itself, unravelibg its operation, traveling to other what SG-1 was doing with it. But we can concentrate on the device and not have a military team traveling through it in secret.
Nope, IIRC there was no "network" as such, they just went from one "address" to another. (which is a plothole in the movie that the series exploited, why have a encoding system if you can only go to one place)

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Okay...but how do you do that with a weapon? Its like saying there could be a weapon devised to only kill Liberals but not Republicans. Arent both the Ori and the Ancients ascended beings? How can they be fundamentally different, and why do they have red flames instead of blue light? I get it that the Ori are the "bad guys" and the Ancients the "good guys", but I dont buy it. It seems silly and contrived to me. I dunno...the original Stargate movie made no such delineations. The snakeheads were bad because they did bad things. Their way of slavery is contrary to freedom, and that is what made them bad. In Star Wars, same thing...the Sith are bad because of the way they do things, not because of who they are as individuals or a "race". The Sith use The Force, they are trained in the arts of battle with light sabres, etc. The difference between them and the Jedi is their belief system and how they apply their skills. Having said that, the Ori and the Ancients seem to be divided more though they are completely different entities. Are they really? Lets dump that whole thing.

I hope that any new Stargate is not in Brad Wright's universe of Stargate, even though I thoroughly enjoyed the 15 years or so we got of his vision (except SGU, which I still cant rewatch without getting bored). I did a flyby of Gateworld, and the vast majority of what they talk about is "bringing back" various Stargate stuff from within Brad Wright's Stargate vision/universe. They talk about finishing SGU, doing more SG-1 movies, SGA stuff...that might be nice, but it probably wouldn't be. :( Perhaps Devlin/Emmerich will give us a new start by doing a new Stargate movie which picks up from the last one? Lets do it this time without SG-1, Atlantis, Goa'uld and ZPMs.

I kind of like the ideas Aragon101 had for continuing SG Atlantis.

The theme seems to be what Atlantis should have been, lost and totally isolated by sheer distance.


Earl Grey
The weapon killed ascended beings in one galaxy, be they Ori or Ancient, Adria only survived because she was in this galaxy at the time.

Moral absolutes are contrived :P

the Sith *were* a race. :)

what happens to sith and jedi after death IS quite different. Jedi tend to become "one with the force" and can occasionally appear as force ghosts to help people, Sith tend to inhabit sites and can possess people to live on and such.

I like the universe they created, it's not perfect, but it is fun.

IIRC, their second movie was going to have little to do with the first except for the stargate.

The humour is what made stargate great and made it a memorable tv series and I think I can pretty much say this why it was also enjoyable for others too. I guess it's also because how great the actors were by playing their roles nicely.

This is how I love my sci-fi. Not only with a badass storyline but also with smart, witty humour too. I love to watch a show with a bit of light hearted humour. Otherwise, I might lose interest.

Things were going so well, we had 2 awesome stargate series running simultaneously then came bloody BSG and made everything dark, melodramatic and all "serious" with the ridiculous shaky cams. Look where that got us?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
LOL, here you go brother:
When the race all but died out, they kept the name to describe their philosophy, much like in star trek you have "humanistic" philosophy. (EG, when Kirk describes Spock as the most "human" soul he has encountered)

So, George Lucas did not create the Sith "race", fans did? :confused0006: Ill go with the creator's vision. Same with the Jedi, which George Lucas did not make into a "race" or species. The EU canon might have done so, but I can safely ignore that and just go with what Lucas wrote. Cant I?

Vader Atoned for his evil by killing the emperor and sacrificing himself to do it, he died a Martyr.

I if a Jedi kills younglings and takes a Darth or Lord name at the time of death, he becomes a Sith and can come back as a poltergeist?

Sith can come back as ghosts, but the difference is like the difference between a poltergeist and a apparition, yes?
As to the basis, the TONS of EU canon.

Both are ghosts. Both can communicate with the living and effect change in the real world, right?

Yes, it was, humor was not the goal of the movie, but it had it (chicken man). RDA made a conscious choice to make his O'neill far more "fun"

Yes, and SG-1 was a fun show. :) His O'Neill was fun. But the original Stargate's O'Neill was badass and more military than O'Neill in SG-1.

Nope, IIRC there was no "network" as such, they just went from one "address" to another. (which is a plothole in the movie that the series exploited, why have a encoding system if you can only go to one place)

Yep...the original Stargate could take people to other galaxies too. Brad took that ability away to contain travels within the Milky Way, and later created a whole new gate to leave this galaxy to be able to go to other galaxies, and yet another type to limit travel only to planets close to Destiny. He added to many layers of new canon which (unlike Star Trek), completely veered away from the original concept. I wonder what Devlin/Emmerich had in mind before Brad took over.