Stargate SG1 - Ark of Truth: It still makes me miss Stargate

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I just watched Stargate SG-1 The Ark of Truth, and it makes me miss Stargate SG-1. :( I was a bit put off by the HEAVILY borrowed Treknology used in that movie, but I found it enjoyable and imminently watchable. How Brad got away with borrowing so much from Trek was a bit off-putting, with Sam casually referring to "beaming" bombs into the Supergate, and the scenes of them beaming down to the surface of Celestis was straight from Star Trek. The existence of the ship, the jumps into hyperspace with the flash of light, all Trek. But the story was definitely Stargate. I loved the snark that Landry used on the Prior, and Daniel was great in this movie. Cam was awesome, and I found myself wondering how the movie would have been with Jack in it...he would have ruined it IMO.

Anyways, I really miss Stargate. Not as much as I miss having a Star Trek show on the air, but still almost as much. I dont want Trek to come back to TV if it is going to use JJ Abrams timeline. I love the characters and all, but everything is gone...the relationships between the already established alien races are different, the Klingons have gone all Breen looking and their new ships suck. I dont like the dumbed down stories or the new Enterprise 1701. Lets just not go there. But Stargate could go back to its roots and come back to TV easily. There is no ruinous movie which has made the Stargate square, and the Goa'uld need not ever be resurrected. Go with the original aliens shown in the Stargate movie with the snakeheads, and just dont defeat them for chrissakes. Why was Brad so dead set on defeating entire races of people? Remove the earth ships from the picture too, as well as the Asgards and Tok'ra and the tech they introduced in the TV show.

Just a mini-rant. :)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Anybody want to rewatch this with me?


Well Known GateFan
Well at least we have the SGA movie, Extinction, to look forward to. :encouragement:...:)...:daniel_new004:...:apthy:...:moody:...:sour:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Well at least we have the SGA movie, Extinction, to look forward to. :encouragement:...:)...:daniel_new004:...:apthy:...:moody:...:sour:

LMAO...not in our timeline! :anim_59: I just watched Continuum, and WOW...what a different feel than Ark of Truth. No Treknology, no earth ships, no Asgard, and plenty of Stargate action. Did Ark of Truth even use the Stargate at all besides the supergate? I dont even remember. Seemed to me like it was all beaming, and ships and replicators and pew pew. The story was lacking compared to Continuum.

Still, I miss Stargate. :(

LOL @ the smiley string!


Well Known GateFan
LMAO...not in our timeline! :anim_59: I just watched Continuum, and WOW...what a different feel than Ark of Truth. No Treknology, no earth ships, no Asgard, and plenty of Stargate action. Did Ark of Truth even use the Stargate at all besides the supergate? I dont even remember. Seemed to me like it was all beaming, and ships and replicators and pew pew. The story was lacking compared to Continuum.

Still, I miss Stargate. :(

LOL @ the smiley string!

Yeah, Continuum was better than AofT. You know I recently rewatched AofT and wondered WTF Robert Cooper was smoking when he wrote it. It just seemed so...I dunno how to put it...out of sync with the SG-1 world we knew.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Yeah, Continuum was better than AofT. You know I recently rewatched AofT and wondered WTF Robert Cooper was smoking when he wrote it. It just seemed so...I dunno how to put it...out of sync with the SG-1 world we knew.

Perhaps the only real thing I liked about Ark of Truth was seeing our SG-1 team, Adria, the end of the Ori, and lots of special effects. But it seemed like an "all stars" version of Stargate rather than stargate. Continuum got back to the roots of SG-1.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Actually both Ark of Truth and Continuum are on Netflix and Amazon. How about we try to rewatch them in order? Schedule it for a day when people have open time and rock and roll?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Actually both Ark of Truth and Continuum are on Netflix and Amazon. How about we try to rewatch them in order? Schedule it for a day when people have open time and rock and roll?

Im good with that, even though I watched them both one day after the other. :)

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Yeah, Continuum was better than AofT. You know I recently rewatched AofT and wondered WTF Robert Cooper was smoking when he wrote it. It just seemed so...I dunno how to put it...out of sync with the SG-1 world we knew.

Ark of Truth was meant to wrap up the Ori storyline since the series left it open ended. It seemed to me that they quickly wrote a "whatever" story just to shut the fans up.

Continuum, on the other hand, you can tell there was real heart and soul put into that story. Relatively speaking, of course.

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Well Known GateFan
Ark of Truth was meant to wrap up the Ori storyline since the series left it open ended. It seemed to me that they quickly wrote a "whatever" story just to shut the fans up.

Continuum, on the other hand, you can tell there was real heart and soul put into that story. Relatively speaking, of course.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

It was an issue with the TV movie, the fact it had to wrap up the end of a season within a movie time frame was a task. The major issue I have is that once again they brought the replicators into the mix. Its not like there is an all powerful ascended being which could just easily wipe them out in a fell swoo---oh wait. It was a hand wave 'lets wrap this up so we can do other stuff' sort of ending.

Continuum while I thought it was good or better, felt more of a lengthy stand alone episode. Nice to see the bad guy(s) use the Stargate (plus alternate history) in such a way and General Hammond.

Stargate can very well easily come back within its current canon, it just needs direction and a focus. And less star wars ascended beings, bring back the Asgard (I know they were in SGA), and give me pie damn it.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
It was an issue with the TV movie, the fact it had to wrap up the end of a season within a movie time frame was a task. The major issue I have is that once again they brought the replicators into the mix. Its not like there is an all powerful ascended being which could just easily wipe them out in a fell swoo---oh wait. It was a hand wave 'lets wrap this up so we can do other stuff' sort of ending.

Continuum while I thought it was good or better, felt more of a lengthy stand alone episode. Nice to see the bad guy(s) use the Stargate (plus alternate history) in such a way and General Hammond.

Stargate can very well easily come back within its current canon, it just needs direction and a focus. And less star wars ascended beings, bring back the Asgard (I know they were in SGA), and give me pie damn it.

Good response...but why bring back the old canon? The old canon was a creation of Brad Wright and all of the Goa'uld and ascended beings and Asgard and Treknology has nothing to do with the root of the Stargate saga. If you use the Goa'uld, then you have to revive them and pick up after they were defeated. If you have Ancients who are non-corporeal, then you have to also have the stupid rules they have of non-interference, and secretiveness and such. :facepalm:. And the Asgard? I dont want to get started on them. NO EARTH SHIPS. No Atlantis. They need to get back to basics (ie The Movie).


Well Known GateFan
Good response...but why bring back the old canon? The old canon was a creation of Brad Wright and all of the Goa'uld and ascended beings and Asgard and Treknology has nothing to do with the root of the Stargate saga. If you use the Goa'uld, then you have to revive them and pick up after they were defeated. If you have Ancients who are non-corporeal, then you have to also have the stupid rules they have of non-interference, and secretiveness and such. :facepalm:. And the Asgard? I dont want to get started on them. NO EARTH SHIPS. No Atlantis. They need to get back to basics (ie The Movie).

I was merely pandering to those who want the old ways, you know I'm a reactionary at heart! However it was a slight suggestion that there still a wealth of intrigue there, it just needs to be handled smartly.

Though I will always go for the blank slate option aka restart (in fact there would be a fair few posts to quote me on here stating that) for rebooting stargate.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Good response...but why bring back the old canon? The old canon was a creation of Brad Wright and all of the Goa'uld and ascended beings and Asgard and Treknology has nothing to do with the root of the Stargate saga. If you use the Goa'uld, then you have to revive them and pick up after they were defeated. If you have Ancients who are non-corporeal, then you have to also have the stupid rules they have of non-interference, and secretiveness and such. :facepalm:. And the Asgard? I dont want to get started on them. NO EARTH SHIPS. No Atlantis. They need to get back to basics (ie The Movie).

The Asgard weren't defeated. They committed mass suicide.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
The Asgard weren't defeated. They committed mass suicide.

Yes, I remember...still, I felt they did not belong in Stargate. Close Encounters perhaps? E.T.? Even Star Wars. But Stargate?

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Yes, I remember...still, I felt they did not belong in Stargate. Close Encounters perhaps? E.T.? Even Star Wars. But Stargate?

I always thought SG-1 did a good job of evolving as they went forward. They made alliances and acquired technology. It's normal that after so many years exploring worlds and making alliances that you're going to expect some of that tech to affect humans. If all they did was jump through gates alone for 10 years it would have started becoming a little contrived, unless all they encountered were hostiles being advanced and friendlies being backwards, which would also seem a little contrived.