SRO on a Plane?



Okay, so my response was this:

Well, it would help to prevent DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) for frequent long term traveler's but other than that I think the safety risk is too great. One of my worst flights ever was from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh. It was about 35 min long, if that but horrible horrible turbulence. I have had some pretty bad turbulence on connections in Europe too. Any flight can get it, I don't know how he can say otherwise. That is the whole point, turbulence is air pockets. There is no way to prevent it. You can go up higher to escape storms, but that is about it. In the event of a crash landing you are most certainly not guaranteed to die. Many survive them. It all depends. Those standing most likley would stand much less a chance. So the question is, is it worth it to save some bucks to risk your life and limbs?

For me the answer would be NO.

I have no problem with him charging to use the bathroom. They just need to make sure people are aware to bring cash with them. They charge for use of bathrooms all over Europe.

The other poster that I really hope was kidding is this:

It would be just like if an elevator were to fall, you just have to jump at the last second. I think that would be way safer then sitting!

My response back:
You are kidding right? You should really watch Mythbusters sometime. :p


Council Member & Author
Okay, so my response was this:

Well, it would help to prevent DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) for frequent long term traveler's but other than that I think the safety risk is too great. One of my worst flights ever was from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh. It was about 35 min long, if that but horrible horrible turbulence. I have had some pretty bad turbulence on connections in Europe too. Any flight can get it, I don't know how he can say otherwise. That is the whole point, turbulence is air pockets. There is no way to prevent it. You can go up higher to escape storms, but that is about it. In the event of a crash landing you are most certainly not guaranteed to die. Many survive them. It all depends. Those standing most likley would stand much less a chance. So the question is, is it worth it to save some bucks to risk your life and limbs?

For me the answer would be NO.

I have no problem with him charging to use the bathroom. They just need to make sure people are aware to bring cash with them. They charge for use of bathrooms all over Europe.

The other poster that I really hope was kidding is this:

It would be just like if an elevator were to fall, you just have to jump at the last second. I think that would be way safer then sitting!

My response back:
You are kidding right? You should really watch Mythbusters sometime. :p
Yep, someone's stomach is swimming from turbulence and he's got to fumble around in his pocket(s) for payment before he can hurl into the toilet.

Methinks there will be a LOT more carpetcleaning on that airline, unless they think the stink of old vomit isn't going to be noticed.


Yep, someone's stomach is swimming from turbulence and he's got to fumble around in his pocket(s) for payment before he can hurl into the toilet.

Methinks there will be a LOT more carpetcleaning on that airline, unless they think the stink of old vomit isn't going to be noticed.

LOL, Fair enough.
The flight I took over to Ireland had NO working bathrooms. They are got jammed up and were unusable. They do offer you some nice vomit bags to use if the urge hits. :cool:Seriously, if it lowers the cost of a ticket to a reasonable rate. I would still be okay. Most people don't vomit in the bathrooms, they do their other business in there. If you can't grab a Euro out of your pocket in time, how can you unbuckle your seat belt and maneuver your way through the aisles and countless other people and obstactles to get to it in time anyway?

I was on a water bus this summer, that had free perfectly good working bathrooms and much wider access to them than any planes and the dude just hurled all over the carpet.............Ewwwwwwwwwwww indeed.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Okay, so my response was this:

Well, it would help to prevent DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) for frequent long term traveler's but other than that I think the safety risk is too great. One of my worst flights ever was from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh. It was about 35 min long, if that but horrible horrible turbulence. I have had some pretty bad turbulence on connections in Europe too. Any flight can get it, I don't know how he can say otherwise. That is the whole point, turbulence is air pockets. There is no way to prevent it. You can go up higher to escape storms, but that is about it. In the event of a crash landing you are most certainly not guaranteed to die. Many survive them. It all depends. Those standing most likley would stand much less a chance. So the question is, is it worth it to save some bucks to risk your life and limbs?

For me the answer would be NO.

I have no problem with him charging to use the bathroom. They just need to make sure people are aware to bring cash with them. They charge for use of bathrooms all over Europe.

The other poster that I really hope was kidding is this:

It would be just like if an elevator were to fall, you just have to jump at the last second. I think that would be way safer then sitting!

My response back:
You are kidding right? You should really watch Mythbusters sometime. :p

Sometimes, you take people far too literally and seriously. :D

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Ryanair needs to go. The fact they're even suggesting SRO on a flight is a sign that greed has peaked over there. Seat belts aren't about saving your life in a crash and to even suggest that's the reason they exist is the epitome of treating one's customers like they're stupid. Bad turbulence can throw one from their seat as can a landing. It's clear their motive is to cram as many bodies as possible in a tube that isn't otherwise possible with seating.


I fly enough that I am not willing to take the risk. If that plane starts to go down and the captain can pull off a crash landing, I want my seat and seat belt.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Ummm...............this site is not a bunch of Scifi brainiac geeks. I am pretty sure she meant what she said.

Of course, because it's not apparent that plunging from 30k feet combined with 100 tons of metal around you would seal your doom. I agree, people in this country are generally stupid but only a child can be that naive. :D

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I fly enough that I am not willing to take the risk. If that plane starts to go down and the captain can pull off a crash landing, I want my seat and seat belt.

Yup. Ryanair needs to go.


Of course, because it's not apparent that plunging from 30k feet combined with 100 tons of metal around you would seal your doom. I agree, people in this country are generally stupid but only a child can be that naive. :D

That being said I did find a link to debunk that Mythbuster's too.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Without going into detail, she kinda is to an extent. You give far too much credit to average idiot on some sites. LOL. That being said I did find a link to debunk that Mythbuster's too.

That's the first time anyone has ever implied that my view of the sheer stupidity in this country is "optimistic". :smiley-laughing024:

That's one of those things I appreciate about you. Eternally looking at the glass half-full. :)


That's the first time anyone has ever implied that my view of the sheer stupidity in this country is "optimistic". :smiley-laughing024:

That's one of those things I appreciate about you. Eternally looking at the glass half-full. :)

Yes, it smacks me upside the head more often than not. :grey:


What ship is this?
Staff member
One of the interesting new design elements in the Boeing 787 and 797 (I think) is changes to the air system to try to help airsickness and spreading of illness on planes from being around lots of people. Among those changes are pressurizing the cabin to a lot closer to ground level pressure than in current aircraft. They also bring in the cabin air separately instead of from the engines and run it through HEPA filters. That allows the air to be already cool without expending power and it will also be at a higher humidity (15% vs 5%) all of which leads to atmosphere that is less stressful on the body.

I found it interesting.


If they just invent the "Safety Foam" from Demolition Man we should all be good. :congratulatory::shep_lol:


I could do with some more room on a plane. Something to move around in. A pool would be awesome.


Objects may be closer than they appear
Somewhere, Ralph Nader is rolling over in his grave.

Wait a minute, is he in one yet? :icon10: