So how was your day?



Back at grind today. I must say I at amazed at the cost of office supplies anymore. It seems like paper products (folder,boxes,paper) have gone through the roof. Why on earth is paper so darn expensive all of sudden? :confused:

I swear I am in the wrong business. :biggrin: In my next life I want to sell Paper. :icon_e_wink:


Well Known GateFan
Back at grind today. I must say I at amazed at the cost of office supplies anymore. It seems like paper products (folder,boxes,paper) have gone through the roof. Why on earth is paper so darn expensive all of sudden? :confused:

I swear I am in the wrong business. :biggrin: In my next life I want to sell Paper. :icon_e_wink:

Hey at least you buy new paper. While in the Army-during the Clinton Era-things got so bad funding-wise, that we had to use the blank back sides of other memo's and documents for printing/copying. Drew a lot of "X's" on the side that was not supposed to be read.


Well Known GateFan


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Mr. A

Super Moderator +
Guys, I moved the whole religious debate into the thread in Area 51, save for the discussion of the events surrounding May 21st. Sorry for not getting here earlier: I hadn't read this thread in a loooong time :redface:


GateFans Noob
Back at grind today. I must say I at amazed at the cost of office supplies anymore. It seems like paper products (folder,boxes,paper) have gone through the roof. Why on earth is paper so darn expensive all of sudden? :confused:

I swear I am in the wrong business. :biggrin: In my next life I want to sell Paper. :icon_e_wink:

Don't buy envelopes in January they are always high, try to time to buy in summer. example ordered 250 envelopes in january $28.50 the same ones I buy in July for $9.99. Paper will always be higher in the colder months.


The Belle of the Ball
Hey at least you buy new paper. While in the Army-during the Clinton Era-things got so bad funding-wise, that we had to use the blank back sides of other memo's and documents for printing/copying. Drew a lot of "X's" on the side that was not supposed to be read.

reminds me of my nana...she always used the back sides of paper, she wrapped presents in newsprint, canned from her garden, etc...she was a young mother during the Great Depression and never got out of the frugal habits. :)

@lilith- I knew about white sales in jan-feb and storage containers in march, didn't know about paper products in the summer...thanks for the tip. :)


GateFans Noob
Always buy lawn furniture in July and home furniture in September especially if you want Ashley or Basset furniture. Also with clearnance items in the JC Penney catalogue make them an offer if it's clearnaced. All they can tell you is no.


Don't buy envelopes in January they are always high, try to time to buy in summer. example ordered 250 envelopes in january $28.50 the same ones I buy in July for $9.99. Paper will always be higher in the colder months.

I was buying (no enevelopes) them today and was absolutely gobsmacked by the price. I think it might be because of Electronic Health Records law in going into effect and they are trying to bleed as much money out as they can before it truly hits. This is just highway robbery.


Today my Samsung Fascinate FINALLY got the 2.2 upgrade and I now have Adobe Flash on my phone. I have been waiting for 6 months.......:joy:

Now, I like my phone much better again. :biggrin:


Well Known GateFan
yup-that probably has a lot to do with the supply flow of wood/wood chips into the mills. Loggers can't cut as much in the winter because a lot of public forest roads are closed to heavy vehicles then--early spring too because of the mud. We have a mill about 15 miles away--woodchip trucks are lined up on the highway waiting to get in.


yup-that probably has a lot to do with the supply flow of wood/wood chips into the mills. Loggers can't cut as much in the winter because a lot of public forest roads are closed to heavy vehicles then--early spring too because of the mud. We have a mill about 15 miles away--woodchip trucks are lined up on the highway waiting to get in.

Yeah, but it is definitely not winter now, and this is when I am buying it, and paying through the nose.


Council Member
Just got back from a long afternoon/evening of fun.

Interesting news, the US President hosting a dinner for Queen Elizabeth II. Weird in that Obama is hosting a U.S dinner on British soil... but Michelle Obama looks stunning at her black Ralph Lauren dress. It was also cool to see him present the House of Commons and House of Lords at the Great Westminster Hall, where back in pre-18th Century, Parliament use to took place. Most notably the great hall seen at the film "Elizabeth". One issue, I wasn't comfortable with the House Speaker presenting Obama in a way, similarly seen when the U.S' House Speaker presents the President to the audience of the U.S Congress.

Announcing - "President of the United States of America". Uh, this is the United Kingdom, this is the Great Hall of Westminster where Queen Elizabeth I and others would have got her Lords and Ministers to tax people, to launch and send ships to the New World for colonisation. I felt the House Speaker should have said, "I present you President Barack Obama to the floor". Something that is more dignified, equal and feels less of a Sovereignty-castration to the U.S. At least he was the first U.S President to address the British Parliament. Eat your heart out, Bush Jr!


The Belle of the Ball
Sorry sweetie

Just got back from a long afternoon/evening of fun.

Interesting news, the US President hosting a dinner for Queen Elizabeth II. Weird in that Obama is hosting a U.S dinner on British soil... but Michelle Obama looks stunning at her black Ralph Lauren dress. It was also cool to see him present the House of Commons and House of Lords at the Great Westminster Hall, where back in pre-18th Century, Parliament use to took place. Most notably the great hall seen at the film "Elizabeth". One issue, I wasn't comfortable with the House Speaker presenting Obama in a way, similarly seen when the U.S' House Speaker presents the President to the audience of the U.S Congress.

Announcing - "President of the United States of America". Uh, this is the United Kingdom, this is the Great Hall of Westminster where Queen Elizabeth I and others would have got her Lords and Ministers to tax people, to launch and send ships to the New World for colonisation. I felt the House Speaker should have said, "I present you President Barack Obama to the floor". Something that is more dignified, equal and feels less of a Sovereignty-castration to the U.S. At least he was the first U.S President to address the British Parliament. Eat your heart out, Bush Jr!

two things-
First- his title is NOT president Barak Obama; it is The President of the United States (by the constitution) so while you thought the introduction was awkward it was correct according to diplomatic etiquette.

Second- Obama was the third US president to address Parliment- Ronald Reagan was the first,in '82 ( I remember watching that one on tv :D thank the monkey gods for CSpan!), clinton in the 90's. BUT he was the first to give the address in Westminster Hall.
When Barack Obama delivered his speech to combined House of Commons and House of Lords, it was the 46th time a head of state has done so since French president Albert Lebrun in 1939.
Thanks to the House of Commons information office (and a great thought from Simon Jeffery), we've got the full list - and it's a fascinating breakdown of world politics and issues in a dramatic post-war period.
Obama is the third US president to do this, after Bill Clinton in 1995 and Ronald Reagan in 1982. But he will be the first to give a speech in the huge Westminster Hall - only Nelson Mandela (1993) and Charles de Gaulle (1960) have done spoken to formal gatherings of both houses there.

so the "O" wasn't first at all! ;) what is weird is that Russian head of state has done it 6 times...I am assuming that is the USSR as well as russian leaders? maybe?
now the biggie...did he use his teleprompter? he was the first to use on in the indian parliment. wonder if it can be added to his firsts. ;)

edit- yep it was both free russian and USSR heads- and both prime ministers of the ussr and communist party heads (not always the same person). pres bush seems quite happy in his retirement...he is not a petty man like others. ;)


The Belle of the Ball
However, on the main White House Official page, Obama is addressed as President Barack Obama. :confused:

that is casual usage, but when a president is formally introduced whether to Congress, visiting dignitaries, in another country, or a state dinner it is "The President of the United States". He's the only one who can currently use that title, until he becomes former President Obama. He is addressed face to face as "Mr. President" not president obama. That would be third person usage, i think. yeah that picky sticky etiquette for diplomatic reasons. :P


The Belle of the Ball

IN WESTMINSTER HALL-- he was the first to speak there, but Ronaldus Magnus (Ronald Reagan) was the first to speak to both houses of parliment - he was supporting the UK in the Falklands Islands War.

Was obama introduced as "The President of the United States, Barak Hussein Obama"?