Series 7 Trailer


Objects may be closer than they appear
It seems like ages since this show last aired. The new ones start in September. :)



Objects may be closer than they appear


What ship is this?
Staff member
This is part of the buildup as this season sees Amy and Rory leave. The new companion is already on board and will start with the Christmas special. Plus next year is the fiftieth anniversary so they have a lot of special stuff planned. for one thing more episodes in 2013 and I gather at least one special.


Well Known GateFan
I know I can seem like the local negative crank at times and I don't mean to appear that way here but...last season, which I should have loved, just bored me to tears. It had everything one could ask for, it had good production values, Matt Smith doing a bang up job in the lead role and it even had Alex Kingston ripping up the place with verve and zest. So what was the problem? Well, the whole Amy/Rory story line is just tired and boring. I don't know why as the chick who plays Amy is cute and personable and funny, but still, the story with those two just feels like it should have ended already.

And to be honest the whole schtick where the Doctor gets a cute, new companion and then repeats life and death adventures with her is boring too. Maybe they tried to change it up a bit by having Rory accompany Amy this time, but still, it's the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over... Girl gets attacked by alien creature (usually a Dalek), cut to commercial, come back and she some how manages to escape (usually by just throwing up her hands and running away, go figure), then the doctor finds her and uses his sonic screwdriver to fix or destroy whatever piece of alien equipment is being used to take over the world at that moment and the bad guys are vanquished (but never killed, again, go figure -- and don't even get me going on the freakin' Daleks and how they've been milked to death on this show).

So, I'll probably tune in this season if I managed to catch the show but I won't freak out if I miss it. Hopefully they have improved the story lines and will make it interesting to watch.


What ship is this?
Staff member
To me last season had good and bad points. As you say the acting all around was first rate and the SFX were good, but some of the plots were a touch lame and bordered on the silly. On the other hand some of the episodes were brilliant (for example "The Doctor's Wife" was very well thought out and the imagery when House was using the TARDIS telepathic systems to torture Amy and Rory was chilling). The finale was decently done - it wrapped up a lot of ongoing stories (like River Song) and set the show up to move onwards.