Scifi Drama then and now


The Belle of the Ball
To the mods...I didn't know where to put this so if you can think of a better spot feel free to move it! :)

Having been sicker than anything this week, hubby and I have been watching a lot of tv shows on DVD. We recently watched an episode of TNG called Interface where Geordie's mother is missing and presumed dead. That was (sort of) the "B" story in the episode-- the "A" story was the Enterrpise's attempt to rescue a ship trapped in a gas giant. there are twists and turns but in the end Geordie has dealt with his mother's possible death. Hubby and I were discussing how this episode of TNG had drama and family drama at that, but no DRAMAAAAAAAAAAA that we see in Terra Nova, Falling skies, sgu, etc..... What is the difference? Why has there been suck a change in how/why drama is written for scifiction these days? any ideas?


Well Known GateFan
haha, yeah, I've been sick too so I've been watching the original Star Trek, it's actually really good if you look past the outdated effects and female stuff. The story telling is pretty excellent, finding it more interesting than TNG and DS9, TNG had a lot of crap sometimes, silly little political stories, I like the cowboy method of Kirk and his team and less politics. But I dislike Dr. McCoy, he annoys me for some reason.


Well Known GateFan
You answered your own question Rac.

"Back in the day":P The "drama" was usually the B or even C plot and the Scifi or Action element was the A plot (TNG was extremely noticable in this regard). These days the DRAAAMAAAA is the A plot and the rest the B or C plot. It's not so much anything has *really* changed, just the weighting it is given within shows has, and the simple fact is, Drama as a genre tends to appeal to a broader audience base than "strictly Scifi" and with so many channels competing for eyeballs at any given time, it's understandable that is the route they take these days. Sucks, but there it is.


My avatar speaks for itself.
peronally i thought the old style drama sucked and i think this new drama sucks aswell the old form didnt try hard enough and the new one tries WAY to hard neither works for me.


Well Known GateFan
OMNI mate

What format or weighting of drama would work for you?


My avatar speaks for itself.
OMNI mate

What format or weighting of drama would work for you?
donno mate drama is a tricky subject for me as i think its EXTREMLY hard to get right and it basicly comes down to writer capability and acting ability of the people expected to preform said dramatic scenes...

i cant really put my finger on it beyond that it HAS to be GOOD writing but BRILLIANT acting for me to enjoy it.


Well Known GateFan
donno mate drama is a tricky subject for me as i think its EXTREMLY hard to get right and it basicly comes down to writer capability and acting ability of the people expected to preform said dramatic scenes...

i cant really put my finger on it beyond that it HAS to be GOOD writing but BRILLIANT acting for me to enjoy it.

OK then, has any Scifi show you have watched had brilliant acting in it?, and has any had good writing?
Need a baseline here bro.


My avatar speaks for itself.
OK then, has any Scifi show you have watched had brilliant acting in it?, and has any had good writing?
Need a baseline here bro.
hmm.. gotta think about that one bro... but im leaning towards "No"... actually you know what NO no scifi show has ever imo had "brilliant" acted drama in it... cant think of a scifi movie that has had "it" either... tho i am somewhat sleep deprived atm so im having a hard time thinking straight...

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
donno mate drama is a tricky subject for me as i think its EXTREMLY hard to get right and it basicly comes down to writer capability and acting ability of the people expected to preform said dramatic scenes...

i cant really put my finger on it beyond that it HAS to be GOOD writing but BRILLIANT acting for me to enjoy it.

ST 2: The Wrath of Khan and ST: 2009. IMO, if sci-fi tv could be written that well we wouldn't be having this discussion.


My avatar speaks for itself.
ST 2: The Wrath of Khan and ST: 2009. IMO, if sci-fi tv could be written that well we wouldn't be having this discussion.
hmm yeah maybe ST2009 but in all honesty i conseidder that more of a brainless action movie then i do drama man... as for wrath of khan hmm maybe... havnt seen it in a LONG time..

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
hmm yeah maybe ST2009 but in all honesty i conseidder that more of a brainless action movie then i do drama man... as for wrath of khan hmm maybe... havnt seen it in a LONG time..

I gotta agree with you on ST:2009 now that I think about it. I watched Wrath of Khan again recently and I am still blown away by that movie.


Well Known GateFan
For some unknown reason all my friends and I, in our teen years, referred to this movie as The Wrath of Bong. :D