Ridley Scott Working On 12 new,Short sci-fi Films


Earl Grey
Ridley Scott, has announced that he and Machinima, have both teamed up to air and produce, 12 new science fiction movies. Not much more has been disclosed of what the projects will be about but given that a lot of the sci-fi projects have been quite successful for machinima, it's possible that science fiction belongs on the web.

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Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I am disappointed with Ridley Scott now, after Prometheus. I think he has lost his touch. BUT, I am glad there are these 12 movies in the pipeline. :)


Well Known GateFan
I am disappointed with Ridley Scott now, after Prometheus. I think he has lost his touch. BUT, I am glad there are these 12 movies in the pipeline. :)

I completely agree. I love his early stuff but Prometheus was such a confusing ball of poop that I lost a lot of respect for him. When I saw that festering donkey turd of a movie I couldn't help but think how he's lost perspective just like George Lucas. I don't know what it is, maybe it's old age or something, but for some reason these guys lose the ability to stand back and be objective about their work and then we, the fans, get crap like the SW prequels or in this case Prometheus.


Well Known GateFan
I completely agree. I love his early stuff but Prometheus was such a confusing ball of poop that I lost a lot of respect for him. When I saw that festering donkey turd of a movie I couldn't help but think how he's lost perspective just like George Lucas. I don't know what it is, maybe it's old age or something, but for some reason these guys lose the ability to stand back and be objective about their work and then we, the fans, get crap like the SW prequels or in this case Prometheus.

not saying it as an awesome movie or anything- but what didn't you like-specifically, about it?


Well Known GateFan
Prometheus was ok, I think most of us didn't like it cause it could have been way better. Instead, it kinda was disappointing in its execution of the grand 'epic' style story they were going for.


Well Known GateFan
Prometheus was ok, I think most of us didn't like it cause it could have been way better. Instead, it kinda was disappointing in its execution of the grand 'epic' style story they were going for.

yes it was a bit "flat"--i just chalked that up to the possibility of sequels. seems so many TPTB in movies are now looking to secure future work by making their current project "less whole".


Well Known GateFan
not saying it as an awesome movie or anything- but what didn't you like-specifically, about it?

Prometheus was way too pointless and convoluted. Almost none of the characters made sense and their motivations were either pointless or nonsensical.

-- What was the point of Weyland coming along on the journey? He dies almost instantly.

-- What was the point of Charlize Theron calling Weyland "Father"? She was portrayed as a hard-ass bitch but it was never explained why she was that way nor why she had a "daddy" issue. Are we really supposed to give a shit that she wants to head up the company and can't wait for the old man to croak? Who gives a hard turd about that, especially when there was nothing much shown of the company and/or why she'd want to ascend the throne. Or, is she an android herself and was calling Weyland "Father" because he created her? (To be honest I don't give a shit either way as it's a dumb plot point that makes no sense.)

-- Why were the "Blue man group" aliens on that planet, to conduct biological warfare experiments? If so it was never explained clearly.

-- What was the point of the blue aliens creating life on Earth originally? We are never told their reasons for doing so.

-- Why were there a ton of those blue aliens dead and piled up at that doorway in their ship/mountain?

-- And what were those snakes and those "vases"??? If they were a precursor to the alien creatures we later see (or see earlier in the movies Alien and Aliens) why wasn't it better explained?

-- And what the hell happened when those crew members got infected by the aliens? What were they morphing into?

-- And why is it left up to us, the viewers, to figure out that Naomi Rapace got impregnated with an alien creature simply by having sex with her boyfriend who was infected with something that was never explained or brought to any conclusion (they torched him before we saw the final transformation that was to occur to him).

-- And what was the point of the exploding, fossilized alien skull?

-- And are we, the viewers, honestly expected to believe that a ship's pilot and crew are going to immediately sacrifice themselves based on the brief ranting of a crazy chick? Seriously??? Those characters weren't even explored or developed yet we're expected to believe that they will go to their death so casually?

-- And we're expected to believe that instead of returning to Earth in an alien ship, Naomi Rapace heads off into the unknown with an android's head in a bag and little else? After all, there's no guarantee that there's going to be human food available for her when she isn't in stasis and/or reaches her destination. The smart thing to do would be to head back to Earth and regroup.

-- And on and on and on. I've barely scratched the surface here. Suffice to say the movie was a complete mess. It was full of characters that made no sense and had pointless motivations that no one cared about. Again, what was the purpose of having Charlize Theron's character be such a hard-ass bitch? Her reasons for being so hard and cold were never given. Also, when they woke up the blue alien guy why didn't we get more information from him? We're expected to believe that this super-advanced alien is just going to start killing people the second he wakes up from stasis, like he's having roid rage??? M'kay... :rolleyes:

The bottom line is that I don't need or expect to be spoon fed a simple story. I like to think that I'm half-way intelligent and can figure things out for myself, but Prometheus wasn't just ambiguous, it was downright nonsensical. Hell, I often like a story to be ambiguous, like the original Alien which never fully explained that the alien creatures were a type of developed weapon. For all we knew they were simply organic and evolved that way. I didn't mind that and thought it quite good actually. But Prometheus, well, the whole movie was nonsensical as it had a pointless, convoluted plot (replete with a "hot girl has daddy issues" story line, yawn) that was just confusing as opposed to being interesting.