Random Banter


Well Known GateFan
Oh, I've done that, no Lawyer Me Vs their lawyer, they lost. Studying the law and Psychology for fun can be SUPER useful!! :D


Well Known GateFan
Dude, you are unaware of how much love and hate I have for this world. I love it in people, I HATE it in systems. Be kind to people, that's all I ask, be kind. Life try's to destroy that., be kind
But you can't be too nice to assholes, bullies or to psychopaths though i have worked in Corporate environments and it was the worst experience I ever had those psychopaths were the worst and assholes got away with everything even by committing crimes and it was corrupt to the bone. I don't have that luxury of being smarter than lawyers because I am not a meat eater.


Well Known GateFan
But you can't be too nice to assholes, bullies or to psychopaths though i have worked in Corporate environments and it was the worst experience I ever had those psychopaths were the worst and assholes got away with everything even by committing crimes and it was corrupt to the bone. I don't have that luxury of being smarter than lawyers because I am not a meat eater.
You absolutely cannot let them get away with it brother. Why do you think I stand?
The cost to me? A job.
The cost to them? their soul.
I WILL NOT stand for it.
I have walked out on good jobs due to corruption, told my bosses they are being arseholes and asked them to change.
Live by the code YOU can live with, no more no less.


Well Known GateFan
You absolutely cannot let them get away with it brother. Why do you think I stand?
The cost to me? A job.
The cost to them? their soul.
I WILL NOT stand for it.
I have walked out on good jobs due to corruption, told my bosses they are being arseholes and asked them to change.
Live by the code YOU can live with, no more no less.
Yeah I know but I am still fighting the scars they inflicted onto me. Leadership was nothing than a scaring competition. I wish I never joined and both myself and my brother struggling with my mental health and confidence levels because it's ultra super competitive out there and I am late to the game and don't know where I am going and we fear how our lives will be in 10 or 20 years from now or even our 80's 90 and or beyond if we live to that age. I had episodes of pericarditis ( We never had a heart condition in our family) no thanks to the trauma, abuse and stress the workplace put me through and sadly I could not turn to anyone for assistance. Sadly, they've aged me considerably I struggle with self care and they've turned me into a 90 year old geriatric where I am taking medication my grandparents were taking when they were alive a number of health conditions.

I struggle with a lot of bad smells behind my ears, swollen feet, heart conditions, self doubt and feeling intimidated around people who are extremely arrogant of themselves or whom are aggressive and toxic which I never used to get before I was thrown in with the hyenas and around that deep end of a toxic work environment where I was gaslighted and brainwashed and coercively abused against my will and consent which they put me through. It has forced me body to change like this. Before I joined I was extremely good with self care but the work environment used the system against me.

All of the people whom I worked with elevated themselves into higher positions and they took no accountability at all. Sadly, no one believes me enough to help me and I took them to court but older brother says I will lose if I take them to court. What do I do? I am struggling to finish courses and sometimes simple tasks or solutions are hard for to come by and I react with a lot of anger.
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Well Known GateFan
Trust in yourself.
Perhaps like me you don't actually WANT those positions anymore, or at all. It's not always about "chasing the goal", perhaps just being happy is better?
It's a harder path, it doesn't pay anywhere near as well, but we need it sometimes. Trust in yourself.


Well Known GateFan
Trust in yourself.
Perhaps like me you don't actually WANT those positions anymore, or at all. It's not always about "chasing the goal", perhaps just being happy is better?
It's a harder path, it doesn't pay anywhere near as well, but we need it sometimes. Trust in yourself.
Yeah ideally, I would like to earn more and apply the skills that I am learning and find meaning and if I get paid more than all good but money does have an influence on a person's social life too but that's not sustainable. I am struggling to trust myself when people out there beat me or humiliate me because they are a lot more confident than me. So my self esteem and confidence takes a hit. I did walk away from money as well. Fuck me did you hear how much they paid one of the lawyers for channel 10 - $11,000 per day that's f***ing ridiculous.
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Well Known GateFan
Yeah ideally, I would like to earn more and apply the skills that I am learning and find meaning and if I get paid more than all good but money does have an influence on a person's social life too but that's not sustainable. I am struggling to trust myself when people out there beat me or humiliate me because they are a lot more confident than me. So my self esteem and confidence takes a hit. I did walk away from money as well. Fuck me did you hear how much they paid one of the lawyers for channel 10 - $11,000 per day that's f***ing ridiculous.
The question is, are you happy? That is all that matters. Are you happy within YOU??


Well Known GateFan
The question is, are you happy? That is all that matters. Are you happy within YOU??
Well, not really seeing my favourite genre ie Trance music being commercialised and butchered that I can't even recognise it and I am helpless to do anything to change that. I would love to be producing music of that era but that takes skill, luck and a lot of effort. I am not happy to be honest, I feel like a slave in my current jobs. I just spoke to an employer today he gave me a call after I sent them an email and they rejected my resume and I actually sent them an email asking them why but they told me that my email came across as condescending and kinda rude but that was not intention. He heard the way I spoke to him and he organised an interview for me next week. :SmileyLaughingTears::anim_22:
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What ship is this?
Staff member
Good luck, who knows? It could work.


Well Known GateFan
I found out today that I am on the corperate chopping block, and at this point, I don't care. I HAVE to be true to myself. I'm going to work later today, even though I do Mon-Fri because I had a funeral on Wednesday, and not only am I going in, I'm going to do longer hours because, I am a man of my word. All you can do is be honsest and true to yourself, whatever that is to YOU.


Well Known GateFan
I found out today that I am on the corperate chopping block, and at this point, I don't care. I HAVE to be true to myself. I'm going to work later today, even though I do Mon-Fri because I had a funeral on Wednesday, and not only am I going in, I'm going to do longer hours because, I am a man of my word. All you can do is be honsest and true to yourself, whatever that is to YOU.
Sorry to hear that man. I would network within your team and outside your team and maybe get a list of your performance from your current manager. To make you feel better our jobs are being offshored to the Phillipines and I am getting random messages from people I have never met before telling me I have gone over my break times and micromanaging me.


What ship is this?
Staff member
I hope you find something quickly. And that it is something more stable, where you can just work without pressure to compromise your convictions.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Yo! Ba'al! How are things? We hadn't seen your Jaffa around and thought perhaps some war with another System Lord was afoot...


Well Known GateFan
Yo! Ba'al! How are things? We hadn't seen your Jaffa around and thought perhaps some war with another System Lord was afoot...
No one screws with Ba'al
It would be like screwing with Samiel, not a wise course of action.