Prop 8 struck down


Well Known GateFan
Something of a slow news day here at GateFans so I thought I'd liven things up with the following:

The 9th Circuit Court in California struck down as unconstitutional the state's voter-passed ban on gay marriage Tuesday, ruling 2-1 that it violates the rights of gay Californians.
"Proposition 8 serves no purpose, and has no effect, other than to lessen the status and human dignity of gays and lesbians in California, and to officially reclassify their relationships and families as inferior to those of opposite-sex couples," Judge Stephen Reinhardt wrote in the decision. The court concludes that the law violates the 14th Amendment rights of gay couples to equal protection under the law.



Council Member & Author
Prop 8's supporters have vowed to take this to the Supreme Court.

We'll see what happens from there.

I have gay relatives and friends, and have performed a same sex commitment ceremony as a minister, so I have certain feelings on the whole issue.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Is it just me or does it really seem like everyone here at GF is enlightened?