Potholes in Montreal ... just like this

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
If you're ever in Montreal, be wary of covered potholes. This is the norm, not the exception.


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
If you're ever in Montreal, be wary of covered potholes. This is the norm, not the exception.

WTH? That shit is scary as hell! Why is the ground so porous?

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
WTH? That shit is scary as hell! Why is the ground so porous?

Shitty and lax construction codes lobbied by the corrupt back in the 60s and very, very poorly maintained infrastructure. They don't even bother hiding the corrupt spending with poor material, they just siphon the money, indefinitely postpone maintenance and/or improvements and hope nobody notices. Quebec is the only region in North America I know of that allows a pavement depth of just 3 inches when building and fixing roads. They are perpetually porous and have an average lifespan of less than 5 years.

Bush and Cheney would be considered complete amateurs in Quebec.


Well Known GateFan
My favorite is the use of cheap asphalt to both pave and repair roads here. The local contractors also use it to pave a majority of the Interstate that runs thru the city, which they conveniently have to repave every 2 years on average.

The winters are brutal and the asphalt roads always have tons of pot holes come Spring -- tons. In summer buses sink into the asphalt roads where they stop to pick up passengers. All this requires repair over and over and over. The spots that have concrete almost never need repairing though.

Yeah, no scams going on here. :rolleyes:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Shitty and lax construction codes lobbied by the corrupt back in the 60s and very, very poorly maintained infrastructure. They don't even bother hiding the corrupt spending with poor material, they just siphon the money, indefinitely postpone maintenance and/or improvements and hope nobody notices. Quebec is the only region in North America I know of that allows a pavement depth of just 3 inches when building and fixing roads. They are perpetually porous and have an average lifespan of less than 5 years.

Bush and Cheney would be considered complete amateurs in Quebec.
My favorite is the use of cheap asphalt to both pave and repair roads here. The local contractors also use it to pave a majority of the Interstate that runs thru the city, which they conveniently have to repave every 2 years on average.

The winters are brutal and the asphalt roads always have tons of pot holes come Spring -- tons. In summer buses sink into the asphalt roads where they stop to pick up passengers. All this requires repair over and over and over. The spots that have concrete almost never need repairing though.

Yeah, no scams going on here. :rolleyes:

We just dont get those much in California. Not enough rain or snow, and most definitely not enough to allow the formation of a pothole large enough to swallow a vehicle. But they have happened, and nobody was prepared for them. Example of a California pothole:

The ones we get are the annoying small ones which you hit and spill your hot Starbucks in your lap because of the jolt. :icon_mad:


Well Known GateFan
We just dont get those much in California. Not enough rain or snow, and most definitely not enough to allow the formation of a pothole large enough to swallow a vehicle. But they have happened, and nobody was prepared for them. Example of a California pothole:

The ones we get are the annoying small ones which you hit and spill your hot Starbucks in your lap because of the jolt. :icon_mad:

Oh I'm sure there's corruption somewhere in the CA system, it's just that being east of the Mississippi it's taken to the level of an art form in our various transportation departments. ;)

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
My favorite is the use of cheap asphalt to both pave and repair roads here. The local contractors also use it to pave a majority of the Interstate that runs thru the city, which they conveniently have to repave every 2 years on average.

The winters are brutal and the asphalt roads always have tons of pot holes come Spring -- tons. In summer buses sink into the asphalt roads where they stop to pick up passengers. All this requires repair over and over and over. The spots that have concrete almost never need repairing though.

Yeah, no scams going on here. :rolleyes:

The size and type of potholes shown in this thread appear to be the result of poor subgrade (stuff underneath the asphalt or concrete) and very high water tables during precipitation events. I am not a highway expert.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
There is a highway in Montreal called the 15 North. This highway, a couple decades ago, was completely redone using a hybrid concrete mix that withstood weather and wear and tear. It was touted to last at least 25 years. Less than 10 years later, they tore it all up FOR ABSOLUTELY NO GOOD REASON and redid the entire highway using the old shitty pavement method. The highway had lived up to the hype and, for a while, was the cleanest, smoothest highway for nearly a decade. The labor unions and city contractors, however, could not just STFU about it and the city and province caved and destroyed it all so they can suck the coffers clean every 3-5 years redoing the entire highway.


Well Known GateFan
The size and type of potholes shown in this thread appear to be the result of poor subgrade (stuff underneath the asphalt or concrete) and very high water tables during precipitation events. I am not a highway expert.

A good buddy of mine does engineering inspection for this very thing, pavement, etc. The contractors are notorious for trying to scam their way out of following required specs. If a job calls for 3" of crushed stone bed they will try to get by using only 2", etc. The scams never end hence the need for an on-site independent inspector. The stuff my buddy tells me is mind-blowing.

As for asphalt, it has its uses and can be good, but not for heavily traveled roads in areas that have winter. Still, it can be used for under-bedding concrete roads in such places. They're doing that on the Interstate south of my city (go figure). It's a technique that is supposed to help with the heaving and popping and general degradation that comes with the repeated change of harsh seasons that we have here.

The trick is to get the contractors and our state representatives to get serious about road construction and stop screwing us in the butts with their scams.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
The size and type of potholes shown in this thread appear to be the result of poor subgrade (stuff underneath the asphalt or concrete) and very high water tables during precipitation events. I am not a highway expert.

How do these holes form under the highway? Where does all the soil go to create the HUGE holes in these videos and photos?

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
How do these holes form under the highway? Where does all the soil go to create the HUGE holes in these videos and photos?

Shitty foundation and water erosion to name two. Montreal doesn't suffer from sink holes, just shit infrastructure.


Well Known GateFan
How do these holes form under the highway? Where does all the soil go to create the HUGE holes in these videos and photos?

Narnia maybe? :vala-newanime026:
--- merged: Mar 22, 2013 12:03 AM ---
Shitty foundation and water erosion to name two. Montreal doesn't suffer from sink holes, just shit infrastructure.

You forgot the French. Montreal is loaded with French people, hence we all suffer. :disturbed:

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Narnia maybe? :vala-newanime026:
--- merged: Mar 22, 2013 12:03 AM ---

You forgot the French. Montreal is loaded with French people, hence we all suffer. :disturbed:

Quebecers aren't "french" though they like to pretend they are. To even suggest they're "french" is an insult to the French. :icon_lol:


The Belle of the Ball
Shitty and lax construction codes lobbied by the corrupt back in the 60s and very, very poorly maintained infrastructure. They don't even bother hiding the corrupt spending with poor material, they just siphon the money, indefinitely postpone maintenance and/or improvements and hope nobody notices. Quebec is the only region in North America I know of that allows a pavement depth of just 3 inches when building and fixing roads. They are perpetually porous and have an average lifespan of less than 5 years.

Bush and Cheney would be considered complete amateurs in Quebec.

sweetie, they are considered amateurs NOW:


Well Known GateFan
Get this, my alderman held a community meeting yesterday morning down the street from my house at the local grade school. While the meeting was taking place there were asphalt crews filling the pot holes on the street out front of the school for everyone to see...on a Saturday. :rolleyes:

*And for those who don't get the point I'm making it's that municipal road crews don't usually work on Saturdays. So this was all done for show. And no I'm not happy about them filling the pot holes with asphalt as it breaks up easily and will do nothing but make a huge mess in the long run. They need to repave the entire road which is the original road laid down in the early 1950's.