GateFans Member'stargate_universe'_201105232512.html
MediaBlvd> One thing that struck me with the
series was the fan backlash with the series.You had websites by
SG-1 fans that were named things like you think that played into the whole
franchise going on hiatus with the announcement that there would be no more
movies? Did those people shoot themselves in the foot?
Patrick> Yeah, I’d love to say it’s
because of them, and it would serve them right.But that’s not the
truth.I was talking to Brad Wright about this a couple of weeks
ago, and he said, “It was a perfect storm.”That’s exactly it, and I
could list off ten reasons why SGU never got the
momentum.But as far as the fan reaction, I hesitate to comment on
it, because I get so worked up about it.I’ve talked to a lot of
people who have been in the franchise when it first started with
SGU.They said, “When we started SGA and
SG-1 was cancelled, people crucified us for killing SG-1. So
expect the same thing.”And we did get the same thing, but I didn’t
pay much attention to it.Then it started getting personal, and
having a web presence for actors is kind of a new thing.Twitter was
just starting out, and of course I was getting my first recognition on the
Internet.So it was hard to ignore, especially when they got
personal.Then you would get these sites dedicated to
it.These are clearly people who don’t have a lot going on in their
lives, to dedicate their time towards building a website to put people out of
work.I don’t understand that vitriol.But the poetic
justice for all of these morons is that what happened is you shot yourself in
the foot.“You think getting Stargate Universe cancelled is
going to bring back SGA?Well, BS.It went the
exact opposite way.”The producers knew it, MGM knew it, and we were
all saying it.“You need to support us, because with SGU’s
success there was no end to how much more of SGA you were going to
see.”I read an article today about this guy who was anti-gun and it
was about gun regulation in theUnited
States.It was a blog that went on
for two pages and the title was “Guns kill more people by accident than they do
perpetrators breaking into a home.”At the end of the blog, he said,
“If you’ve read this far in the article and read my argument then write bananas
in the comments. Just add that word so I know you’ve read this
far.”Then they show out of the three pages of angry, angry
comments, nobody wrote bananas because nobody read it.They saw the
title and reacted.That’s what these trolls at SGUSucks or
whatever it was did, they reacted and they were idiots.They didn’t
cancel SGU, but they didn’t support it so Stargate gets put on
ice.Stargate isn’t dead, just like Star Trek
isn’t dead, Star Wars isn’t dead.Our great grand children
will be watching chapter 20 of Star Wars because people are going to
want to make money off of it.But the incarnations of SG-1,
SGA, and SGU, as far as the TV shows are dead.It
would have been nice to have a little more support from a story
franchise.I hate it, especially today when I’m seeing all these
tweets of standing ovations coming in from people who just love
it.And they wanted the same thing over and over
again.They were happy with the formula.The writers and
creators, Brad, Rob, Joe, Carl; they are artists and artists need to
change.They can’t continue to do the same thing, they need to test
themselves.What’s wonderful is all three series were written by the
same people in completely different styles.They succeeded, and I
think if they had it to do over again, they would do exactly the same