OMG, I am so leaving Facebook!

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member


At the F8 conference yesterday, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg showed off some of the most drastic changes ever made to the company's service. And though Zuckerberg is excited by those changes, many folks across the Web aren't so quick to celebrate.

The fear among some users relates to what some say could become a potentially worrisome privacy situation on the social network, led by Timeline and changes to Open Graph.

Timeline provides users with a way to view "the story of your life," according to Zuckerberg, including a collection of all the "stories" uses have shared on Facebook over the years, as well as the pictures they've posted and the applications they've used.

Facebook's updated Open Graph will make the social network far more "sticky." Zuckerberg said users will have the ability--thanks to Timeline and a new addition, Ticker--to see what a friend is doing, like watching a movie on Netflix or listening to a song on Spotify, and engage in that same activity from within the social network. The Facebook CEO said he believes the improvements will help create "a completely new class of social apps" that will let users share every single facet of their lives on the social network.

:icon_eek: For reals? Leaving Facebook and never turning back is a no brainer for me. :) But what is more disturbing is that Facebook is far far more intrusive and "Big Brother" than any government agency I can think of, including the FBI and the CIA. Why would ANYONE want "every single facet of their lives on the social network"? THAT is where they are going with Facebook? NO THANKS! I already dont use it much, but I have a presence there. I wont for much longer...those Facebook accounts can be shared with third and fourth and fifth parties to the point that it cannot be controlled or "put back in the bottle". Facebook will implicate cheating husbands, expose internet activities, and basically be like having a little robot thingie hovering over you watching everything you do. Like a reality show, only not by choice.

Another excerpt:

"All those activities people perform with these apps--listening to a Bjork tune, reading about same-sex marriage laws, cooking Arroz con Pollo, running four miles, donating to Amnesty International--will be stored permanently and made accessible (if the user allows it) on a greatly enhanced profile page that will essentially become a remote-control autobiography," Wired's Steven Levy wrote about the update.

It's that concept of Facebook becoming an "autobiography" that's scaring some folks.

"Is there any way I can upload my browser history, bank statements, and medical records to Facebook?" Twitter user @adrianshort asked today. "Might as well do this properly."

Those sentiments were echoed earlier today by CNET commenter "OneAmazedHuman" who said that the social network's additions are making some people consider leaving the site.
"Frankly, after this last round of messing around with Facebook, there are a whole lot of us thinking seriously about dumping it," OneAmazedHuman wrote. " hate everything they threw at us lately. What happened to 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it?'

"Facebook is getting too intrusive and sneaky," OneAmazedHuman continued. "If I can find another place to play Scrabble, I'm probably out of there. I can live without it nicely. When it was fun, it was fun. It isn't that anymore. Thanks, Zuckerberg. Why didn't you just create something new to mess around with and leave Facebook as is?"

This is improvement? This is Big Brother, but its coming from the private sector. Its too much to ask...wait...they arent asking, they are TELLING Facebook members what changes are being made, and tough if you dont like them. You cant turn them off, and many of the new features are automatically added. Scarier still, is that you cannot simply delete your account. You can "deactivate" it and it will remain in Facebook's database unless you explicitly request removal. The info is here:


Once you have permanently deleted your account, hopefully Facebook will not sell your information or secretly retain the information. :daniel_new_anime012 Once you have requested DELETING at the link provided, you have to completely stay away from Facebook for 14 days, including any tie-ins to sites or phone/tablet apps that connect to Facebook. I have just deleted all my Facebook stuff and I wil never return.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Already, Facebook is sending me whine messages...they are saying "so and so will miss you!, so and so uploaded a picture for you, they will miss you!" GIVE ME A BREAK! Im not coming back. I will go to Google+ or anywhere other than Facebook. Some of my close friends who are on Facebook thought I unfriended them so they emailed me. :facepalm:. I figure, those who know me and interact with me regularly all have my telephone numbers and email address, so I dont need Facebook. My business contacts come from other sources which are not Facebook, so buh bye Farmville and goodbye friend requests from people I have never heard of. Buh bye Mafia Wars requests! You wont be missed. :)


Well Known GateFan
Facebook is pointless for all the reasons you just listed. Even my friends who were heavily into Facebook a few years ago have now drifted away from it. They've discovered there's no need to use it as a social networking site because all their family and friends already communicate with them via other means. Hell, it's easier to just message each other on the phone or direct to email than it is to log onto Facebook to communicate with them. Why bother with a middle man?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Facebook is pointless for all the reasons you just listed. Even my friends who were heavily into Facebook a few years ago have now drifted away from it. They've discovered there's no need to use it as a social networking site because all their family and friends already communicate with them via other means. Hell, it's easier to just message each other on the phone or direct to email than it is to log onto Facebook to communicate with them. Why bother with a middle man?

MySpace died for the same reason, but Facebook has become too big for its britches and it is way WAY too intrusive. My geek friends all left Facebook and they sent me messages telling me what was going on. I hardly used it, but now I dont want any association with Facebook, not even a presence there.


I'm sooooo 3,5 years ahead of you mate! :D
I noticed that they kept your information on record back then too. I don't know if they still have it. Something tells me they might, even though I haven't been there. But I think I made sure I went as far as I could with that deletion back then.
Big Brother indeed. Wouldn't be surprised if at some point Google and Facebook merged.

That tweet that was in your quote from @AdrianShort deserves some major retweeting. So I did my part on that one.

Is there any way I can upload my browser history, bank statements, and medical records to Facebook?" Twitter user @adrianshort asked today. "Might as well do this properly."


Already, Facebook is sending me whine messages...they are saying "so and so will miss you!, so and so uploaded a picture for you, they will miss you!" GIVE ME A BREAK! Im not coming back. I will go to Google+ or anywhere other than Facebook. Some of my close friends who are on Facebook thought I unfriended them so they emailed me. :facepalm:. I figure, those who know me and interact with me regularly all have my telephone numbers and email address, so I dont need Facebook. My business contacts come from other sources which are not Facebook, so buh bye Farmville and goodbye friend requests from people I have never heard of. Buh bye Mafia Wars requests! You wont be missed. :)

That is one of the reasons I removed my account. I did it not long after those first requests came in.
I've never had the pleasure of playing Farmville though coz it was before that time.
Actually I'm not that sore about it. After all, I have real games to play. :)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I'm sooooo 3,5 years ahead of you mate! :D
I noticed that they kept your information on record back then too. I don't know if they still have it. Something tells me they might, even though I haven't been there. But I think I made sure I went as far as I could with that deletion back then.
Big Brother indeed. Wouldn't be surprised if at some point Google and Facebook merged.

That tweet that was in your quote from @AdrianShort deserves some major retweeting. So I did my part on that one.

I loved that Tweet! I would add:

"Is there any way I can upload my browser history, bank statements, credit reports, insurance policies and auto registration and medical records to Facebook? Also, can I create a direct feed from all of my webcams to Facebook, and hook my GPS into it so that all the Facebook users can track my every move in real time?".

Thats where they are going with it, you know. WHY would anyone want that? :icon_e_confused:


My avatar speaks for itself.
I loved that Tweet! I would add:

"Is there any way I can upload my browser history, bank statements, credit reports, insurance policies and auto registration and medical records to Facebook? Also, can I create a direct feed from all of my webcams to Facebook, and hook my GPS into it so that all the Facebook users can track my every move in real time?".

Thats where they are going with it, you know. WHY would anyone want that? :icon_e_confused:
dono man but i do know some do want that....


I loved that Tweet! I would add:

"Is there any way I can upload my browser history, bank statements, credit reports, insurance policies and auto registration and medical records to Facebook? Also, can I create a direct feed from all of my webcams to Facebook, and hook my GPS into it so that all the Facebook users can track my every move in real time?".

A tweet can only be 140 characters so what you wanted to tweet would be about 178 characters too much. But I think there's something called TMI where you can leave larger messages and then basically tweet a link to that message.

Thats where they are going with it, you know. WHY would anyone want that? :icon_e_confused:

That would be a severe breach of privacy. If it ever happened it would give government agencies free reign to spy on any facebook user they wanted. So I guess there's SOME people who'd want it.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
A tweet can only be 140 characters so what you wanted to tweet would be about 178 characters too much. But I think there's something called TMI where you can leave larger messages and then basically tweet a link to that message.

That would be a severe breach of privacy. If it ever happened it would give government agencies free reign to spy on any facebook user they wanted. So I guess there's SOME people who'd want it.

People are getting alerts sent to their PHONES? This is an effing nightmare!

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Facebook still tracks users even AFTER they are deleted!

FACEBOOK is following you, even when you have logged out.
An Australian technology expert has discovered Facebook tracks the websites its users visit after they leave the social networking site. Nik Cubrilovic said his tests showed Facebook did not delete its tracking cookies when you logged out but modified them, maintaining account information and other unique tokens that could identify you.

So whenever you visited a web page containing a Facebook button or widget, your browser was still sending the details back to Facebook, said Mr Cubrilovic.

''Even if you are logged out, Facebook still knows and can track every page you visit,'' he wrote in a blog post. ''The only solution is to delete every Facebook cookie in your browser, or to use a separate browser for Facebook interactions.''
Mr Cubrilovic, from Wollongong, has previously been involved with the large technology blog TechCrunch and online storage company Omnidrive.

He backed up his claims with detailed technical information. His post was picked up by technology news sites around the world. Facebook has yet to provide a response to the Herald.

The executive director of UNSW's Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, David Vaile, said Facebook's changes were a ''breathtaking and audacious grab for whole life data''. He accused the networking giant of attempting to ''normalise gross and unsafe overexposure''.

'While initially 'opt in', the default then seems to be 'expose everything', and Facebook have form in the past for lowering protection after people get used to a certain level of initial protection - bait and switch,'' he said.

Stephen Collins, a spokesman for the online users' lobby group Electronic Frontiers Australia, said he hoped users became more engaged with the issue.

''Facebook, once again, are doing things that are beyond most users' capacity to understand while reducing their privacy. That's just not cool. I'd go so far as to say it's specifically unethical,'' he said.

Mr Collins said he used Facebook only to help his 14-year-old daughter on the site. He said it took him an hour to lock down his profile to his satisfaction following the recent changes.

''It's just not good enough. The default setting for any site should be 'reveal nothing about me unless I make a specific choice otherwise','' he said.

Mr Cubrilovic said he tried to contact Facebook about his discovery but did not get a reply. He said there were significant risks to privacy, particularly if using public terminals.

''Facebook are front and centre in the new privacy debate just as Microsoft were with security issues a decade ago,'' he said.

''The question is what it will take for Facebook to address privacy issues and to give their users the tools required to manage their privacy and to implement clear policies - not pages and pages of confusing legal documentation, and 'log out' not really meaning 'log out'.''

For any of you Facebook users...did any of you ASK for these wonderful new features???? :confused:


OMG! That's just plain abuse of privacy.
I'm so glad I left that crap site years ago. My computer has been reinstalled probably a half a dosen times since I did so I won't have to worry about any cookies lingering around.


Objects may be closer than they appear
Yes FB is intrusive, but doesn't someone need to collect all of this data for us so that we can create Cylons in the future. :P

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Has anyone installed the latest FB game "Identity Theft"? All the cool kids are playing it. Install it now!


What ship is this?
Staff member
Once you grant it permission to access all of your data, it works smoothly and efficiently. It's also a lot less work.

I heard that if you enter your bank account number it even displays a special screen....


The Belle of the Ball
Yep it always amazes me that some of the same people who decry things like the patriot act (don't get me started on that invasion of privacy) will freely give all their info on Facebook! :facepalm:...I guess it's a case of if it's fun- it's not an invasion of privacy! :P