New Companion Revealed + Season 7 Split + Spoilerish news


Well Known GateFan
Basically everything revealed today constitutes massive spoilers. The new companion (or at least the actor/actress playing them) was revealed as well as details on how Season 7 will air. As feared only 6 episodes, including the Xmas special, will air this year, with another 8 in 2013. Also in the link below is the number of episodes Amy and Rory will appear in before leaving as well as some details on their departure. 2 returning monsters are also detailed.

Nothing here outright spoils the show but for those who wish to go into it fresh, my advice is to avoid.

Companion reveal
Season 7 details


Well Known GateFan
I hope it's not the same tired old "The Doctor meets an unhappy shop girl and changes her life" device they've been using since the beginning of the shows revamp under Davies. How boring. Same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again and again and again and again. Yawn.

Give the companion some depth. Hell, make her a character from the 1700's or elderly or something, anything other than the cardboard cut-out pretty girl with upper-middle class problems (yawn) that the companions have been ad nauseum of late.


Objects may be closer than they appear
Are there going to be any scenes that feature Amy Pond naked in a hotel hallway? :eek: :D