MX-4D. The next "thing" in theaters is here (eyeroll)


Staff member

MX4D® Motion EFX Theatre, the newest evolution in the 4D cinema experience, provides a totally immersive environment, where you actually "feel" the action on the screen from the built-in motion and effects in the seats and theatre around you.

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Why am I not thrilled about this? Because it means that they have decided that the high end of movies is going to be action. Drama and romance are not going to be making use of this 4D tech (unless you really want to make some immersive porno. :)). Tickets to see something in this are around $30.00 each for an adult.


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If you ever went to Disneyland and went on the Mission to Mars "ride", you already know what this is like.The movements of your chair match what you are seeing, and things like thrust and slowing and turbulence can be greatly enhanced by the fact that the chair you are sitting in is responding to the action. In the Disneyland ride, the seats and the entire room itself were involved. In MX4D it's just the seats.

WHY would anyone pay $30.00 for this? It would be more appealing as a home unit using a VR headset to watch the movie. BTW, a VR headset does an awesome job of simulating a full sized theater view.


More Fun than Humans should be allowed to have
Staff member
Oh, come on! You know you want to watch Citizen Kane in MX4D!


Staff member
Oh, come on! You know you want to watch Citizen Kane in MX4D!

Of course! :anim_59:

Thing is, this is recycled tech:

It did not catch on in the arcades (because of the high pay per play cost), and it will also not appeal to moviegoers at $30.00 per ticket. I would not say this about IMAX, because that is truly a cool experience and much different than just ordinary theater screens. But the 3D is just a gimmick because the film just does not make much use of it. I can see a movie like Independence Day Resurgence doing well in 3D and 4D. But does that mean that all new theater movies are going to be action in order to make use of the 4D and 3D tech being pushed along with them? Hollywood has already been down this path before with 3D, "Smellivision" and other enhancements. Anyone going to a midnight showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show done in the fan fashion, will experience thrown rice, water, hot dogs...if you have done it, you know what I mean. :)

Let's see where it goes this time...


Staff member
Adding this...

Batman vs. Superman was designed specifically for 4D and is the first to actually premiere with it. Evidently, these 4D seats include odor emitters, water spray emitters, air jets and low speed fans to simulate wind, all this in addition to the movement and servos in the back and the seat of the chair. Audiences are saying that this takes away from the film by not allowing one to detatch themselves and get into the film. Instead, it feels like a "ride". I can actually imagine that pretty clearly, even though I have not experienced 4D.
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New member
If I wanna watch a movie with movement I'll just keep accelerating and slamming on the brakes of my car . It's the same sensation and will make you puke like riding in a cab in Toronto ... OMG I wanna kill our cabbies here !!!

Just like this piece of crap . This in no way simulates a car lol !!! It does simulate a TO cab drivers ability's tho ...

;) ;) ;)


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I wonder what it would be like to watch porn this way? :daniel_new004:

I mentioned that earlier in this thread. :) I think it would be awesome! I would like a home setup and I would add an extra attachment for the genitals (both sexes), easily washable of course. The possibilities are endless.


More Fun than Humans should be allowed to have
Staff member
Shades of Stallone and Sandra Bullocks having virtual sex in Demolition Man...


Staff member
Shades of Stallone and Sandra Bullocks having virtual sex in Demolition Man...

True dat! There is still no touching. ULTRA safe sex. :anim_59: However, with AI, you could program your Lovebot to do what you want it to do without needing to cuddle afterwards. :smiley-laughing021:


Staff member
Demolition Man is one of my most rewatched movies. :) Absolutely loved it. It's a one off and cannot truly be the 5th Element.