Men in Black 4 In Production


Earl Grey
Scifinow is reporting that the hugely popular TV movie Men in Black, is now in development. Scifinow reports that Will Smith has not been confirmed for the 4th instalment. However, let's hope that he is in the movie though.

Via - Scifinow
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Well Known GateFan
I like MIB for a bit of light-hearted fun, let's hope it's a good one :)


Well Known GateFan
I liked 1 and 3 more, 2 was sorta "odd" to me.


Well Known GateFan
All 3 were good to me overall though. ;). I Still enjoyed the light-hearted humour though.

Quite true, I just found more......... "food for thought" in 1 and 3, 2 was more like just for fun to me :)


Well Known GateFan
lol I actually did watch the cartoon series religiously. Me and my roomie would wake up early sat. mornings and catch most of the cartoon shows in the morning while eating cereal. It was pretty fun and interesting back then. We sorta stopped cause the cartoons have become pretty meh.


Earl Grey
@ gatefan
Season 1
Season 2:
Season 3
Season 4

lol I actually did watch the cartoon series religiously. Me and my roomie would wake up early sat. mornings and catch most of the cartoon shows in the morning while eating cereal. It was pretty fun and interesting back then. We sorta stopped cause the cartoons have become pretty meh.

I agree, even though I have gotten older, the animated series is still pretty fun to watch even today, unlike the new cartoons I see.
The great thing about MIB animated series was that it was very close in terms of how the story was told in the movies as well as the comedy element in it.


Well Known GateFan
I agree, even though I have gotten older, the animated series is still pretty fun to watch even today, unlike the new cartoons I see.
The great thing about MIB animated series was that it was very close in terms of how the story was told in the movies as well as the comedy element in it.

I've gotta agree. Been watching reruns of Batman: The Animated Series (1992/1993) and I'm still impressed by the quality of it after all these years. Even the sound track is pretty slammin'. The quality of the production stands in stark contrast to the mediocre cartoons of today.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I've gotta agree. Been watching reruns of Batman: The Animated Series (1992/1993) and I'm still impressed by the quality of it after all these years. Even the sound track is pretty slammin'. The quality of the production stands in stark contrast to the mediocre cartoons of today.

I don't like the Japanimation (let's call it what it is and screw this "Anime" bullshit) style of animation of the modern superhero cartoons. I just watched "Planet Hulk" and, although I loved the story, too much Japanimation bullshit. Characters flying through the air with that stupid high-speed background, frowns that shake, like anyone's face shakes when they frown in real life, that idiotic mouth-to-the-side expression when they're in awe, and so on.


Well Known GateFan
@ gatefan
Season 1
Season 2:
Season 3
Season 4

I agree, even though I have gotten older, the animated series is still pretty fun to watch even today, unlike the new cartoons I see.
The great thing about MIB animated series was that it was very close in terms of how the story was told in the movies as well as the comedy element in it.
What else did you used to watch? Do you like DC animated-verse? They're fantastic.


Earl Grey
I've gotta agree. Been watching reruns of Batman: The Animated Series (1992/1993) and I'm still impressed by the quality of it after all these years. Even the sound track is pretty slammin'. The quality of the production stands in stark contrast to the mediocre cartoons of today.
Yeah, a lot of the 90s cartoons did target higher in the age demographic even though they were cartoons.
--- merged: May 8, 2013 at 7:37 PM ---
I don't like the Japanimation (let's call it what it is and screw this "Anime" bullshit) style of animation of the modern superhero cartoons. I just watched "Planet Hulk" and, although I loved the story, too much Japanimation bullshit. Characters flying through the air with that stupid high-speed background, frowns that shake, like anyone's face shakes when they frown in real life, that idiotic mouth-to-the-side expression when they're in awe, and so on.

Haha! Not all anime is like that :P. There are some pretty cool anime that do come from japan. No doubt that there are pretty messed up animes that comes from japan but you avoid those all together.They are fun for comedy and science fiction though.
--- merged: May 8, 2013 at 7:37 PM ---
What else did you used to watch? Do you like DC animated-verse? They're fantastic.

Yup,used to watch those includingg x-men,batman,spiderman,Aladdin, you name it ;)Johnny bravo even :P. Yes I know it was silly but it was still fun to watch.


Well Known GateFan
If you liked Batman: The Animated Series, try Justice League and Justice League Unlimited, or if you want arc story-telling, Young Justice.

What animes have you watched?


Earl Grey
If you liked Batman: The Animated Series, try Justice League and Justice League Unlimited, or if you want arc story-telling, Young Justice.

What animes have you watched?

Sure, I'll give those ago but here are some of the anime I have watched.

Great teacher onizuka Including the prequel
DBZ/DB/DBGT - This series could have been summed up in about 50 episodes not 300 and 8 movies :rolleyes:
Ghost in the Shell
Currently watching Full metal panic
So many I can't remember to the top of my head.